2014-05-01 8188 瀏覽
Environment & Service (9/10):The place is not as big as I expected and can be more casual compared to some other fine dining restaurants (and loud because the tables are closer together). There was no pressure from the staff, they were friendly, attentive and explained the dishes well.The view is great (the sea view above is from our table) but there are only a few window seats so book early!Sashimi Tacos (5/10):Salmon, Crab and Lobster tacos were fresh. On the other hand the Tuna didn’t seem to
Environment & Service (9/10):
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The place is not as big as I expected and can be more casual compared to some other fine dining restaurants (and loud because the tables are closer together). There was no pressure from the staff, they were friendly, attentive and explained the dishes well.
The view is great (the sea view above is from our table) but there are only a few window seats so book early!

Sashimi Tacos (5/10):
Sashimi Tacos
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Salmon, Crab and Lobster tacos were fresh. On the other hand the Tuna didn’t seem too fresh and tasted very fishy. Overall this dish was quite mediocre.

Toro Tartar with Caviar (10/10):
Toro Tartar wit h Caviar
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The Toro cooled to the perfect temperature such that it didn’t feel fatty when eaten. It was accompanied by the salty burst of flavor from the caviar breaking into your mouth, sweet & slight sourness of the accompanying ponzu/soy sauce and the whole dish went absolutely perfect together. A bit pricy, but this was just incredible, best dish of the evening!

Rock Shrimp Tempura with Creamy Spicy Sauce (8/10):
Rock Shrimp Tempura with Creamy Spicy Sauce
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The spicy sauce adds a nice kick to the tempura shrimp pieces. Nice dish, big portion too.

Unagi and Foie Gras with Apple Balsamic (7/10):
Unagi and Foie Gras with Apple Balsamic
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The unagi and foie gras were placed in a piece of tempura seaweed and topped with some crunchy rice and balsamic. The quality of the ingredients was high and each piece was executed well but when everything came together it was a bit too heavy in my opinion.

Black Cod Saikyo Yaki (10/10):
Black Cod Saikyo Yaki
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The cod was well marinated, the flavors were intense but not overbearing. I particularly liked the areas which were slightly burnt
. The fish was cooked perfectly, flaky while moist and with smooth texture.

Dessert Yon Ten Mori (Chef’s sampler) (8/10):

Dessert Yon Ten Mori (Chef’s sampler)
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Mango sorbet (left)
– really strong mango flavor

SnowSweet (middle top left) – This was a strawberry/yoghurt/jello combination, surprisingly nice!

Chocolate cake (top) – should be the same chocolate cake from their chocolate bento box. Wasn’t as good as some other reviewers had said in my opinion. This might be because there wasn’t any green tea ice cream to go with it!

Whisky Iced Cappuccino (bottom) – coffee cream, cocoa crumble and whisky foam. The whisky foam was light and went very well with the coffee cream. Quite a special dessert.
Raspberry Marscapone (right) - don't really like marscapone myself so no comment.

Overall (9/10)

I had some of the best fusion japanese dishes I’ve ever tasted here. Portions were generous, service was great and it definately was better value for money compared to many other fine dining restaurants. The overall experience was a lovely one.
Definitely will come again!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$850 (晚餐)
Toro Tartar wit h Caviar
Rock Shrimp Tempura with Creamy Spicy Sauce
Black Cod Saikyo Yaki
Dessert Yon Ten Mori (Chef’s sampler)