港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
來自韓國釜山的炸雞品牌,而香港是韓國以外的首間海外分店,招牌韓式炸雞、芝士肋骨鍋、海鮮煎餅均為熱賣菜式。店內有鐵網供情侶掛上情侶鎖,加上星星吊燈,情調十足。 繼續閱讀
17:00 - 23:30
17:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:30
17:00 - 23:30
*最後落單時間: 22:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE Apple Pay OpenRice Pay
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (1290)
等級3 2025-02-04
59 瀏覽
今日同朋友嚟到尖沙咀食飯,朋友想食吓韓國菜,於是就嚟咗呢間一直都好出名好人氣嘅outdark✨而家有呢一個免費嘅Photo box ,可以揀自己鍾意嘅Filter,影幾多張都得!見到Menu有介紹到呢度嘅食物全部都係自家製,而且後廚都係有韓國人為主廚,所以係真真正正嘅正宗韓國菜👍🏻首先嗌咗個五花肉炒年糕,旁邊仲有煎腸仔、泡菜、芝士、紫菜飯,配上沾滿香辣嘅五花肉嚟食,真係非常之夾👍🏻年糕都好煙靭,份量好足料我哋嗌咗半份蜂蜜炸雞,再加點咗三條芝士條,半份嘅炸雞份量都好多🤣我哋兩個人食完都非常之飽。同埋本身炸雞附有薯條同埋炸薯格,所以建議細食嘅人嗌半份都足夠㗎啦~asian stomach一定要嗌返啲碳水,於是就嗌咗呢一個牛肉炒粉絲。粉絲質地好q彈,掛滿鹹香嘅醬汁,好惹味食呢啲煎炸嘢,就梗係要配杯熱情果梳打解一解膩啦!-總結:其實呢一間餐廳都食過好多次,好多樣菜式都試過,每樣嘅水準都不錯,每次嚟食都可以維持到一致嘅水平,推薦大家嚟食吓~#outdark 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2025-02-01
249 瀏覽
If you’re looking for a culinary adventure that combines comfort, flavor, and a bit of theatrical flair, look no further than the Korean Style Cheese Chicken served in a sizzling black hot pan. From the moment it arrives at your table, the aroma is intoxicating, drawing you in with promises of melting cheese and savory chicken.The star of the show is undoubtedly the chicken, perfectly cooked and generously coated in a luscious layer of gooey cheese. Each piece is enveloped in a cheesy embrace that enhances the tender meat, allowing the flavors to meld beautifully. It’s a delightful experience as you pull apart the chicken, revealing the stretching strands of cheese that wrap around each morsel, making every bite a cheesy delight.Accompanying this cheesy goodness are delightful sides that elevate the dish even further. The Korean egg, soft and fluffy, provides a rich contrast to the crispy chicken and creamy cheese. The kimchi adds a refreshing crunch and a spicy kick that cuts through the richness, while the seaweed rice offers a nutty flavor and a satisfying texture. The small sausages are a fun addition, adding another layer of flavor that complements the overall dish.Next up, the Black Bean Sauce Noodles are a true testament to Korean comfort food. The noodles are incredibly chewy, delivering