港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
Te 是日本引入之意大利餐廳,因此食材均由日本進口. Te 之最大特色是於2分鐘內為顧客帶來高質素之意大利粉。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
日式明太子忌廉汁意粉 虎蝦茄汁意粉 海蜆橄欖油辣蒜意粉
食評 (6)
等級4 2013-12-06
1022 瀏覽
Couldnt think of any places for lunch so we headed to Te, since it always have spaces last minute.Deemsum ofcourse had a 加大碼 to satisfy her enormous appetite.  Geesus tried to lose some weight recently so she was quite happy to have a sort of healthi-er lunch.They ordered some sort of tomatoish spaghetti for me with some prawns in it.  Clearly the tomato sauce was bland-ish, and there was a lack of seasoning.  Without the parmesan and some tobasco, it would taste like a bowl of rice, a bit boring.The spaghetti was actually cooked perfectly, and what you call it Al-dente, by all the pretentious bloggers out there (sorry about that if you are one of them), however, the sauce and other ingredients were not of the same standard.sorry but 文ey for valueness: 3/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-10-24
432 瀏覽
已經是第二次來光顧,因為突然想吃意粉。這兩次都是工作餐,中午來吃的人不算多,所以均無需等位。這裡提供各種意粉,記得第一次點了金槍魚意粉,但是感覺有很多小魚刺,有點扎嘴,所以這次就沒有再點。而是換了肉醬意粉($60)。這裡的意粉基本上都配有一塊烤麵包,而意粉的軟硬是屬於中等,嚼起來有點彈。味道還算可以,但是不知道是碟子太大的原因,還是分量真的不算多,端上來的時候就覺得自己會吃不飽。可能意粉的醬料太過單薄。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
It's been a while since I last visited T e. The last time I went was 2 years ago to the one on Cochrane Street. Nothing much has changed. The menu has basically retained all the classic pasta sauces like genovese, arrabbiata, carbonara, bolognese. Classic flavours stand the test of time. The menu can be seen at http://www.te.hk/TeMenu.pdf but note that there may be variations within between branches. And hmm, this is not the most update. Coz it doesn't show the one I had today heh. It was raining cats and dogs. The restaurant was only half full. I guess people preferred staying in and ordering delivery. There's a nice delivery service to Central/ Mid-levels offices at www.no-msg.hk which is extremely convenient and pretty neat and user-friendly. Food: Salad with sesame dressing (overflow) $24A very simple salad, with romaine lettuce, capsicum and a very generous serve of sesame mayo. Not sure if it's mayo, but the consistency is similar. No surprises - but sesame dressing, used in moderation, always adds a nice nutty and tangy touch to the salad. Waaay too much dressing here. Also would like my salad tossed before service. I don't want to toss the salad in the small bowl. Mixed vegetable spaghetti in tomato sauce $58All pastas come with a nicely crisped garlic baguette. Well the edges were crisp. The rest of it was kind of leathery and not very nice. Maybe because I left it till almost the end, and it had grown cold. My spaghetti - broccoli, eggplant, capsicum, shiimeji mushrooms. Al dente. Tomato sauce was just enough to coat the pasta. It was quite sweet but did not lose its tomato flavour. Quite enjoyable. Mentaiko Spaghetti with fish egg cream sauceNot enough sauce I think. Wasn't as flavoursome as mine but I am sure there are diners who prefer a something less aromatic and strong for lunch. The cream sauce was quite nicely done because it wasn't too thick. Still, mild flavours. Perhaps I should train myself to prefer this. Might yield long-run health benefits heh. There is a drink fridge serving soft drinks, juice and water. and Vitamin water. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-07-31
235 瀏覽
數個月前在團購買了 2 張 vouchers,一直都未有時間來,直至今日。預早一天打電話預約,職員說其實不用訂枱,因為晚上他們都好少客聽到,有點驚….難道不好吃所以冇什麼客? 怎說也好,他們餐廳處於蘭桂芳樓上嘛!找不到,打上去問,職員指導下找到了甫坐下,職員為我們遞上兩杯水的確,整間餐廳只有一位食客而已…………….職員解釋,他們的客人主要是光顧午餐的 OL 為主和男朋友想了一會兒…好! 決定了!茄汁海鮮意粉 + 白汁虎蝦意粉落單後職員為我們送上紅酒,我們買這張 voucher 包了的但我倆呷了一口後,Well…互相對望,心知什麼事…紅酒好酸,相信已經開瓶了很久吧…希望意粉不會令我們失望吧。先來芝麻醬沙律,酸酸的,很開胃即叫即煮的意粉很快便送上,我倆 share 來吃起初覺得茄汁海鮮意粉不錯,但之後覺得茄汁偏酸海鮮有青口、帶子、蝦、蜆肉到試吃白汁虎蝦意粉,虎蝦都算大算,而且新鮮,很彈牙呀!我比較喜歡白汁虎蝦意粉呢!每碟意粉上都有塊烘了的蒜茸包,脆脆的沒有優雅的佈置,但有親善的服務員,美味新鮮的食材沒有團購優惠,下次都會再來 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2011-07-05
201 瀏覽
It's a happy and relaxed time having dinner at this restaurant.My boyfriend and I like pasta and western food so much. I search for different restaurant with fair prices and nice environment. So, we went to Te Quick Pasta & Herb Tea that evening.We got there around 7pm and there's only the chef. Nice and neat environment with all white. It's clean and comfortable.We then ordered two dishes with tomato sauce1) Tuna(2) SeafoodI chose Tuna and it is so delicious with just enough sauce. It made me appetitive. Seafood was good too, but Tuna was better.We didn't try herb tea but we had hot lemon tea. We will try it next time!We enjoyed the dinner for an hour, and there's only one more customer came for dinner. 繼續閱讀
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