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五星級酒店內的精緻法式酒館,由專業侍酒師主理,供應超過1,600種香檳、葡萄酒、清酒,以及過百款杯賣葡萄酒和清酒選擇,愛酒人士必去。菜式方面都以優質時令食材入饌,擺盤亦非常精緻。 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 10:00
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
07:00 - 10:00
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
07:00 - 10:00
11:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
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食評 (111)
等級2 2024-05-06
378 瀏覽
Signature Sunday brunch; 12點入場,價錢吾平,配任飲最cheap既酒和果汁$788+10,一年前來過麵包任食-同所有貴啲西餐廳一樣,今次去話冇,每人限食一份,有限量🙁,又話好多野食你食吾曬,事實呢?睇曬D相都知,兩個女人食只剛剛好,如果有男士一定唔飽,主菜兩個份龍蝦,果份量又小,仲要每人加$188😣,如果想飽,記得飲多啲果汁、酒去塞飽自己!食物質素只可以講一般酒店質素,除咗麵包冇乜特別好食😔,龍蝦係可以但食得出雪藏龍蝦尾,不過算啦,環境尚好!最剎風景係2:15pm催你埋單走,話要收枱,出面冇人等,係有其他人來飲野,但係洗吾洗咁做!成1千一位吾係平!真係吾怪得D人北上消費,一年前來吾趕你走麵包任飲食主菜又大碟D,所以先再來,食左今次以後吾來,除非減價,否則呢個價吾值! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-09
1257 瀏覽
Aka Uni French Toast份量其實真係好少,系一口大小,但海膽非常鮮甜。Foie Gras Creme Brulée with Seabuckthorn. Kinome & Brioche 呢道菜印象非常深刻,香氣四溢,味道濃厚而不膩,可以話會為左佢再去食。Boston Lobster Confit with Pointed Cabbage. Lemon Roasted Apricot. Yellow Wine & Brown Butter Sauce 好味但未到驚艷。不俗。Grilled Octopus with Fermented Bell Pepper & Sichuan Pepper Romanesco. Caramelized White Onion & Watermelon 好難煮得好又容易燶既烤八爪魚,但餐廳處理得非常好,味道好而且口感彈牙。BBQ Quail with Green Pea. Bulgur. Watercress. Sansho Pepper. Amalfi Lemon and Ricotta Cheese 都係第一次食鵪鶉,感覺有d似乳鴿。味道有d臊,可能唔係個個食得慣。但肉質非常鮮嫩多汁,好味。Matcha Tiramisu with Sake 酒香恰到好處,唔中意酒味既人都可以食。推!餐廳由於地理位置處於全室內,感覺有d侷促。而且人均約$1,200-$1,500 價位黎講,都真係坐得幾逼(伸手必然會掂到隔離檯既人)。此為美中不足。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-01-05
1485 瀏覽
Somm, the epitome of fine dining indulgence. The dimly lit space, adorned with tasteful decor, immediately sets the tone for a truly memorable dining experience.The menu at Somm showcases the culinary prowess of the talented chefs who craft artful plates that are not only visually stunning but also bursting with flavors that dance on your palate.Pairing your meal with the sommelier’s expertly curated wine selection is a must at Somm. The extensive wine list features a range of meticulously chosen vintages that beautifully complement the flavors of the dishes, enhancing the overall dining experience.👍🏻The standout dish I like is the Dry Aged Challans Duck Breast served with Butternut Squash, Pumpkin Seed Praline, and Duck Jus. The duck breast was cooked to perfection, with a crispy skin and tender, juicy meat. The accompaniments added a delightful balance of flavors and textures, elevating the dish to a whole new level.👍🏻👎🏻 Tho the rich uni and the crispy yet fluffy French toast was a match made in heaven, the uni was not served in a generous portion for the price.Indulge yourself at Somm, and prepare to be captivated by the artistry and elegance that awaits you.⭐️Aka Uni French Toast (20g Uni) - Supplement $288⭐️ Dry Aged Challans Duck Breast, Butternut Squash. Pumpkin Seed Praline & Duck Jus⭐️ Hokkaido Seared Scallops⭐️ Japanese Pork Belly. BBQ Sauce & Hakata Cabbage⭐️Abinao Chocolate Soufflé with Cacao Sorbet ⭐️Birthday Cake 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-01-01
1083 瀏覽
Somm has a free flow supper after 9pm every day so I had it with my friend on Friday.The food was also really good. I tried a bit of the leek which had a vegetable sweetness to it. The crispy duck leg was rich and the beans at bottom balanced the strong flavors of the duck leg. The toothfish was succulent and I was surprised with how the muscat grapes matched with the toothfish really well. The truffle flavors were just right without overpowering the chicken.Dessert is already a highlight. Their chocolate souffle is stunning as always but since I tried it I went for the chestnut tart. The aroma of the chestnut was bursting with each bite and the sweetness of the pear matched it well. However, I felt the currant sorbet did not match the chestnut tart too much.  繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-11-24
1331 瀏覽
讚1. 服務態度很好,熱情招待我和朋友們,因為第一次去餐廳都沒太多想法,但聽了建議後就很快下到決定。留意的地方,因桌子的距離比較近,容易被隔離桌大聲說話的人所影響,但我和朋友太開心了,都不好意思,怕影響到別人。每一道菜也感受到製作的精良,沒有多餘的調味,很用心,但我們幾個女仔😂不夠飽….味道好 環境優 但量不夠,我們的食量太驚人了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)