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食評 (457)
等級2 2024-05-17
337 瀏覽
其實之前都試過幫襯一次,記得都係服務好差,成日講人走,已經Blacklist咗. 今次朋友約敘舊晚飯,諗住隔咗幾年俾多次機會啦,點知仍然係食到一肚氣!今日三位晚飯, 6:30到場,全場冇人,咁正常叫嘢食啦,點知去到7:30 ,有個好冇禮貌嘅女侍應走埋嚟話要last order,因為要我哋8:00還枱。我哋好surprise,全場都唔full,有一邊仲係全部吉枱,竟然要我哋盡快嗌嘢食同埋走。咁我哋都再加多份燒乳豬,個女侍應好冇禮貌咁話要我哋盡快食完八點前交枱,態度勁串!而家咁嘅市道,有人幫襯已經好啦,都唔滿座,仲要趕人走係咩玩法?我哋又唔係冇消費,咁我哋咪即刻走過隔籬餐廳再開個支酒再食過囉。跟住過咗隔籬街一間西餐廳,服務勁好(下次再寫食評表揚吓),超Nice,又冇限時!總之呢間餐廳真係唔recommend , 嘢食又唔係特別好食,啲枱又迫,最離譜係啲服務質素仍然係咁差,真係要檢討吓! Anyway, 真係唔會再幫襯! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-22
410 瀏覽
What an incredible evening we had at Rustico, indulging in an authentic Spanish dining experience that transported our taste buds to the Mediterranean and Basque Country! Led by the talented Chef Javier Gomez Barajas, Rustico wowed us with reimagined flavors and culinary masterpieces that left us in awe. 😍🍽️The tasting menu was a true gastronomic journey, starting with the Spanish Serrano Ham accompanied by Caramelized Goat Cheese—a perfect balance of savory and creamy goodness. The “Salmorejo” Strawberry and Basil Shoot brought a burst of freshness to our palates, setting the stage for the culinary adventure that awaited us.The Classic Spanish Winter Pot with “3” Textures Iberico Soup was a revelation. The Red Tuna Tartare, delicately paired with a Japanese Egg Yolk and served on toast, was a delightful fusion of textures and tastes.One of the highlights of the evening was the Paned Scallop accompanied by Slow Cooked Beef Cheek and a Morcilla Croquette. The perfectly cooked scallop melted in our mouths, while the tender beef cheek added a rich and savory dimension to the dish. The Iberico Ham, Radish, and Beetroot Purée added a touch of elegance and vibrancy to the plate.The Charcoal Grilled 7 Days Dry Aged Seasonal Grouper Fish was a showstopper. Cooked to perfection, the fish was incredibly tender and infused with smoky flavors that delighted our senses. And as the evening drew to a close, we were treated to the exquisite Manchego Cheese Mousse with Rosemary Ice-cream and “Rioja” Wine Dressing, accompanied by a tantalizing Chocolate-Orange Bite.Rustico (荔枝角)荔枝角長義街9號D2 PLACE一期地下G01舖 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-04-11
453 瀏覽
有個朋友特別鐘情西班牙菜,去年陸陸續續和她試了不下10間本地西班牙餐廳,其中這一間算是出品很好,性價比很高的選擇,特別是午餐套餐。朋友點的西班牙名菜烤豬腿,我點了煎三文魚扒。先上的麵包和前菜,前菜是燴小八爪魚,香軟入味的誠意之作。前菜-燴小八爪魚🐙香煎三文魚扒,皮煎得香脆夠乾,魚肉的熟度剛好,高質🤌🏻朋友切我嘗的西班牙烤豬腿,皮脆肉香,推薦!雖然差不多每間西班牙餐廳都有這道菜,但我吃過有些餐廳的烤豬腿皮看起來烤得不錯,但根本硬到切不開。甜品有蘋果批🤌🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-13
830 瀏覽
💜 Rustico📍荔枝角D2 Place ONE地下G01號舖------------------------------1️⃣ 特色西班牙炸蛋配油封馬鈴薯、脆炸小魷魚及海蝦 $138推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻海蝦和小魷魚十分新鮮 裹着薄薄的粉 不錯😍炸蛋原來是太陽蛋 弄穿以後拌着馬鈴薯 使馬鈴薯變得更細滑2️⃣ 加泰羅尼亞特色原隻龍蝦燴飯 $588推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻非常推薦😍龍蝦十分新鮮 蝦肉爽口彈牙 每一啖的龍蝦肉都是鮮甜多汁的 燴飯烹調出色🤩醬汁十分濃郁 每一粒飯都裹着濃濃的龍蝦汁 美味😋3️⃣ 麪包布甸 $75推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻第一次嘗試這樣的麪包布甸😆麪包吸滿了牛奶 甜甜的 一切牛奶會被擠出來 口感特別😂焦糖味道很香 惟整體太甜------------------------------用餐環境舒服 坐在窗邊的高腳椅 望向街外 甚有感覺😂餐廳氣氛亦偏放鬆 適合三五知己聚會 服務一般 總評味道:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️ 繼續閱讀
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Nestled in the heart of the city, Rustico welcomes diners to a taste of Spain in a warm and inviting taverna setting. With furnished brick walls and large windows, the atmosphere transports you straight to the lively streets of a Spanish neighborhood.To kick off our Spanish soiree, we began with a vibrant pitcher of Red Sangria, setting the tone for the feast that awaited us.🍤 Tapas Tango: A Dance of FlavorsEmbracing the essence of Spanish dining, we delved into a tapas extravaganza. Each dish, a culinary poem celebrating the rich tapestry of Spanish flavors:- Sautéed Spanish Spicy Chorizo in Sherry Wine Sauce: A flavorful initiation, the chorizo danced in a sherry wine sauce, offering a hint of spiciness that awakened the taste buds.- Traditional Galician Octopus with Mashed Potato, Spanish Paprika, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Straight from Galicia, this dish showcased simplicity at its finest—tender octopus, boiled potatoes, olive oil, and sweet Spanish paprika in harmonious unison.- Confit Prawns in Garlic, Chili, Parsley, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Toast: A fragrant symphony of prawns, garlic, and chili infused into olive oil, creating a tantalizing appetizer. Dipping the toast into this aromatic concoction was an indulgence.- Classic Paella with Mediterranean Seafood: A true Spanish classic, the paella boasted a medley of Mediterranean seafood, each grain of saffron-infused rice telling a tale of Spanish culinary heritage.🌟 The Pinnacle: Traditional Roasted Suckling PigThe crescendo of our meal was reached with the arrival of the Traditional Roasted Suckling Pig with Baked Potatoes and Own Jus. Ordered as half a pig to share, it was a spectacle of perfection—crispy, crunchy skin enveloping tender and juicy meat seasoned with salt and rosemary. Paired with its own jus, it was a harmonious dance of flavors that left an indelible mark.💬 Feelings and Overall Comments: A Culinary Journey Through SpainRustico is more than a restaurant; it's a culinary journey through the diverse landscapes of Spain. From the lively tapas to the show-stopping suckling pig, every dish tells a story of tradition, flavor, and the artistry of Spanish gastronomy. With an ambiance that transports and dishes that delight, Rustico is a must-visit for those seeking an authentic Spanish experience. 繼續閱讀
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