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食評 (329)
这两年意菜小馆百花齐放,但Pici还是我会反复光顾的意面食堂。Lunch set和a la carte的菜式不完全一样,每家分店的菜式也不完全一样,还会推出每月限定菜式。·星街这家店是闹中取静的两层小楼,今年夏天和秋天各来吃过一次晚餐,整体对它还是有好感的,虽然两次的菜品和服务质素不太稳定。·【Burrata】“奶包子”已经切开,内馅凝乳混合着橄榄油黑胡椒,柔顺而欢快地流淌出来。奶香浓郁又新鲜,只要食材过硬,burrata salad就真的是less is more~·【慢煮牛面頰寛帶麵】经典的beef ragu pappardelle这里也是教科书级别出品。牛脸颊肉大缕大缕,炖得柔软入味,与劲道的宽面难舍难分地裹在一起,纷纷扬扬的奶酪碎屑让本就浓稠的质地更加rich。·【海鮮濃汁蕃紅花意式小麵糰】胶囊形状的pasta小巧有趣,吞拿鱼/蛤蜊/鱿鱼/虾/橄榄食材也很丰盛。有这么多海鲜衬托,调味毫不费力就可以很鲜美,但酱汁质地略稀,盘底的汤汤水水不知是否本来就这样。·【松露蘆荀馬鈴薯丸子】芦笋和松露向来是pasta的好搭档,喜欢gnocchi因为混合了土豆而展现出来的独一份弹糯。整体很鲜,不过浓厚型的白酱吃多了容易腻,这道季节限定适合share。·【帶子海膽醬寬帶麵】海胆酱炒得不错,质地creamy又不腻,但意面入味差了点。一大颗北海道带子稳稳落在中间,口感弹嫩的小粒带子穿插在面条中,有大珠小珠落玉盘之感。·【香橙羅勒意式奶凍】【秋栗提拉米蘇】Pici的甜点四舍五入只有panna cotta和tiramisu,但根据不同季节做出了一系列口味就还蛮妙的,份量相当扎实,两个人一份足够了。·奶冻的质地嫩滑中带一点弹,搭配明亮酸甜的柑橘醬,罗勒香气再突出些就更好了。栗子提拉米苏是顶部满满栗子碎和栗子味marscapone的双重奏,创意不错但甜到忧伤。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-06
2198 瀏覽
Revisiting because of their seasonal October menu was definitely worth it! We again tried their tasting menu by choosing meatballs and truffle beef tartare as appetisers, gnocchi truffle & asparagus, orchiette nduja and lasagna as main. Meatballs were as expectedly perfect. Grated Parmesan was topped gave a hint of savoury and cheesiness. Meatball was soft and meaty. Soft and juicy. Marinara was well dressed that each bite was tangy from the fresh tomatoes. A delicate dish. Truffle beef tartare was neat. Truffle slices was exquisite surrounding the egg yolk. Love the cracking black pepper for a peppery flavour. After well mixing, each bite of tartare was creamy with a light truffle taste. Chewy and light. I was concerned about the piping creamy sauce overpowering or making the dish heavy, but not at all. Love it. Gnocchi was one of my favourite pasta dish and it wasn't a dish that is easily be found in Hong Kong. Gnocchi itself was silky and chewy. A hint of potato flavour. Definitely what a gnocchi should taste like. Absolutely delicious. The Parmesan crisps gave a crispy texture and absolutely liking this garnish idea. Truffle cream sauce paired with the green asparagus balanced well that whole dish was very hearty. Lasagna was served in burning hot deep dish. Staff was sweet to remind customer not to touch while spooning it. Crispy cheesy top layer with the meaty marinara, pasta was cooked perfectly absorbing all the juiciness. It was an indulgence. It was unstoppable until finishing the whole. Orchiette nduja was our must order pasta dish every time. Apart from liking their spiciness, we love their well cooked al dante orchiette. The sausage meat was peppery that gave a whole dish an extra spice. The topped arugula was also peppery while gave a fresh bite. It could never be disappointing. For dessert, we were planning to order one chestnut tiramisu and a double shot espresso. We were pretty full so we decided to share the dessert. Staff