餐廳: Giando Italian Restaurant & Bar


港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
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食評 (48)
等級4 2024-04-28
384 瀏覽
今日試吓一家位於灣仔的意大利餐廳,週末只有brunch供應,$488 一位。Vittello tonnato Slow cooked veal loin, tuna and caper sauce這個慢煮小牛肉味道不錯,既有肉香,口感相當軟滑又唔肥膩,感覺輕盈。Prosciutto di devodier Devodier parma ham這parma ham 沒有太乾,切得夠薄,口感比較油潤軟身,略帶鹹香,若有蜜瓜,可更理想。Carpaccio di ricciolaAmberjack carpaccio , lemon & capers這鰤魚十分新鮮,魚肉柔嫩又有光澤,加上檸檬汁,是清新鮮美的意大利風味。Polipo e patate Marinated octopus & potato salad油漬八爪魚口感帶一些韌道,味道平平;但薯仔沙律中的紅黃蕃茄卻出奇的清甜可口,是充滿南意風味特色。Minestrone Classico Minestrone soup這什菜湯有十多種蔬菜,蔬菜粒份量不少,是純天然的蔬菜原風味,健康口味。Insalata cesare Cesar salad, black garlic sauce. 沙律菜十分新鮮,口感清爽脆口,加上輕盈的黑蒜沙律汁和芝士粉,芝味十足,味道唔會太單調。Braciola di mariale +48Grilled herb crushed pork chop, cabbage豬扒是厚切的,是豬柳部分,啖啖肉,沒有肥膏,肉質柔軟纖細,帶香草風味,不錯。Bistecca di manzo +68Grilled Wagyu beef rump, rocket and tomato salad. 和牛賣相不錯,烤至半熟,肉味濃,可惜唔係肥美的那種,而且帶少少筋,真係有少少韌。然而火箭菜和蕃茄都幾新鮮, refreshing. Desserts 估唔到一共有五款甜品!tiramisu 真可口!是沉隱的朱古力風味,又有少少酒香,creamy 又濕潤,又唔太甜,好吃!sorbet 是典型雪芭風味,酸酸的,入口冰涼。菠蘿正!超甜又多汁!泡芙creamy 軟滑,充滿空氣感。 crème brûlée 表面焦脆甜美,加上香滑燉旦,豐盈甜美。這一頓午餐真豐富,晚餐也不用吃了。 繼續閱讀
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作為食家嘅我,好鍾意捐窿捐罅周圍發掘餐廳👩🏻‍🍳經過星街發現一幢住宅隔離有一間隱世意大利🇮🇹Fusion 餐廳🍽️就膽粗粗約咗個客入去試吓裏面環境氣氛好舒服,充滿歐陸式色彩,侍應好有禮貌,擺枱亦跟足歐式規矩 🍽️餐廳裏面有cheese trolley,放咗唔同種類嘅芝士,可惜我對奶類敏感與芝士無緣 🧀 今次叫咗3 Courses Set Lunch。一開始已經有三款麵包on aside🥨🥖🥐意外地+28 已經可以任飲sparkling / distill water (通常酒店或者高級小小嘅西餐廳都起碼收$50以上)第一道菜係PROSCIUTTO DI PARMA E MELONE 🍈 24 Months “Devodier” Parma Ham, Italian melon蜜瓜好爽甜,唯獨風乾火腿比較淡味第二道菜係CAVATELLI ALLO SCOGLIOCavatelli, Fresh Mixed Seafood, Tomato Sauce呢度菜要額外 +38 upgradeCavatelli 質地煙靭,細細粒易食,個蕃茄醬汁唔夠濃厚,配合海鮮一齊煮有啲腥,唯有自己加pepper,呢度有啲失色食完之後侍應會主動過嚟幫你清潔枱面,9成跟足傳統歐式餐飲程序甜品TIRAMISU 亦都要額外+38 upgrade 意外冇乜芝士味,而且質感好滑,咖啡粉好足夠味道好濃郁,呢個真係好值得試👍有驚喜人均$500 以內,食物質素、裝修及環境氣氛,大體唔失禮好適合交際應酬、商務午餐🥣情侶浪漫吓都好ok靜靜地,摸吓手仔,摸吓酒杯仔,荷包又唔赤,不亦樂乎大家去食之前可以去佢哋嘅網站望吓個Menu,同了解吓佢哋嘅背景返去睇完個介紹先知道原來呢間餐廳好勁除咗拎咗2023 年 Gambero Rosso 的「Tre Bicchieri」三杯獎;仲係50 家頂級意大利餐廳評選為“2023 年全球 50 家最佳意大利餐廳”在全球 50 家餐廳中排名第 22 名。👏🏻呢個價錢,呢個名氣質素真係冇得輸 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-07-29
2751 瀏覽
Went for a Friday night dinner with my friends and it was a satisfying meal.Starting with the Scallops and Red Shrimps Carpaccio, it is such a delicious and refreshing starter option.The use of scallops and red shrimps provided a sweet and delicate flavor to the dish. The addition of Mediterranean flavours, such as olive oil, lemon, and herbs added a bright and fresh flavor to the dish, making it a perfect starter to whet your appetite.The Blu Fin Tuna Tartare with Burrata was my favourite. The creamy burrata added a smooth and creamy texture. The use of tuna added a rich and meaty flavor to the dish, and overall it was a well-balanced and flavorful starter.Moving on to the Potato Gnocchi with Black Truffle, it was a decadent and flavorful combination of ingredients. The use of black truffle adds a luxurious touch to the dish, and the cheese fondue and ham provided a rich, salty flavor that complemented the delicate potato