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餐廳名稱的法文意思為「您的人生」,日文則指「旅程」,提供法日混合烹煮的菜式。由天空龍吟日本料理創辦總廚山本征治先生徒弟佐藤秀明主理,希望透過食物帶客人進行一次味覺之旅,餐牌每一至兩個月更換一次。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2017-22), 米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2016), 亞洲50最佳餐廳 (2017-2019,2021), 米芝蓮三星餐廳 (2023-24)
18:30 - 22:00
18:30 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (49)
等級4 2024-11-18
1668 瀏覽
5/5三星嘅定義? 首先我覺得應該是全餐飯的東西都好吃。沒有一道是我不知道主廚是為創作而做出不解的味道和配搭。或是有過多的工序,但味道上沒有任何幫助。這裏的擺盤都行低調簡約路線,專注於食材本身,味道配搭和口感上。海膽意粉,西班牙飯蟹肉脆盒,大愛!甜品一的清新脫俗,草莓配上椰子,俐落而優雅。最後送上的斑斕奶凍和檸檬葉朱古力慕絲,味道出奇的配搭! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
To celebrate yet another closing (a particularly stressful cross-border one this time), have decided to extend the 3 stars culinary journey with Ta Vie, finally back in business after a 2-month hiatus. Same ambiance but chairs seemed different. Dinner.Here’s what we had.3 types of sour dough made with wheat flour and dark rye flour from Hokkaido. Especially loved the tangy cultured butter (made from fermented cream), freshly made daily.Kobashira (adductor muscle of the Aoyagi surf clam) beautifully plated with crisp cucumber slices, avocado sauce, and a refreshing green apple purée- showcasing the delicate sweetness of the clam.House-made Tagliatelle with umami-rich aonori (aromatic seaweed) sauce topped with Hokkaido uni. We were instructed to gently mix all before tasting. The pasta was perfectly al dente, the sauce pairing beautifully with the creamy uni, making each bite a celebration of oceanic flavors.Tender Japanese Octopus lightly cooked in herbal oil, tossed with black oil tapenade (spread made with puréed olives) and intense jalapeño, served with onions on a refreshing tomato terrine.Octopus ragu and sweet corn on taco.Green Lentils Soup with roasted blue lobster and tortellini stuffed with lobster cream, celery foam and chard added layers of flavor and texture.Roasted Veal from Limousin, accompanied by earthy girolle mushrooms, garlic, zucchini and potato stuffed with beef ragout, finished with a veal juice infused with herbal brown butter. The veal was unfortunately not as tender as expected; quite chewy. Made me think of the Aveyron baby lamb I had as main course last time I was here, equally underwhelming. Orange tea as palette cleanser. Lemon Cream, Shortbread, Kyoho Grape halves, lavender infused blueberry ice cream and blueberry chip- beautiful balance of texture and flavors. Crispy éclair topped with pumpkin cream, pistachio ice cream with espresso caramel sauce.Panna cotta with coconut.In summary: unique dining experience showcasing chef’s passion, artistry and innovative technique. However, we did expect more given the ⭐️⭐️⭐️ accolade and the hefty price tag of ard $3000 per head. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-25
3472 瀏覽
Mother‘s Day 精選Ta Vie 旅 米芝連⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - (Ta Vie 旅 = 你的人生旅程)好有意義 (eng version below)————————————————————————💕新穎獨特法國日本菜 !💕🌹🌹🌹🌹總共$ 9000人均約$ 3000 (未加一)推介3.8/5 💕💕💕💕(新鮮,有驚喜)‼️注意‼️預訂前要先付一半訂金!————————————————————————餐廳既菜式按時令食材制作,所以只有set Menu, 無單點食品!🌄🤘🏻🟡✔️🟡(服務周到!廚師會為你介紹每道菜式,最緊要係臨走既時候,有傳統日本式既躹躬道謝,目送你離開!即刻sweet哂既感覺,覺得呢餐好抵比!)🔺推薦菜品🍴1. 牛油、酸種面包 (餐前面包🥯)牛油係新鮮自製,無添加~ 有3款包,而我最鍾意既係牛油配酸種面包,軟糯加奶香😆 真心食包都食飽左個人了。2. Squid pepper (好有趣既combination, 酸味味既醬汁+墨魚+🫑 竟然係咁fresh咁開胃🤤)3.Home-made pasta (飄香既櫻花蝦意粉🍝,啖啖蝦香配El Dante既意粉🤤)不過可惜唔係真蝦🙃4. Abalone 同 oyster (少咸)呢兩道我都覺得唔差,如果鮑魚同oyster份量多啲就完美————————————————————————共有8道菜,有4道出色,甜品都好出色!💕米芝連三星ok既,因為好耐無試過有新鮮既感覺🤓,服務絕對係對得住個價錢~而食材就可以更高級就更對得住個價美中不足係 無景,隔涉👎Mother’s Day SpecialTa Vie 旅 Michelin ⭐️⭐️⭐️💕 Innovative and Unique French-Japanese Cuisine! 💕————————————————————The restaurant offers dishes made from seasonal ingredients, so there is only a set menu, no à la carte! 