Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
It features an elegant design which is a mix of Chinese and Western style; and offers 9 VIP rooms. It is a nice place to enjoy high quality Hunan dishes. Among them, the stewed soft-shelled turtle in No.1 recommended signature dish. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (96)
Level4 2024-04-13
The Hunan HouseTalking about interesting meals that I’ve had in recent months, the dinner that we had at The Hunan House has got to be it. Serving authentic Xiang 湘 cuisine, The Hunan House is tucked away in Wharney Hotel, Wanchai, just 2 floors below the Seventh Son. Decor is nostalgic. Plenty of booths for parties of four for better privacy. Like its neighbours Chongqing and Guizhou, Hunan is known for its fiery foods. O and M are not fans of spicy food and not into the restaurant signature dish (stewed soft shelled turtle in broth), the dishes that we ordered were therefore comparatively mild and simple. To my surprise, the spiciest dish that evening was the preserved eggs with green chilli 燒椒皮蛋 that looked absolutely benign. Thankfully the preserved eggs helped balanced off the pungent green chilli. O liked the Angled Luffa in Hunan Style 湖南絲瓜 and the Braised Pork Knuckle with Celtuce 臘豬手燉萵筍 a lot, both of which were cooked in a hearty luscious broth. My favourites were the Braised Pork Stomach with bell pepper 青椒燜豬肚 and Millet Highland Barley Cake 小米青稞餅. The bell pepper gave the braised pork stomach a kick. The barley cakes were incredibly aromatic and the barley has a glutinous texture that I like. Upon leaving the premises, I was surprised by how little patrons there were given the quality of the food (literally there were only the 4 of us that evening!) I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for somethings different! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
味道超級濃郁,大白刁魚價格僅88蚊,味道鮮美可口,小炒肉味道鮮美,肉片大過臉,平過三鎹飯,祖庵豆腐味道之好 豆腐有大量,服務人員態度都好,聽得明廣東話、湖南話、普通話、英文、泰語、德語。路過此店必要一試!據稱這個豆腐的歷史已有上下五千年,味道融合酸甜苦辣四種口味,豆腐絲滑鮮美,如同少女的嘴唇,如同經歷一段酸甜苦辣的人生。同時當日食飯都有好多明星,古天樂,周杰倫,林俊傑,碧咸都來食!每天都可以看到明星。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
趁週末到酒店放鬆一下,入住這家酒店,並享用它的自助早餐。 它裝修高貴,漆黑的色調有型格,環境及餐具雅致。 食物選擇方面,中式食品有炒米粉、蝦餃、糯米燒賣、蒸包、烚菜和白粥等。 西式食品有鴨胸肉,充滿驚喜,亦有烚蛋、腸仔、茄汁豆、蘋果、沙律、麵包和熱香餅等。 飲品有咖啡、茶、橙汁、豆漿和鮮奶。 當中比較出色的是蝦餃及糯米燒賣,前者蝦肉爽口,後者糯米軟腍,兩者都溫度極高,保持鮮味。炒米粉很有口感,蒸包內裡有一些類似果仁的東西,夾雜了奶油。此外,粥煮得黏稠棉滑,仍保持到米飯的味道。 西式食品的鴨胸充滿鹹香,其他食物不過不失。 有一至兩位侍應,能以英語對答,招待外籍遊客。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-03
湘菜係湖南嘅菜式今次呢間隱藏喺灣仔嘅酒店之中除咗菜式味道有水準.亦有酒店級的服務環境相當舒適✨湖南特產紅薯片口感香脆.當小食都唔錯💥午市二人套餐 $388 可以自選不同配搭✨酥炸小魚小蝦酥脆微辣嘅魚仔同乾蝦炸得甘香亦唔油膩✨筒子骨燉湖藕湯底香濃且唔油膩湖南嘅蓮藕好好食.口感與別不同✨白蘿蔔燒排骨白蘿蔔徹底吸收醬汁嘅精華配上燒排骨.味道好夾✨墨魚手工筍絲明火暖著嘅筍絲每條都以人手切成咬落爽口.啖啖筍香添一碟嫩綠爽口嘅清菜更能中和一下✨小米青稞餅青稞餅經過發酵後,製作成煙煙靭靭嘅口感中間加入黃色嘅小米必吃嘅地道菜式✨是日糖水加入雪耳.紅棗.杞子製成嘅滋潤糖水為今餐作結 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-28
喜歡食辣既我上個星期六去咗灣仔嘅「湘舍壹號」✨,一間正宗湖南湘菜嘅餐廳!餐廳裝修高級雅緻,環境舒適寧靜。而食物方面就更加出色,我地點咗午市套餐,包括前菜、湯、小炒同甜品,份量豐富,每一款菜式都鮮美無比,絕對令人食過之後回味無窮。😋前菜「燒椒皮蛋」🌶️🥚,皮蛋混合燒椒,辣度適中,非常開胃。而餐湯「筒子骨燉湖藕」🍖🌸,筒子骨燉得鮮嫩多汁,湖藕又脆又甜,兩者嘅組合真係一絕!湯汁濃郁,飲落去令人舒暢。而小炒方面,「醬椒炒仔雞」🌶️🐔,雞肉炒得鮮嫩多汁,配上醬椒嘅辣味,味道更加突出。辣辣嘅醬椒同雞肉嘅鮮甜真係好搭,一咬落去,辣味同雞肉嘅鮮味交相呼應,令人回味無窮!而「農家小炒肉」同「紅菜苔」🥦🥕🍄,呢兩款小炒菜式都好豐富。「農家小炒肉」有著湘菜獨特嘅調味,肉質嫩滑多汁,配上鮮蔬一齊炒,味道鮮美。「紅菜苔」則帶有爽脆嘅口感,特別適合搭配其他菜式一齊食。甜品方面,「酒讓丸子糖水」🍚,呢碗糖水帶有微微嘅酒香同甜味,清甜又好味,係餐後嘅完美結束。整體而言,「湘舍壹號」是一家裝修高級、環境舒適的湖南湘菜餐廳,食物質素非常出色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)