was so sweet to offer two smaller portion of chestnut tiramisu so that both could have our own. Chestnut tiramisu was definitely a surprise. Absolutely in love with the chestnut mascarpone cream layer with chestnut nibs. The ladyfinger was soaked with the espresso that gave an extra coffee and nutty flavour. What a perfect ending. A dessert definitely worth to come back for. This review is actually highlighting the staff serving us tonight. He recognised us and greet us with his brightest smile. No matter how busy the whole restaurant was, he would spend time to understand our opinion on each dish. He remembered and served extra bread without asking (our usual dining request), wiping our table before serving each dish, changing our plates after each dish. Every move was sweet and welcoming. Really a big thank you to the staff making our experience sweet and warming every time. Will definitely coming back again by the end of October for their fall menu! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Blingbling美食推介✨📍灣仔🍝Pici✨超正手工意粉x世一tiramisu🥰🥰🥰💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠我真係好鍾意食Pici!無論係lunch定dinner都好正~ lunch menu都好多選擇~ 每位$158up🧡有starter, pasta & dessert💕drinks另外加錢☕另外會送sourdough~ 不過留意返lunchtime通常都爆~ 如果平日lunch,建議book定位or早d去攞位啦✨今日大概12:45去到,都要等15-20分鐘先入座~ 💠Vitello Tonnato 吞拿魚醬燒牛肉吞拿魚醬有d甜甜地,配搭少少咸既燒牛肉味道好夾!而且吞拿魚醬令燒牛肉好滑,好好味🧡💠Tagilatelle Smoked Salmon 煙三文魚忌廉汁扁意粉Pici手工意粉真係無得輸!真係做到al dente☺️再加埋cream sauce令意粉好滑🥹💠Pappardelle Amatriciana 豬面頰肉番茄寬帶麵寬帶麵好特別!意粉吸收曬番茄汁,配搭好tender既豬面頰肉好好味🧡💠TiramisuPici既tiramisu世一🥰🥰🥰真係食極唔厭🥹🥹有得跟餐一定要叫!如果唔係單點係$60一份架!Pici Tiramisu mascapone cheese同吸收左咖啡液既手指餅好夾,甜度剛剛好💕💕mascapone cheese超級滑,真係超正🥹肥都唔理啦!!餐廳環境:💎💎💎💎💎/5服務質素:🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸/5食物味道:😋😋😋😋😋/5 性價比:💰💰💰💰💰/5Pici📍進教圍16號地舖#blingbling推介 #blingbling美食 #blingbling灣仔 #灣仔美食 #灣仔甜品 #手工意粉 #灣仔pici #pici #picihk 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-12-07
488 瀏覽
Pici曾经是我最常光顾的pasta shop,但最近几次吃都很失望。首先餐前面包是完全凉的,这个自从Covid他们改成纸袋装面包就不好吃了,已经习惯。这次尝试的龙虾意面真的太难吃了,基本没有龙虾,酱就是普通番茄酱,略酸。比起其他意大利餐厅的龙虾意面水准真的差太多。另外点了圣诞新菜单的番茄肉酱芝士千层面,味道不错但已无心拍照。真心希望Pici能够提升食物质素,变回原来那个可以想吃好意面可以随时walk in舒服吃一餐的neighborhood restaurant。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-12-04
577 瀏覽
收咗工去咗銅鑼灣食飯,weekend chill chill佢~ 揀咗呢間專食手工意粉嘅意大利餐廳,相信大家都有食過~呢間餐廳唔同地區都有分店,今次就揀咗新開張嘅銅鑼灣店😌每次去都座無虛席,出邊仲有唔少人排隊添,加永遠都唔會令我失望 🫶🏻🫶🏻.Starters🍈🥓Chef’s selection cold cut parma ham 有咸香味,配落香甜蜜瓜同burrata cheese , perfect match😍.🐙 🥗 Octopus salad 八爪魚嘅份量一啲都唔少,而且煮得略為較軟腍,但配埋沙律,麻麻地夾😅.🐮 🍝Pappardelle Beef cheek slow cook 8個鐘既牛面頰肉🐮又軟又腍,一絲絲🤤彈牙,新鮮手工意粉同乾意粉嘅分別係新鮮意粉彈性中帶點煙韌,係煮既過程中釋出澱粉會令醬汁更濃,掛汁力更高👍🏻.🌶🍝Orecchiette Nduja貓耳朵凹下去位置能「兜住」醬汁,口感煙靭,帶少少辣味,忍唔住食完一啖有一啖😋.🎃🥟 Double Ravioli Pumpkin & Ricotta Ravioli餡料係南瓜同Ricotta cheese 🧀 雲吞皮軟滑嘅口感,加上南瓜甘甜同芝士軟餡,好多層次感😝.🍮Tiramisu一如既往嘅口感細滑,啡味重濃滑,輕盈唔油膩😍.🍮Panna cotta 紅莓醬酸酸may may好開胃,為成餐飯畫上一個完美句號 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)