🌄🤘🏻🟡✔️🟡 (Excellent service! The chef introduces each dish personally, and the traditional Japanese bow upon departure makes you feel truly appreciated – it really feels worth the visit!) Recommended Dishes 🍴1. Butter & Sourdough Bread (Appetizer bread 🥯)The butter is freshly homemade without additives. There are three types of bread; my favorite is the butter with sourdough – so soft and milky 😆 It‘s hearty enough to fill you up just with bread.2. Squid Pepper (An interesting combination of tangy sauce + squid + 🫑, surprisingly fresh and appetizing 🤤)3. Home-made Pasta 🍝, each bite filled with the aroma of shrimp, paired with al dente pasta 🤤)4. Abalone and Oyster Both dishes are good, though more abalone would have been perfect.————————————————————————The meal consists of 8 courses, and the desserts are impressive! 💕🤤#Fushion #eataroundtheworld# #香港美食 #香港 #hkfood #中環美食 #中環 #美食 #香港好去處 #打卡 #hkfoodie #foodie #gf #文青 #hkeat #hkig #hkgirl #中菜 #chinesfood #生日飯 #男朋友 #女朋友 #聚會 #香港打卡 #abalone #followforfollowback #likesforlike #daily #旅遊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-19
4054 瀏覽
@ta_vie_hk As a michelin⭐️⭐️⭐️restaurant, we had high expectations for sure. Gladly, their food quality was still up to par but I must say I expected more because of its fame. Overall their food did not awe me and desserts were my least favourite. However, the chef was very friendly and even walked us out. 🥂Hotaru SquidThe padrón pepper and tabouli salad were pretty strong in flavour and slightly too overpowering. But the squid itself had no fishy taste.🥂Japanese Hokki ClamTopped with 36 months aged Parma ham, the clam itself was really fresh and sweet. The consommé beneath was very flavourful too that I ended up drinking from the shell. 🥂House-made Pasta with deep-fried Sakura ShrimpLiked how the sakura shrimp has added an extra crunch to the texture.🥂Ezo AbaloneThe broth was again very flavourful and the abalone was really tender after being slow-cooked. 🥂Japanese OysterThe oyster itself was tasty and the butter sauce was not bad but the Oscietra caviar didn’t add much to the flavour.🥂Pan-seared Brittany Blue LobsterWith Japanese whelk, burdock and white asparagus together in one dish, the blue lobster and whelk were really fresh with its own flavour stood out. Also loved the pair with the seasonal white asparagus here.🥂Birthday dessert Thanks for their birthday dessert. It’s nice of them that they did this for free but it’s just too sweet in general and my friend didn’t like their choice of the plate.🥂Japanese White Strawberry with Pistachio CreamThe pistachio flavour was not very strong and I’m not a big fan of white meringue.🥂Chocolate Crêpe Soufflé with Black Cherry Jam and Tonka Beans Flavoured Ice CreamNothing very unique here. They also provide tea and little snacks at the end.Also tried three different types of their sourdough and they were all delicious. Overall our experience here was not bad and we liked the spacious setting. It still worth a visit. .💰8-course Dinner Menu: $2980/person.Overall rating: 8/10jsv_foodie 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-14
3853 瀏覽
如何評價一間米芝蓮三星餐廳?中環“Ta Vie” (旅,法文則解作your life),表面上是French,其實用上不少日本食材,包括生蠔、鮑魚和蛤蜊等,盛惠2980+10% 1位,另加酒水,埋單兩位超過七千😱。要評價餐廳是否值三星,一方面可以看最signature菜式是否驚為天人。例如Amber嘅Aka Uni,唐閣嘅焗蟹蓋,Caprice嘅和牛他他魚子醬等等,都係美食嘅天花板。Ta Vie卻走另一路線。所有dish都有星級水準,但沒有一個dish是三星水平(petit four和黑咖啡的pairing可算是),不過有一樣嘢係最強 - 香味 - 所有dish都香到不得了。果然是日本人嘅手段!Dish方面不逐個介紹了。大約是,蛤蜊Parma ham,羊肚菌鮑魚雞,魚子醬長崎生蠔,燒半熟乳鴿,都係非常厲害嘅世界級菜式。而櫻花蝦意粉一食就欲罷不能。至於petit four更是驚喜萬分。當然,呢餐都有少少缺陷,來自新疆嘅白酒,質素實在麻麻,襯不上星級。最後要提提服務,是理所當然嘅好,事前溝通足夠(包括我要求換走一道菜😂),chef佐藤秀明會親自上菜,和跟本人合照,都係理想服務嘅表現 (可能deposit都要二千有點嚇人) 。這個生日,不枉了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)