所有分店 (5)
+853 65691214
新鮮沖製咖啡、奶茶,厚切豬扒包另可加配咖喱洋蔥。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 19:00
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食評 (103)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥每次來到澳門的官也街,這間小店都排上場的人龍,今次終於把心一橫等候。結果原來等候的時間絕對是值得,不論時飲品或食品的質素都非常高,難怪吸引這麼多的遊客光顧。Whenever I visit Rua da Cunha in Macau, this small shop always draws a crowd. This time, I decided to brave the wait, and it was truly worth it. The quality of both the beverages and food is exceptionally high, which explains why it attracts a large number of tourists.豬扒包厚蛋豬仔包 ($50)Thick Pork Chop Sandwich with a Fluffy Egg Bun這個豬扒豬仔包,包皮非常鬆軟,就算放久了也十分鬆脆,豬扒亦非常鮮嫩,而且肉汁十分多。這次還加了的蛋,厚厚的蛋先得恰到好處,非常嫩滑而且充滿蛋香The pork chop bun here has a remarkably soft and crispy bun, even after being left standing. The pork chop is tender and juicy, with a generous amount of succulent meat. The addition of the egg this time was perfect, with its thick and velvety texture, exuding a rich eggy aroma.秘製香滑奶茶 ($22)Exclusive Smooth Milk Tea這個奶茶雖然不是即時製作,但亦無損他的味道。非常具有茶香,但不會有苦澀味,加上鮮奶口感非常絲滑Although the milk tea is not made on the spot, it does not compromise on taste. It has a strong tea fragrance without any bitterness, and the silky smooth texture from the fresh milk enhances the overall experience.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅每樣食品的質素都非常高,難怪有不少人慕名前往The high quality of each item on the menu is evident, drawing many admirers to its doors.❌食品的款式比較少,所以如果經常光顧的話會有厭倦的感覺With a limited variety of dishes, frequent patrons may find themselves feeling bored with the choices over time.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅點餐後客人需要在門外等候,門外的空間亦說十分寬敞Customers are required to wait outside after placing their orders, but the exterior space is spacious and accommodating.❌由於是外賣店的關係,所以這一項不適用As it is primarily a takeaway establishment, this aspect is not applicable here.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅點餐時待應生的態度亦非常有善The serving staff exhibit a very friendly attitude when taking orders.❌由於是外賣店的關係,所以不設其他服務As it is a takeaway shop, no additional services are provided.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅無Nil❌價錢算是遊客區的定價,所以會比較貴一點The pricing is set at tourist area levels, making it slightly more expensive. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-19
380 瀏覽
和香港的茶餐廳比,這里的咖啡和奶茶還是差一些。沒有西冷紅茶的香味,奶是用植脂奶。咖啡又不够香。今次還未餓,沒有試他們的豬扒飽,看來應該不錯,有很多人排隊。下次再來試試看。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-09
536 瀏覽
總是對世紀咖啡有個情意結 去到官也街點都想排下隊😅 今次仲要分了2天到 因為第一日下午已售罄了豬扒包 恰巧第二天早上會再去 咁先食到豬扒包.厚蛋豬扒包 要等一陣佢即時整 熱辣辣 周圍都站立了不少人一吃豬扒包😆 可以選擇加或唔加厚蛋 但加了整體更吸引 🤩 花生奶油方塊鋪滿了花生醬 花生碎 煉奶 都幾難唔好食🤤而且方便分享 無咁有罪惡感第一天食唔到豬扒包時好多人都會選擇佢樽裝奶茶/咖啡基本上每人都至少買一支 本身都驚佢甜 幸好不是太甜 但略嫌奶茶茶味不足 反而咖啡更出色 有香濃咖啡味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-03-15
722 瀏覽
豬扒包+厚蛋 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻二訪外賣店才有的豬扒包豬扒應該以半煎炸烹調手法,肉質易咬,不會太油膩,一定要加厚蛋!厚蛋內裡十分嫩口,包可以烘得更脆,內裡夠軟熟👍🏻👍🏻✨排隊人多,當日落單後要等20分鐘以上 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
-之前見到好多人推薦世紀咖啡的奶茶,咖啡和豬扒包😆今次路過見到無人排隊,就打算買枝奶茶飲😎-秘製香滑奶茶 ($22)細細枝,入口香滑🤤茶底都幾香濃,甜度剛剛好!口感細滑,沒有苦澀味😋個人覺得幾好飲🥰-#澳門美食  #Macau #甜品 #澳門 #macaufood #世記咖啡 #奶茶 #世記咖啡SeiKeeCafe-Name🏠:世記咖啡Sei Kee CafeLocation📌: 氹仔舊城區消防局前地1號地舖價錢💰: 秘製香滑奶茶 ($22) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)