餐廳: Amplifier Restaurant (花園街)



Went here because Amplifier Restaurant serves the Beef Wellington.Amplifier is conveniently located near the Yau ma tei end of MK right next to Mannings which makes it easy to locate.The restaurant is quite spacious.Ordered the beef wellington and a hot earl grey chocolate.The hot earl grey chocolate was surprisingly good because the earl grey was prominent and the chocolate wasn't too sweet.Next was the Beef Wellington which was served on a bed of spinach and a side of gravy.It was nicely slice
Went here because Amplifier Restaurant serves the Beef Wellington.
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Amplifier is conveniently located near the Yau ma tei end of MK right next to Mannings which makes it easy to locate.
The restaurant is quite spacious.
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Ordered the beef wellington and a hot earl grey chocolate.
The hot earl grey chocolate was surprisingly good because the earl grey was prominent and the chocolate wasn't too sweet.
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Next was the Beef Wellington which was served on a bed of spinach and a side of gravy.
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It was nicely sliced and looked convincing.
I loved the pastry and in between there was a slice of delicious Parma ham which held the beef and pate together.
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The best thing was that it didn't have any truffle because some fancy versions contain truffle.
Overall, it was delicious and the spinach beneath complimented the pastry nicely as there were onions in it.
As well as the succulent beef, I enjoyed their spinach with the pastry because it was like eating Spinach Puff pastry.

It would be only a matter of time before you find every Western inspired Chinese restaurant serving this when they find out how easy it is to prepare just like the pork knuckles and beef cheeks which is why the menu is practically the same at every restaurant but served with different sauces/vegetables etc.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)