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食評 (120)
等級4 2024-04-21
159 瀏覽
Each weekend they have unlimited pizza for brunch and you can add free-flow drinks as well. Since I wanted to eat lots of pizza, I opted for water only. In the end my friend and I got to try all 8 flavors and we each had 1.5 pizzas. (that's about 9-10 slices of pizza per person)The starts were quite attractive but don't eat all the fries if you want to try more pizza.Out of the 8 flavors, 6 are "red based" and 2 are "white based". The 2 white based you can choose to have it as separate slices but my friend and I decided just to simple order 1 whole one.  I really liked this new Carbonara. In the past, I felt the runny egg yolk kind of made the pizza a bit soggy but somehow they were able to find a mid-ground so the yolk isn't all runny without totally overcooking the egg. 4 cheese with the honey was also a great choice. I would recommend the red based pizzas especially for your second since it is more appetizing.I ate 1 slice before taking the photoDesserts came and the titramisu was slightly a bit too sweet but all other desserts were great otherwise, esp. the smooth panna cotta. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-01-12
494 瀏覽
連續幾日都起金鐘灣仔,前兩日食咗法國菜、日本菜,是日Happy Friday原定食台灣菜🤭但最終食咗意大利菜🤣好感恩兩位同事,自願跟隨小妹爬樓梯、行斜坡,發掘未食過既新餐廳🥰是日嚟到灣仔日、月、星街,小妹成日都想嚟探索吓,終於有機會啦!其實早前行過pizza店,就決定開心星期五食下薄餅🍕啦☺️,今日揀中《The Pizza Project 》🫶🏻餐廳為於星街地鋪,店外幾有特色,店內風格都好靚,但太多人無影相,今次被安排坐戶外座位,好彩天氣清涼,坐得好舒服❣️呢度lunch都係有午市套餐$138/pp起,每份套餐包開胃小食+薄餅+甜品,相比呢幾日的午膳,《The Pizza Project 》係最為抵食👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻開胃小食𝔸𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠 🧀▫️BURRATA 布袋芝士一個大波水牛芝士配上青瓜片、羅勒、松子仁、橄欖油,超級好食😋好彩係三個人分享一齊食咋,否則一個人食都好鬼飽😂😂▪️MOZZARELLA CROQUETTES (炸薯仔芝士波)較為普通嘅小食,不過都有牽絲😼沾醬係marinara dip(佢是一種番茄醬,通常由番茄、大蒜、香草和洋蔥製成。)薄餅 ℙ𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕒🍕大件夾抵食▫️ MARGHERITA 瑪格麗特薄餅最傳統最普通亦都係最好食😋,呢款是意大利的一種薄餅,也是拿坡里薄餅的代表。「綠色的羅勒、白色的莫薩里拉芝士、紅色的茄汁好比🇮🇹意大利國旗」。▪️ PROSCIUTTO E FUNGHI(意大利煙熏火腿蘑菇薄餅)味道都可以,薄餅上好多蘑菇粒,第一眼仲以為係黑橄欖😂😂但因為份量太多導致有點滯🤣▫️ CATALANA 西班牙辣肉腸薄餅係厚切辣肉腸,平時Pizza Hut 果啲係佢嘅3分之1咋🤣🤣可惜味道太鹹,啲辣肉腸似臘腸😅,成塊薄餅最好食係薄餅邊🤭甜品 𝔻𝕠𝕝𝕔𝕚 ▪️Pici Tiramisu 提拉米蘇三人一致選擇Tiramisu ,個甜品好好食,就算已經比Pizza搞到飽到嘔,仍然覺得呢杯野好好味!手指餅底好香咖啡味,亦都好濃郁及creamy 🩷🩷🩷果然冇揀錯👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻除咗呢款甜品外,仲可以揀白朱古力慕絲或Espresso,睇自己心水❣️整體來講,呢度可以再encore😚😚下次可以帶埋閨蜜好友、屋企人、愛人一齊嚟呢度食美食,日、月、星街除咗呢間The Pizza project之外,仲有好多間好有特色嘅餐廳,食到飽行到山腳,仲有一間外國風嘅超級市場添🫶🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-07
165 瀏覽
Pizza ProjectWalked past this Pirata Group’s shop a couple of times after yoga class nearby and have been meaning to try but for my limited dietary intake. I was particularly hungry that day after class so I decided to give it a try. Loved the quaint shop front and cozy interior. Ordered the most popular pizza on the menu - Carbonara, which comprised of pancetta, quail eggs, tomato sauce and fior di latte. The dough was slightly thicker than I would like it to be and nowhere near that of Fiata’s. It even became all soggy and wet towards the end. But I loved the flavours, particularly the quail egg yolks that came oozing out and helped balanced off the saltiness of the pancetta. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-27
192 瀏覽
一直聽朋友說這裡的Pizza 很好吃,行完山後的星期日下午約五點半來到,不用等位,可直接入去,我們兩個人點了一個前菜Tuna Carpaccio,另外,點了一個辣肉腸薄餅,一杯lemonade,同一枝啤酒。前菜吞拿魚好開胃,pizza 個餅底做得幾好,口感帶點煙韌,加上辣辣地的辣肉腸,十分惹味,杯lemonade都很開胃。最後點了一個tiramisu,不過很一般,沒有咖啡酒味。餐廳環境不錯,加上夜晚帶點昏暗的環境,很適合收工過黎食pizza 飲杯啤酒chill 下🍷🍻🍺🍻🍺 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-18
223 瀏覽
Project Salad食材新鮮 淋上蜂蜜黃芥末醬 酸酸甜甜的口感 非常清爽開胃可口🥰Ham&Melon蜜瓜和火腿就是絕配,18個月的Parma Ham的鹹鮮味和清甜蜜瓜👍🏻,還有火腿的綿滑和蜜瓜的脆爽,中和在一起帶出了平衡感🤩Nduja 意大利辣肉腸薄餅🍕大片大片的辣肉腸鋪滿整個薄餅🍕保證每塊都有肉😆 微微辣味更添滋味💗Parma巴馬火腿芝士薄餅厚厚的芝士、生巴馬火腿、芝麻葉搭配在一起就很完美,火腿滑嫩鹹香的口感搭配芝麻葉的微苦反而可以很好的帶出火腿的獨特韻味🌟Ode To Pistachio限定推廣開心果味薄餅是本次驚喜❤️打破對傳統pizza的印象 不錯的創新 第一口簡直驚艷 絲滑綿密的口感 開心果的堅果香氣和奶酪的奶香味太👍🏻了 細節上挺特別致 周邊還點綴著可愛的火腿小花花💗現烤的薄餅 熱熱乎乎 香氣四溢 薄餅底厚薄適中 有韌勁 外層焦焦脆脆的 性價比高💰 推薦一試👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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