a satisfying texture that makes each bite a joy. Tossed in a rich, savory black bean sauce, the noodles are coated perfectly, allowing the deep flavors to shine through. The addition of vegetables adds a nice crunch and freshness, balancing the dish beautifully.To complement these hearty dishes, the freshly blended blueberry yogurt drink is a refreshing choice. Creamy and slightly tart, it’s the perfect palate cleanser between bites. The vibrant blueberry flavor is not overpowering, making it a delightful accompaniment to the meal.For something a bit more refreshing, the grapefruit soda with small pieces of aloe at the bottom is a standout. The grapefruit flavor is bright and invigorating, with a pleasant tartness that’s balanced by the sweetness of the soda. The small pieces of aloe add an interesting texture and a subtle health boost, making this drink both enjoyable and unique. 繼續閱讀
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今日去一間韓國人料理的韓式餐廳,上次只吃了炸雞唔夠喉啊,今次咩都要食!菜單上的菜式,都是自家製的份量很大!建議一班朋友聚會來吃🥰1️⃣五花肉炒年糕這道菜使用特別醃製過的五花肉,加入辣椒醬與蔬菜翻炒,還有年糕及魚糕!超正😻而拌菜還有香腸、泡菜、紫菜飯及芝士🧀食到最後職員再為我們添加多一次芝士🤩我將紫菜飯伴在一起吃特別惹味👍🏻2️⃣甜辣炸雞🍗炸雞肉質嫩滑多汁,配上甜辣醬汁又辣又惹味!原來還有炸薯條、薯角及薯格😂一疊炸雞已經滿足你四個願望😂超正!3️⃣藍檸檬梳打及西柚梳打食咁重口味的食物,必須飲杯冰涼的梳打 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-27
397 瀏覽
好耐無食韓國炸雞, 今日去開尖沙咀所以去左呢間炸雞老店!! 一上到去已經見到OPPA主理, 仲有韓國人都黎食, 一定相當有保證~MENU 設計好靚, 成本雜誌咁, 我地揀左牛肉飯卷, 一個海鮮煎餅, 同埋1份雙拼炸雞薯條~食韓國野我好鐘意叫飯卷, 因為好鐘意陣麻油飯香!! 呢到飯卷都好香, 而且都好多料, 不過飯粒稍為硬左少少。另1個海鮮煎飯熱辣辣好好食, 有蝦同魷魚, 個汁酸酸地好開胃~~重點來了, 份炸雞好大份!! 見到真係會哇出聲! 佢除左雞雞, 仲有薯條, 薯角同埋薯格, 好開心, 一次可以食到好多薯條, 不過我最鐘意都係食粗薯條, 而炸雞係無骨既, 熱辣辣超JUICY, 甜辣同蜜糖都好好食, 佢好多汁COAT住件雞, 食完都唔覺得熱氣!飲品方面我覺得藍莓乳酪好好飲, 因為酸酸甜甜, 仲有藍莓粒粒, 好正!食食下我地望到LIFT口位置有部PHOTO BOX機, 食完之後手多行去禁一下, 原來係WORK的! 仲會即時PRINT相XD雖然係熱感紙但係儀式感滿滿!!! 大家食完記得試下XXD 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-24
400 瀏覽
韓式烤牛肉韓式烤牛肉喺呢度嘅招牌燒烤,醃料係典型韓式燒烤醬汁,香氣十足,肉質依然滑嫩多汁,完全冇老柴嘅感覺,另外可以加配生菜和蒜片,包住嚟食味道層次豐富而且帶點清新,絕對係非常推薦嘅選擇!🥩炭豚炒粉絲我平時好鍾意食韓國嘅炒粉絲,所以呢度嘅炭豚炒粉絲絕對係必點,粉絲夠Q彈,吸晒炭燒豚肉嘅香味,豚肉肥瘦比例啱啱好,煎到微微焦香,油脂滲入粉絲入面,再加埋洋蔥、紅蘿蔔絲同青椒,色香味俱全!🍜雙拼炸雞韓式炸雞我哋揀咗雙拼炸雞,咁就可以一次過試晒兩款口味,我哋就揀咗甜辣同埋香蒜蜜糖味,甜辣醬汁係傳統嘅韓式醬汁,夠晒辣,夠晒惹味,另外香蒜蜜糖都好好味,蜂蜜嘅甜味滲入雞皮,同蒜香結合得啱啱好,炸雞外皮超脆,但內裡肉質鮮嫩!🍗蕃薯芝士條外層炸到金黃酥脆,裡面嘅芝士係流心狀態,拉絲效果一流,蕃薯帶有天然嘅甜味,同芝士嘅鹹香味完全融和。🧀 繼續閱讀
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