港鐵宋皇臺站B3出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (1)
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
AlipayHK 現金 八達通
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食評 (327)
等級4 2024-09-17
5227 瀏覽
📍九龍城話說因為要陪朋友去九龍城辦點公事,完成後突然好肚餓,於是就諗起想食呢間😋細個嗰陣因為住九龍城,亦喺九龍城區讀書,清真牛肉館都已經去過不下數十次,不過以前比較集中去龍崗道嗰間,而家就只係剩返打鼓嶺道一間去得呢度當然首先一定要點佢哋嘅必食名物 - 牛肉餅;一碟有兩件,外表睇落普普通通,但一碰上嘴邊你會發現成件餅熱辣辣,咬落口醬汁四濺,有濃郁嘅牛肉汁味;表皮煎到香脆,旁邊軟熟好似糯米糍咁;入面嘅牛肉非常豐富濃郁;重點係你要盡量飲晒啲牛肉汁先算係十全十美💯另外再點佢哋嘅另一招牌菜 - 咖喱牛腩飯🍛,牛肉出色已經唔使多講,但更突出嘅係佢哋嘅咖喱汁,絕對唔係普通貨色,辣得嚟好惹味,帶出另一個層次;再配返鮮嫩嘅牛肉、冇筋,你會非常想一路追食,可以送晒成碟白飯然後仲有一樣比較驚喜嘅係麻辣雞 - 雞肉鮮嫩彈滑,配以濃郁嘅麻油同沙茶醬,上面再灑滿芝麻,非常好食👍酸辣湯相對就比較一般,不過不失初時以為位置比較偏遠應該比較少客人,但未到七點出面已經開始要排隊,證明好食嘅餐廳始終都會有捧場客👏 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-09
4835 瀏覽
This restaurant which specializes in Halal food has been in business since 1950 and is definitely a landmark in Kowloon City. My memories go back to the old days of Kai Tak, when the restaurant also had a branch at Hau Wong Road that was subsequently closed down after the airport had relocated. Today I return to their only remaining outlet at Tak Ku Ling Road.Good that we come early on the night, because soon after we have been seated there is already a queue waiting outside the restaurant. The restaurant’s décor is simple with a familiar feel of the 90s, but I believe most people would not mind as they come more for the food, and here apparently they are more targeting to the ‘no-frills’ customers.  We start with a small Hot & Sour Soup ($40) to share, which is already of good portion for two people. It has the right balance of sour and spiciness, with plenty of ingredients, including shredded wood-ear, tofu, bamboo shoot. Taste is good, though it is only lukewarm in temperature. If it is properly reheated that would be fantastic.The Curry Beef Brisket ($95) is actually not that spicy, with the brisket tender and easy to bite. The potatoes are also very good, cooked perfectly with a soft texture. The curry sauce is tasty and with this dish I can easily finish a whole bowl of rice.Apart from beef, the restaurant is also good for its mutton. We have Stir-Fried Mutton Slice with Chili Pepper & Cumin ($100) which are small slices of mutton stir-fried with Chinese celery, spring onion and deep-fried garlic, together with chili and cumin, highly fragrant and mouth-watering delicious. Perfect with icy beer.Finally, it is the Pan-Fried Beef Bun ($50). The bun has been pan-fried with a slightly crisp surface, while the inside is a beef patty that is very juicy, and in fact on the bite the juice just bursts out. Need to be careful as a result. Season very well and it is a must-try among all the dishes.Together with two soft drinks, the bill on the night is $329 which is very reasonable. Nowadays with many people saying the local dining industry is dying, but seeing this restaurant continues to stay strong with long queues, attracting both locals plus Mainland and foreign tourists, as well as the family of South Asian descent sitting next to us speaking fluent Cantonese, warms my heart. HK is great! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
係人都知食牛肉餅要黎清真牛肉館,以前未有地鐵到果陣堅覺得遠水路,而加有得搭地鐵就方便好多了☺️。今次帶左一班外地朋友黎食,大家最雀躍一定係個招牌牛肉餅,個個食完都食指大動,夠晒香口👍🏻,牛肉汁夠晒多,食到停唔到口。叫埋牛肉水餃,我本身就覺得呢種無湯、唔係煎既餃子係至好味 (有湯果種我都唔鍾意) ,呢到D牛肉餃同樣超Juicy,小籠包我就唔推薦,個皮有點厚,臨尾叫多個羊肉水餃,一樣係正到爆,羊肉餡唔係周圍都食到,班朋友第一次黎都食得好開心❤️‍🔥,但有趣地方係原來呢度係禁止酒精飲品🙅🏻‍♀️ (回教原因),又學多樣野!臨走見到開始有人排隊,好在我地黎得早😚! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-02-02
224 瀏覽
好怕嚟呢度堂食,食物質素ok嘅,麻油雞、牛肉餅、回堝牛肉、干扁四季豆、咖喱羊腩、碢貼都係好食,不過最大問題係佢地入枱嘅手法係幾令人討厭,呢個唔係一個半個阿姐嘅問題,因為每次去堂食都係咁樣,試過:a) 3個人去,其實等多張枱都已經有4人枱,但係基於佢地唔多歡迎3個人坐4人枱嘅關係,佢地夠膽死叫我地入去「坐住張兩人枱先」(即係收銀前面果一row面對面、枱拍枱嘅「長枱」),當你以為係叫我地三個人坐住兩個人先,剩番果個就等隔嚟果張兩人枱埋單走之後再坐低嘅話,佢已經唔知喺邊度拉多張櫈出嚟,要我地三個迫埋落一張兩人枱!b) 另外亦試過都係3個人,又係坐咗落上面a)所講果row排排坐長枱,叫到成枱5、6碟嘢,佢都係要插個1人食客埋嚟,張枱又唔係大,已經唔係好放得落晒所有食物,再插個人埋嚟,即係叫我地要伸隻手去人地前面先夾到自己嘅食物?c) 見過佢地夾硬要4個人坐最近門口/玻璃窗果張枱仔(1號枱),可知果一張枱仔有一邊其實係因為門口係凹入舖頭嘅關係,張枱其實得三邊可以坐…上面a)至c)三個情況基本上除非你係2人入座,否則一定會發生,我自己試過a)同b),a)果次我就拒絕咗佢地嘅安排,而b)就冇法子,佢地係明恰我地食物已經上晒枱冇得走。c)嘅情況都會拒絕(不過果次果枱客好「聽話」),理得佢地畀說話你聽。建議大家遇到呢啲情況,一定要say NO,佢地做到慣晒唔當你係客,呢一點就算只係四百蚊咁上下一餐都唔應該係咁。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我首次嘗試沒有豬肉的中秋的晚飯,已是18年前的丁亥年中秋節了。因為我們選擇這一天到北京清真回教牛肉館共晉中秋節晚餐。這一頓晚餐除了沒有豬肉外,跟一般京滬中菜沒有什麼分別.我們吃飯前還照舊祈禱呢! 食評:(1) 包身軟,牛肉餡料豐富; (2) 所有牛肉烹煮得宜,不會太韌,而且很香牛肉味; 3) 甜酸菜伴牛筋醒胃,造型像江南一帶的水晶肴肉; 4) 上海粗炒很有鑊氣,用牛肉來炒自然有它的特色,但平心且撇開宗教角度來說,用豬肉去炒更襯出麵條的香味,正如鹹肉粽只合襯肥豬肉,才能蒸出甘香的肉膏香。下圖:牛肉包 (下) 用牛肉炒的上海粗炒(下)  甜酸菜伴牛筋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)