It's been a while since I last visited T e. The last time I went was 2 years ago to the one on Cochrane Street. Nothing much has changed. The menu has basically retained all the classic pasta sauces like genovese, arrabbiata, carbonara, bolognese. Classic flavours stand the test of time. The menu can be seen at http://www.te.hk/TeMenu.pdf but note that there may be variations within between branches. And hmm, this is not the most update. Coz it doesn't show the one I had today heh. It was rainin
It's been a while since I last visited T e. The last time I went was 2 years ago to the one on Cochrane Street. Nothing much has changed. The menu has basically retained all the classic pasta sauces like genovese, arrabbiata, carbonara, bolognese. Classic flavours stand the test of time. The menu can be seen at http://www.te.hk/TeMenu.pdf but note that there may be variations within between branches. And hmm, this is not the most update. Coz it doesn't show the one I had today heh.

It was raining cats and dogs. The restaurant was only half full. I guess people preferred staying in and ordering delivery. There's a nice delivery service to Central/ Mid-levels offices at www.no-msg.hk which is extremely convenient and pretty neat and user-friendly.

Salad with sesame dressing (overflow) $24
Salad with sesame dressing
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A very simple salad, with romaine lettuce, capsicum and a very generous serve of sesame mayo. Not sure if it's mayo, but the consistency is similar. No surprises - but sesame dressing, used in moderation, always adds a nice nutty and tangy touch to the salad. Waaay too much dressing here. Also would like my salad tossed before service. I don't want to toss the salad in the small bowl.

Mixed vegetable spaghetti in tomato sauce $58
Vegetable spaghetti in tomato sauce
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All pastas come with a nicely crisped garlic baguette. Well the edges were crisp. The rest of it was kind of leathery and not very nice. Maybe because I left it till almost the end, and it had grown cold.
My spaghetti - broccoli, eggplant, capsicum, shiimeji mushrooms. Al dente. Tomato sauce was just enough to coat the pasta. It was quite sweet but did not lose its tomato flavour. Quite enjoyable.

Mentaiko Spaghetti with fish egg cream sauce
Mentaiko Spaghetti
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Not enough sauce I think. Wasn't as flavoursome as mine but I am sure there are diners who prefer a something less aromatic and strong for lunch. The cream sauce was quite nicely done because it wasn't too thick. Still, mild flavours. Perhaps I should train myself to prefer this. Might yield long-run health benefits heh.

There is a drink fridge serving soft drinks, juice and water. and Vitamin water.
題外話/補充資料: Guys will not be full after a normal sized portion. You can upsize by 50% by adding an extra $18? But then it becomes extremely expensive...if I can get a decent set lunch elsewhere using this money, why not? =/ extra pasta doesn't cost much, I do hope they offer better deals in the future!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$60 (午餐)