11:30 - 02:30
12:00 - 04:00
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Roasted Suckling Pig 詳情: 和牛漢堡飽 香煎帶子配特色魚子醬 軟芝士釀西班牙火腿珍珠配蜜瓜 意式龍蝦麵
食評 (21)
童年時候,最喜歡吃的不是朱古力,而是軟糖,可樂瓶及七彩繽紛的果汁味熊仔糖就最常吃。最近,Velvet的調酒師就用了各款雞尾酒來製成軟糖,其中兩款更是配合復活節而推出的朱古力小兔Drunk Chocolate Bunnies及Easter Egg Jelly Shot復活蛋雞髭酒啫喱,造型可愛趣緻。另外還有常見的Long Island Coke及Mojito Bear。別看它們外表跟普通軟糖無疑,其實含酒量不少,多吃一點也會令人有點醉意。第一次來Velvet,感覺比一般酒吧舒服。而且更有私人房間,更有卡拉OK,歌曲比很多外邊的大型卡拉OK店更多更新,一班人來聚會開派對很不錯。點了一杯雞尾酒來喝,Sweet Summer,$80,淡黃色的酒由青瓜、菠蘿、紫蘇葉及Margarita調製成,味道清甜,酒味不會太強烈。另外調酒師也特意為我們做了Rainbow Road,對於沖製這彩虹的過程都不會太陌生,因為之前在Sugar也看過了一次。從一個調酒器連續倒出十二杯酒,顏色就像彩虹般由藍漸變成紅,過程看似簡單,但速度的掌握也很重要。除了喝酒,也來了吃午餐,價錢$88起,主菜我就點了Squid Ink Tagilatelle Carbonara with Pancetta & Poached Egg,還跟了粟米湯、甜品及飲品。粟米湯充滿粟米粒碎,味道鮮甜,比一般喝的口感更加豐富。墨汁意粉非傳統卡邦尼造法,這個加入了大量忌廉來煮醬汁,把它當作忌廉意煬來吃味道是不錯,醬汁加上水煮蛋流出來的蛋黃漿,令麵條更黏稠濕潤。另外也多試了一款新菜式,法式油封鴨,$158,鴨脾先用低溫油浸16小時,再半煎炸,鴨皮外層帶脆,內裡肉也軟腍,吃下又不太油膩。甜品兩小件吉士撻,撻比較脆身,吉士質感挺實,甜度不高,較令眾人接受。雞尾酒來軟糖真的有新意,入口甜甜的,真的會令人不自覺多吃數粒,但酒量較淺的人就要小心,不要吃太多了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
老實說,灣仔食肆多籮籮,但要找一間環境舒服,有 private room 搞派對,食物又對辦的也不是易事。第一次來到上樓餐廳「Velvet」,它有私人房間及卡拉OK,又有飛標玩,重點是客路完全不雜,逢星期四更有「金融才俊之夜」,女士免費入場,我是否也要來撐一撐場呢?是日其中一個亮點是啫、喱、軟、糖!莫見它色彩繽紛,以為它是一般果汁軟糖,它們全部都是「Velvet」調酒師用不同雞尾酒來製的軟糖:有為配合復活節而推出的「復活蛋雞髭酒啫喱」及「朱古力小兔」,還有用 Long Island 做的「可樂瓶」及用 Mojito 做的「熊仔糖」,造型可愛,含酒量卻不輕,吃多了真的會令人有點醉意!入正餐,先來個「粟米湯」,粟米蓉是多得非常誇張,喝了 (或可稱「吃」了) 已可半飽。「Crab Meat Risotto Cooked in Crustacean Biaque」$148蟹肉味是超濃郁,不論蟹肉及蟹汁也下得很足。啖啖也吃得出蟹的鮮味及精華,飯粒也沒有煮得過腍,蟹癡必選。「Squid Ink Tagilatelle Carbonara with Pancetta & Poached Egg」$110墨汁卡邦尼意粉,它沒有如一般 carbonara 般滯胃納,反而加了大量忌廉汁來煮,吃味來較稀身及輕盈,感覺也較健康。眼見在場的女士朋友們都是吃這個!「Norwegian Salmon Angel Hair with Tomato Cream Sauce」$138這個我覺得蕃茄粉絲們會喜愛,因為茄味是很濃郁!三文魚則沒有半點老的感覺,整體做得不錯。甜點是甜品是吉士撻,撻皮焗得脆身,吉士亦沒有太甜,作為飯後甜品剛剛好。「Velvet」這間餐廳,絕對值得一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-03-07
45 瀏覽
同事介紹下試了一間樓上酒吧餐廳,餐廳名叫Velvet,頓時想起紫色Violet,電梯門打開後,發現餐廳色調確以紫色為主,未知是故意還是巧合?!相比一般餐廳,此店座位擺設寬敞舒適,加上人客還不算多,用餐環境佳,宜三兩知已閒聚聊天。午市時段有約+款午餐供選擇,$88+10%起,連餐湯甜品餐飲,計及環境,取價都算公道。是日餐湯是薯仔忌廉湯,湯底濃稠,薯香撲鼻,相信薯仔份量不少。主菜慢煮牛頰肉配薯蓉,牛頰肉腍度適中,牛味重,並帶少許膠質,配上紅酒汁,份外入味。甜品朱古力慕絲蛋糕,甜度適中,朱古力份量調較亦頗為不錯。還是覺得膩吧,來一口雜莓,酸溜感覺頓時煥醒味蕾,其實有條件多試其他甜品! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
We found this place for our friend's birthday. Environment here is very stylish yet cozy. The seats are spacious and comfortable, and plenty of room to run around and play at their beer pong table/dart boards in the center. Since the place is relatively new, we were pretty much the only table there for the entire night, which was AWESOME!DINNER: The 5 of us ordered a mix of things to share: Starter salad for two: The