2018-05-18 228 瀏覽
VEGG is basically the word for VEGAN eggs.Currently there are so many different brands about but JUST SCRAMBLE is the first one to land in Hong Kong so I was really keen on trying it because I have a curiosity to try different things as long as it isn't scorpions or crunchy things that crawl.Anyway, there were four options on the menu that has just scramble.I went for the scrambled egg with vegan beef.According to the media, just scramble is made from mung beans. It makes you wonder how the text
VEGG is basically the word for VEGAN eggs.
Currently there are so many different brands about but JUST SCRAMBLE is the first one to land in Hong Kong so I was really keen on trying it because I have a curiosity to try different things as long as it isn't scorpions or crunchy things that crawl.

Anyway, there were four options on the menu that has just scramble.
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I went for the scrambled egg with vegan beef.
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According to the media, just scramble is made from mung beans. 
It makes you wonder how the texture is made to be like an egg with congealing properties but then glass vermicellis is also made from mung beans but both these products are very different.
If I was to fake some egg, I would experiment using seaweed algae and okra because algae has the bounciness while okra has the sliminess.
Anyway, back to scrambled egg, I was surprised the texture and taste was no different to normal eggs, so unless you are eating expensive tasty organic eggs, it would be hard to tell a difference.
Just scramble is the first vegg in Hong Kong but we shall see more brands in the future.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)