Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
This Chinese restaurant group offers high-quality dim sums and Guangdong cuisine. It has several branches and all are designed with a grand banquet theme. Besides, it provides wedding banquet service. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (449)
同媽媽去完花展睇花,跟她去利舞臺酒樓飲茶入門口見到旋轉型雲石樓梯,華麗奪目的水晶燈,氣氛一流見到個精緻雀籠點心幾特別,叫咗一個 $1983層點心最上一層係天鵝酥,鮑魚酥。天鵝酥栩栩如生,成隻天鵝咁,鮑魚酥就成隻鮑魚鋪喺面。兩款都好香酥中層係蝦多士,蝦多士炸到金黃色,非常香口。紅蘿蔔造型的流沙奶皇餡,香甜軟糯底層係蝦餃同燒賣,大大粒蝦餃, 晶瑩剔透,燒賣足料雀籠啲點心每款兩件,一人一件剛剛好。欣賞佢哋將創意融入傳統,中式酒樓都有去酒店食下午茶的感覺牛油果鮮蝦雪茄春卷 $48在別處未食過,一共有三件。成支雪茄型好有趣,裡面有牛油果同鮮蝦,春卷好香脆還叫了媽媽喜歡吃的點心,老乾媽蒸鳳爪 $30鳳爪好淋好入味招牌胡椒濃雞湯灌湯餃 $58香濃胡椒雞湯化皮腩仔 $108食腩仔最緊要塊皮香脆,腩肉肥瘦均匀,入口即化又唔油膩,呢度做得好好這裡環境唔錯,交通方便,除咗擺喜酒婚宴,平時同家人朋友聚餐,都非常適合 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-20
和同事去銅鑼灣做完野,BOSS見我地咁辛苦,搵了星海薈這個地方,同我地食好野,去到見這個地方樓底又高,水晶燈又靚,一入到門口,有條靚靚佈滿花花既長樓梯,勁適合婚宴打卡的地方,假如婚宴黎就正,新娘同姊妹可以影好多靚相。他位置都算方便,在銅鑼灣時代廣場或希慎出口出都算近。【花旗參竹絲雞海螺燉花膠湯】花膠含豐富蛋白質,響螺滋陰補腎,有滋陰潤肺的功效,花旗參味突出,如喜歡花旗參的味道必叫的。【古法沙薑雞】沙薑帶出豐富的香味,味道濃厚,雞方面肉厚嫩滑,再點少許沙薑醬,特別惹味,【孖寶C- 脆皮燒腩仔】燒腩仔皮脆肉嫩,每次都會必點,肥瘦均勻,肉質夠腍又嚼勁,層層相間。【孖寶C- 清蒸龍躉班】龍躉仔不算大條,但勝在蒸得剛剛好,肉質嫩滑,連蔥一起食,真是可餸幾碗白飯。【砂窩鮑汁鱆魚雞粒飯】非常之足料,炒得夠入味又夠均勻,色香味俱全,放在了砂鍋,仲有煲仔飯底既飯蕉口感。足夠三至四人份量。【蛋白杏仁茶】白滑細緻的杏仁茶,口感加上養顏美肌功效,杏仁味突出,仲帶點甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-08
跟朋友約在位於銅鑼灣利舞臺的「星海薈」聚餐。那大型水晶吊燈及裝飾得美輪美奐的階梯,佈置華麗。場地又可間隔出不同大小的廂房,非常適合婚禮、飯局、聖誕/冬至聚會、公司春茗和宴客等。餐前小食酸蕎頭清爽脆口,味道酸酸甜甜的,令人開胃。✨️ 花旗參竹絲雞海螺燉花膠湯燉湯滋陰潤肺,花旗參和竹絲雞令湯品更加滋補。湯底鮮甜帶回甘,清甜順喉。✨️ 招牌白胡椒蟹以鐵板盛上的白胡椒蟹,熱呼呼的上桌,濃郁芳香的香氣撲鼻而來。白胡椒蟹肉質結實,味道鮮美。蟹肉充滿惹味的白胡椒香辣味道,美味非常。✨️ 紅燒皇子乳鴿乳鴿色澤紅亮,酥香入骨,本身已非常入味。可添點椒鹽或喼汁,增添味道層次。✨️ 原蔗糖馬拉糕顏色金黃、口感軟熟鬆軟的糕點,味道甜度適中。熱呼呼的香甜糕點,吃下去不黏牙,做得非常出色。服務質素不錯,會提供手套和濕紙巾,店員還不時主動更換碟子及添茶。而酒樓就在銅鑼灣購物中心一帶,位置方便,購物之餘,來飲茶及嚐嚐點心也不錯呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
High quality nice decor Chinese restaurant@Lee Theatre Plaza,CWBThere is a grand marble spiral staircase and lovely floral installation for wedding photo!!Giant Grouper in 2 ways生劏龍躉二味Stir fried giant grouper fillet with veggie碧綠炒龍躉球.the giant grouper fillets are flaky,delicate.very collagenic .super delish.highky recommended Steamed Giant Grouper清蒸龍躉頭腩每份HKD$388.piping hot,made to order.the garlic on top addes nice garlicky flavour to the dish!..YummmmmmmSteamed Sabah Grouper 清蒸沙巴龍躉仔HKD$198the Sabah Grouper is incredibly fresh.the eyes are popping out.the fish is very sweet.the soy sauce is high quality ones古法沙薑雞tradition Ginger chickenHKD $118 incredibly generous portion in an such affordable price .the chicken is soft and tender.value for money American ginseng Silky fowl Whelk fish maw double boiled soup花旗參竹絲雞海螺燉花膠湯HKD$98/person(位)the fish maw is soft and collagenic .the Whelk not rubbery at all.the double boiled soup is incredibly sweet and heartwarming ....📍" The Starview" (星海薈) 5/F, Lee Theatre Plaza, 99 Percival Street, Causeway Bay銅鑼灣波斯富街99號利舞臺廣場5樓. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-14
星海薈 (利舞臺廣場) (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣波斯富街99號利舞臺廣場5樓裝修雅致精緻,設有寬敞優雅的樓梯和大廳,非常適合各種聚會和婚宴。1. 迷你蝦乾珍珠雞 - 外皮酥脆,內餡鮮嫩多汁,是點心中的佼佼者。2. 生拆鮮蝦腸粉 - 細緻滑嫩的腸粉配上鮮甜彈牙的蝦肉,口感絕佳。 3. 蒜蓉蝦棒棒 - 蝦肉飽滿,蒜香味濃郁,可謂鮮嫩多汁中帶有一絲辣味。4. 紅燒煲仔翅 - 足三兩,肉質軟嫩,湯汁醇厚,營造出家常般的溫暖感。5. 星海薈蝦餃皇 - 富有咬勁的蝦餃,皮薄餡厚,一口咬下瞬間流出鮮甜湯汁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)