3-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station
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Additional Information
1800-2200 外賣自取9折
Opening Hours
05:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
05:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
05:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
05:00 - 23:00
*lunch: 1100-1500; dinner: 1800-2230; dim sum: 0600-1600/2130-0600
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
幫襯過呢間店好多次好多次,食物都OK好食,但係今次最差嘅係服務!!點咗煲仔飯,等咗一個鐘先送到嚟,中間催咗服務員三次。頭兩次係個冇頭髮嘅大叔,佢次次都話要等40分鐘,即使我講過已經超過45分鐘了。後面轉咗問一個阿姨,佢先喺幫忙睇吓。結果佢話我哋唔出聲,已經早就做好晒啦⋯⋯ 😓我等咗一個鐘,中間嗌咗三次服務員幫手check吓,全部冇反應,仲怪我唔出聲。個煲仔飯上到嚟已經爛晒,冇咗飯焦,飯都唔夠熱了🙄️🙄️🙄️
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今日去咗西環最尾個站堅尼地城, 一間 24小時營業嘅茶居, 去到首先開咗壼香片茶, 跟住洗一洗啲茶杯同筷子碗仔先(小心d滾茶), 因為去到都差唔多夜晚九點, 唔想食飯,所以全部叫點心, 叫咗山竹牛肉球, 鮮蝦腐皮卷, 蜜味叉燒腸, 潮州粉果 同埋黃金糕 首先重點推介山竹牛球,夠大粒, 裏面冇筋反而有汁,肉質唔會太黑, 裏面配料充足, 係本人食過最好的山竹牛球, 之後鮮蝦腐皮卷,每一嚿裏面都有蝦, 腐皮炸得夠脆, 叉燒腸蒸得夠熱, 個腸粉皮好滑, 叉燒配料又夠多, 三條都好大條,正呀, 潮州粉果 皮薄,裏面餡料超多, 有花生,馬蹄,蝦米, 蔥花……而且每粒個份量都好多, 唔會偷工減料最後甜點環節黃金糕, 好香,咬落好煙韌, 質感有少少似白糖糕, 食埋呢個甜品畫上一個完美嘅句號。 我比五
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《本次為自費用餐食評》西環馳名煲仔飯!餐廳供應各式各樣煲仔小菜、超過二十款不同口味的煲仔飯、點心,和一般小菜,食物選擇十分多元豐富。今次試了馳名臘味排骨飯,排骨十分嫩滑,臘味的油香滲入米飯入面,淋上甜豉油,攪拌後有香脆的鍋吧,名副其實,十分出色!點心鮮蝦燒賣皇大大粒,蝦肉和豬肉鮮甜。稍微不足的是椒鹽鮮魷的炸粉有點厚,粉感有點重。整體來說,是一間出色的煲仔飯餐廳!-🔘 臘味排骨飯 | hkd$102🔘 鮮蝦燒賣皇 | hkd$33🔘 椒鹽鮮魷 | hkd$108-🍽️ 食物 | Food: 4.5/5🌅 環境 | Environment: 3.5/5💆🏻♂️ 服務 | Service: 4/5💰 價錢 | Price: 4/5📝 總結 | CP Value: 4/5-A foodie documentation of dining experience in restaurants based in Hong Kong 🇭🇰.
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Given the lack of quality in both food and service, I’m unlikely to return to Sheung Hei anytime soon. While the cray pot rice was enjoyable, it’s not enough to warrant a special trip. Overall, it was a letdown, and I expected much more from such a well-known establishment. Service Issues The staff were a bit rude and not very attentive. It felt as though they were overwhelmed by their popularity and didn’t care much about the customer experience. This left me feeling neglected during my visit.Dim Sum Disappointment I can’t recommend the dim sum, as the quality was not special or above par. It didn’t live up to the expectations that a popular spot should have.Drink Quality ConcernsTo make matters worse, the milktea I ordered came with dirt in it, which I found completely unacceptable. This only added to my disappointment with the overall experience.Cray Pot Rice To be fair, the Cray Pot Rice was good, especially the fish, which was very soft and tender. It stood out amidst the overall average experience, but it still wasn’t enough to make the visit worthwhile.
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