Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
*留枱時間:10分鐘; 午時用餐時間:90分鐘; 晚時用餐時間:120分鐘
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10% Service Charge
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Review (58)
This Cantonese restaurant is under the LUBUDS Group, located on the 13th floor of Times Square, the same floor with the cinema. Coming for dinner on the 1 July public holiday, we are the first group of customers, with the staff leading us to a spacious table.The setting is neat and comfortable, with stained glass panels on the window side and soft lighting to give a cozy and warmth ambience. The table can accommodate four people, so we are seated comfortably, browsing the menu, and checking the chef’s signature dishes.The appetizer is Pickled Guava ($28), with slices of the fruit marinated together with preserved plum. The balance of sweet and sour is good, with the plum notes matching well with guava, making this starter appetizing and unstoppable.The first course is Chilled Giant Mantis Shrimp with Grilled Green Chili Paste ($598). The shell of the big mantis shrimp has been removed, so we can enjoy the meaty flesh on each bite. The taste is full of umami sweetness, but the highlight is definitely the chili paste, with a nice hotness stimulating the palate but not excessive. A wonderful start.My wife has Double-Boiled Francolin Soup with Salted Kumquat Fritillary Bulb & Fish Maw ($268). The soup is steaming hot, clear and without any single drop of oil, with the francolin meat cut into small cubes to extract the flavours. The kumquat has the medicinal property to smooth the throat, while the fish maw is rich in collagen. The soup is delicious and healthy.For the main dishes, we pick Sweet & Sour Pork in Aged Vinegar ($268). The bite-sized pork is deep-fried, retaining a crunchy surface while the meat has not dried out. The sauce has a rich aged vinegar taste, and is highly complementary with the black garlic, fig, and bell peppers. I would prefer the sauce to be a bit sourer to make it even more appetizing.Another signature of the chef is Braised Beef Brisket & Tendon with Preserved Vegetables in Hakka Style ($488). Served in a sizzling hot clay pot, the beef brisket has been braised sufficiently to make it very tender, while the tendon is essentially melting in the mouth. The soup is tasty, and I also like the addition of some lotus roots to give a contrast in texture.The Stir-Fried Frog Leg with Ginger & Scallion ($388) is the other dish we have. The frog legs are seasoned well, using plenty of ginger, scallion, and shallot to stir-fry to give a nice fragrance and taste. On the side are some crispy deep-fried pork belly slices, adding an extra layer of savoury delicacy.The staff has offered us complimentary Black Glutinous Rice Soup for dessert. Not too sweet, there are also sago added in the soup as well. A nice completion for a full dinner.Service is good, with the staff attentive and friendly. But like almost all Chinese restaurant, there is very little interactions with customers, and no introduction of the dishes whatsoever. The bill on the night is $2,363 and it is a bit on the high side, but considering the quality of the food and the restaurant setting, it is still a place to enjoy some nice Cantonese food in Causeway Bay. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
《悅》 第一次嘗試,原本我同老公2個去食西餐,但突然間有3位朋友即興邀請一齊食飯,由我發板食邊間,我哋當時係銅鑼灣,如果五個人我就想食中菜多啲,所以揀地點方便嘅Times Square上面嘅《悅》咁啱有朋友生日,所以我就揀左個壽桃包慶祝🥰金梅陳醋咕嚕肉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️好好食,肉質肥瘦適中,炸得好酥脆,個汁較得好開胃,朋友激讚。鮮沙薑砂窩雞煲⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️雞好嫩,好惹味,唔使另外點沙薑醬🌺鼓油皇香煎日本淮山⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️我自己覺得好驚喜,又有咸香之餘,亦有淮山天然的淡淡甜味。🌸其他幾款都無令人失望,食材優質,用心烹煮。 服務亦令人相當滿意大老闆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
經openrice 訂枱,與朋友相聚。6:00pm就到了,眼見餐廳人不多,寥寥可數。環境很安靜,枱同枱之間都有個隔離,很好👍🏻大概到左7-8點時間,開始多人,幾乎餐廳都滿座。海鮮雜菜煲這個不錯,湯底鮮美再加幾種不同的菜煮在一起,又鮮甜又香,我們都吃光光了。蔥油雞這碟來服務員推薦的,說是餐廳最受歡迎之一的菜,我們就試一下。果然無介紹錯,主要是雞皮很脆,加上蔥花一起吃,又香又脆,豉油也不太鹹。這個下次可以再點叉燒這個半肥瘦差燒,很好吃😋我很怕食差燒太乾,這碟不會,剛剛好椒鹽九肚魚雖然魚比我想像中細條,但外脆內滑,沒有失望,唯一覺得份量不算多。豆腐湯最後叫了每人一碗豆腐湯,清清地,沒有太大的驚喜,不過不失。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-06
🌷返完崇拜,未夠11:00,老公想飲茶,突然想起時代廣場有間比較早開的店子《悅》,食評都唔錯,決定前去探店。🌷由於時間尚早,可以即時入座,想坐窗邊位,服務員安排我們坐下,說明1:00前還枱。食店裝修雅致,整齊、乾淨,餐具亦很美麗,點心價錢合理,小菜略高價。韭黃蒜香春卷$68香脆餡料豐富招牌蝦餃王$78皮薄蝦爽陳皮牛肉腸粉$68陳皮味香脆皮乳鴿$108肉嫩皮脆醬王豉汁蒸鳳爪$68鳳爪入味《悅》食物做得好,環境不錯,服務員態度友善,值得再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-13
我們5人叫4人餐,侍應生攞4隻碟嚟?未到七月十四吖!睇唔到5個大人?小孩子都要碟個喎!莫名其妙,耐人尋味下問該女侍應啦!勁有禮貌地唔該要多隻碟吖!女侍應回應妳哋叫4人餐嘛!咪4隻碟囉!她真喺令我們開懷大笑了,咁5個人叫三個4人餐嘅話,咁喺咪攞12隻碟嚟俾5個人用呢?又1個人叫3個4人餐,喺咪又攞12隻碟嚟俾1個人用12隻碟呢?重點當然是她的態度啦!這樣反應緊她做得好辛苦好呀開心啫,我們非常關心她在這大集團裡受到甚麼對待和感受,一定不會是倒金司米的。敬請希望大集團關心吓員工身心靈,因為員工服務態度代表緊整個集團質素,食物咁靚又咁好食咁高質素,但一隻碟讓隔離枱都黑人問號望望。必與該員工無關,因為管理層優質,下面員工才同樣優質。人非草木誰屬無情。多體諒員工為食客為公司辛勞。謝謝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)