salad is just normal chopped greens but the part we liked was the warm (hot!) basket of dinner rolls and the 3 spreads: liver pate, roasted bell pepper (?) and a very light flavored butter. The liver pate was definitely the favorite to the point that we asked for another basket of bread just to finish it off Chicken lollipop: Also recommend, crunchy skin and juicy meat inside, just classic. Baby back ribs: tender and flavorful, recommend! sea food stew: was ok, the sauce was a great dip for the extra bread that we asked for though~ Mushroom risotto: risotto rice is quite al dente, I prefer it softer but that is personal preference. The mushroom base is creamy and flavorful so I enjoyed it. Black&white burger with fries: one of the only disappointments of the night. I ordered it first thing after reading all the rave reviews, but the bun was not toasty and the patty was a bit too rare and not hot at all when I bit into it. The fries were addictingly good though. For dessert we had their pandan creme brulee, which I just I realized that I didn't have any!! We finished it pretty quickly so I guess it was good ^^||| We also requested a chocolate fondant and they decked it out with a birthday plate and candles, and it was soooo chocolaty+spongy+crunchy, just delicious! We also had a bottle of Chardonnay to split, they have a special list of bottle from 280-400ish, which is pretty reasonable compared to other option of BYOB and pay the 250HKD corkage (cake fee is 150HKD just fyi so we just ordered in house)PARTY AFTER DINNER: beer pong!!! Beer pitchers were 150HKD each, we played 3 rounds with two pitchers and felt it was pretty good deal for a whole lot of fun. They also provide dart boards (free), and looks like there is also a private room (possibly with karaoke or xbox kinect?) but we didn't try it out this time.We will definitely be bringing more parties here, it is a really fun place to hang out with food+drink+play all in one! Not to mention the service was great throughout the whole night! They didn't kick us out even though we were the only table left at midnight. When we finally wrapped up, they even gave us coupons to use for next time We will be back! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-12-01
11 瀏覽
同事生日,上OPENRICE睇這間全是哈哈笑~裝修又華麗所以到此一試環境超靚,坐得很舒服,地方十分闊落LUNCH SET 只有ABC餐,選擇少,沒有扒,點了牛肉飯興此餐廳有點格格不入,不過味道真的不錯,牛肉很淋,有少少辣,都幾好味,我點了磨菇意大利飯都幾漏,飯心有點點硬,可能是正宗的煮法吧,份量偏小,女仔食剛好,甜品十分精緻,外層是薄脆,包住吉士不是太甜我不太喜歡食吉士,但都食得晒,一件是生果,一件是朱古力朱古力很香濃,應該係偏向Dark chocolate .吃了2件也不會覺得漏~美味甜品為今餐更添完美~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)