港铁香港站 E1 出口, 步行约1分钟 继续阅读
11:30 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
11:30 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
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食记 (36)
等级4 2024-05-28
0 浏览
If you ask any person, Italy’s national food in their mind will always be pizza or pasta (of course there are regional differences but for simplicity's sake). This newish restaurant located in Hong Kong’s International Finance Centre successfully satisfies both my pizza and pasta cravings, albeit making my wallet more lonely. $$$The average price of any dish (appetizer, pasta, or pizza) is $240HKD which is quite a lot but reasonable for its location. The total spent for 3 people was $830. Spaghetti alla Nerano $238A highly anticipated dish as I have never had this before, also could not bother caramelizing zucchini for two hours to make it myself. This dish blew my mind how creamy and rich it was despite being vegetarian. Maybe they added a lot of cream (it didn’t taste very heavy) or caramelized the zucchini very well until it was nothing but sugar and flavor. They also used a lot of oil for this caramelisation process which was emulsified with the zucchini water which probably contributed to the creamy consistency. As for the spaghetti, perfectly al dente and seasoned. Linguine alla vongole $278My all-time favorite pasta. The rich olive oil and the fried garlic and chili make for the best aglio e olio but the addition of clams adds umami and oceanic depth which takes an already delicious and foolproof formula to the next level. Not to mention you get tasty clams as well. They do it justice here with local clams that are plump and juicy and an addictive sauce that I used my pizza crust to mop up. Pesto e Mozzarella $238I went for the pesto-based pizza today to try something new and the one here is above average for sure! Creamy, nutty, and cheesy pesto sauce that uses fresh basil and results in a lovely consistency and flavor. Topped with creamy yet mild blobs of mozzarella that you can eat by itself as well as crunchy chunks of walnuts that give a slightly bitter and earthy taste, complimenting the grassy notes of pesto. The star, however, has to be the pizza dough. The center is incredibly thin and translucent but still has sufficient structural integrity to hold the toppings. The crust is pillowy, soft, and most importantly, chewy. I love chewy so this was right up my alley and it is also very well seasoned so treat it like a breadstick and eat it even if you don’t like crusts. Using it to mop up my pasta sauces is a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone type of move. Portion-wise, the pizza is for sure enough for two or more but the pasta on the other hand is slightly less. In summaryGood restaurant. Good service. Good food. Not so good price but that’s why it is not a restaurant you will go everyday. Probably the best place in HK where you can get good pizza AND pasta simultaneously. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-03-02
1762 浏览
Black sheep集團旗下嘅意式餐廳,主打非傳統拿玻里薄餅、各種意粉。一如既往嘅風格,定價較高+用心嘅裝修。店員基本上都係外國人,落單講英文。背景音樂有啲大聲,只可以walk-in,90分鐘用餐時間,難啲傾耐計。*Spinaci e Provola $238薄餅係非傳統拿玻里薄餅,取其技巧、食材制作Falcone牌薄餅。外圈有厚度,比較乾身,內圈超級薄身、好濕潤,一攞起啲餡料會滑走。餡料有菠菜、provola芝士,加埋少少辣椒醬,好惹味,芝士奶味恰到好處。Diavola $248今次餡料係番茄、芝士、莎樂美腸,非常辣,而且甜味重啲。Rigatoni alla Genovese $248粗管通粉韌度啱啱好,配搭牛肉醬、焦化洋蔥,肉醬嘅濃厚+甜又軟腍嘅洋蔥,味道豐富、帶各種風味,大推!Pasta e Fagioli $228其實係類似通粉湯,配白腰豆、意式煙肉粒,仲有紅蘿蔔粟米粒粒。醬汁好厚身,有豆蓉嘅沙沙口感,個人覺得意粉配豆一般般。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-02-17
1206 浏览
在IFC找到了一間古典復古大利餐廳 裝修非常華麗是我很喜歡的餐廳之一 店員很Nice 讓人感覺很舒服菜式也很合我心意 每一樣都覺得很好吃 細細碟唔會太多 二人份量剛好 還會再去的餐廳🫶 继续阅读
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頭盤: Polpette 番茄肉丸比想像中好食🤫肉醬fans表示滿意😆蕃茄醬食得出唔係罐頭溝出來嘅味道 都有真材實料嘅蕃茄係入面🫶🏻重點係芝士 完全令成個汁嘅層次昇華😎個肉丸講真就唔太食得出個味 因為太多汁🤣不過口感係好食的!staffs們建議我地可以留返啲汁嚟點主食pizza個dough🤣頭盤: insalata Mista 時令雜菜沙律上枱個時有啲驚訝🤣🤣原來個沙律係生嘅生菜😂講梗係平時中餐會食個種西生菜😂😂😂西餐嚟講 我以為多數會係食火箭沙律菜個類🤣值得讚賞嘅係!佢個鯷魚油醋汁同羊奶芝士好加分 令成碟「生菜」精緻咗同西式咗😬味道上其實都好食 不過食到最尾就可能會咸少少🤏🏻主食: Diavola 意式辣肉腸pizza叫呢個係最穩陣、最難出錯😜材料有蕃茄、牛奶芝土、意式辣肉腸 一有芝士焗出嚟嘅所有野就一定唔會死 尤其熱辣辣送上嚟!😆個dough好鬆軟!又係唔會似pizzahxx個啲好廉價嘅麵包口感🤫試將個dough點頭盤肉丸啲蕃茄醬 果然好食喎!成件事冇咁dry😆可惜個醬凍咗 暖少少就更好了🤎主食: Rigatoni alla Genovese 熱那亞通心粉呢個食落好神奇啵 似食梗日式/中式菜🤣可能係因為佢用燉嘅方法去做😜通心粉煮得啱啱好 我中意有口感少少嘅🤩然後好多好多芝士同好多好多洋蔥 好多層次🐒甜品: Nemesis al Cioccolato 香醇朱古力蛋糕睇返menu原來個朱古力蛋糕係無麵粉的😮😮唔知關唔關事 個蛋糕口感好似browniesss咁好實心😆口感好食的 但甜到懷疑食完會比蟻摟😂😂個甜度比較適合外國人多啲🤫紅酒 Argiolas ’Meri‘ VermentinoDi Sardegna 2021 係易入口的酒🐒呢間我有機會會翻桌😜首先野食質素不錯 其次其次 staffs們全部都好nice!!!😆佢會好chill咁同你傾兩句 你唔想傾佢又唔會逼你繼續傾🤩有個staff收工之前仲送咗兩個shots比我地😬😬😬 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-02-05
679 浏览
Receptionist is arrogant and reluctant to serve walk-in clients and he welcomed foreigners a lot more. I waited over 5mins to be seated even there were lots of empty tables! No proactive greetings and recommendations but they do provide warm hospitality to foreigners. As a local, I felt no respect here. Food is good in general but the dining experience is horrible. There’s a lot of decent Italian food in Central. Not recommended. 继续阅读
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