gnocchi and fava beans.The Tenderloin was also a well-balanced and satisfying main course. The use of Hollandaise sauce added a rich and buttery flavor to the dish, while the grilled beef tenderloin provided a tender and juicy texture.Finally, the Tiramisu dessert is a classic Italian dessert that is always a crowd-pleaser. It was smooth and velvety, such a delicious and satisfying way to end our meal.It was a wonderful dining experience overall and their starters were the standout dishes of the night. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-10-29
5460 瀏覽
I didn't have a good start of the meal as my pre dinner Aperol Spritz tasted like sugar waterWe had seafood carpaccio, cold cut, beef tartare, veal milanese and carapina gelato with condimentsThe gelato was malting in the carapina when it was just served....I'd rather get the gelato from VenchiOther dishes were just OK 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2022-10-28
3656 瀏覽
Giando is located at the quiet end of Star Street, and with its glass facade, it overlooks onto a courtyard with lots of trees at the background which is quite serene, perfect for a relaxing lunch on a bright sunny day. We ordered a three course meal priced at $328 per person + 10% service charge. On being seated, one of the staff quickly served us two slices of bread each and poured olive oil in the dish. Oddly enough, nobody else served us any balsamic vinegar which we felt strange as the dish used clearly had two slots for both olive oil and vinegar. We thought maybe this restaurant only served olive oil…. Starter- Prosciutto Di Parma E Melon - the aroma of the 24 months “Devodier” Parma ham was apparent as soon as the plate was served but the two pieces of melon placed on the plate were disappointing- they just looked like unwanted off cuts from somewhere and one of them was slightly bruised 😬. Anyway, the melon was sweet and paired quite well with the umami packed fragrant ham. Whilst waiting for our main course, we noticed that the customers next to our table were served with a selection of three different kinds of bread and beside olive oil, they were served balsamic vinegar!!!! We were indeed taken aback by the apparent lack of awareness and attentiveness of such basic standard of service displayed by the staff team. Anyway, we quickly asked the waiter serving the next table if we could have the vinegar as well and he complied. Main course: Homemade Square Spaghetti, Aglio Olio Style. Clams, tomato, lemon - the square spaghetti was al dente with a bit of bite which was good, but the sauce was not that flavourful and one of the clams had a bit of grit in it. Dessert- Mixed berries sorbet- the sorbet was on the sweet side and it needed more acidity and flavour from the berries to balance out the sweetness.Summary: the dinning experience had been dented by the apparent inconsistent service by the staff team, and though there were some good elements in the dishes, there were certainly rooms for improvement. 繼續閱讀
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