2011-01-22 127 瀏覽
Date Dined: Sunday 16th jan 2011- 5.30mOrdered: Oreo, American Cheesecake, Crunch Cake, & Coffee cakesTaste: American Cheesecake- I liked this the most, and it was the first one I tried. The shape of it is quite unique from other american Cheesecakes I have tried. BUT the cake was really hard. It was obviously NOT fresh. Seems like it has been there for couple of days so it is real hard. But it did taste good. It was rich in cheese and it has this honey/syrup taste to it on the outside. It
Date Dined: Sunday 16th jan 2011- 5.30m

Ordered: Oreo, American Cheesecake, Crunch Cake, & Coffee cakes
all 4 cakes
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Taste: American Cheesecake- I liked this the most, and it was the first one I tried. The shape of it is quite unique from other american Cheesecakes I have tried. BUT the cake was really hard. It was obviously NOT fresh. Seems like it has been there for couple of days so it is real hard. But it did taste good. It was rich in cheese and it has this honey/syrup taste to it on the outside. It was definatey the best out of the 4 cakes i chose.
American cheesecake
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Oreo: This looked very nice and it did taste like Oreo a lot. But Also this was hard too and bit dry. Not enough moist. the biscuits layers was bland. I would not buy this again
Oreo cake
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Crunch cake: this came with the Crunch on seperate package. I sprinkled the crunch on top of that cake. The cream outside was fluffly and creamy. iwith the crunch which is hard and sweet, it was a good combination. this cake was more fresh than the other. Atleast it was not hard. But I did not finish the cake so left it overnight. Next day i tried eat it again, but it is already not edible. I wish thy could make fresh cakes each day.
crunch cake
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inside crunchcake
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the crunch
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Coffee cake: I did note xpect to like this cake at all. But to my surprise it was actually okay. The coffe _ Chocolate mousse was rich and smooth. And this tasted the same after a day in the fridge. I liked it. And would recommend this one to people who like coffee or chocolate as It wasnt VERY strong in coffee.
Coffee cake
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Conclusion: this new coffee shop is right next to the famous Hainan chicken rice shop. It looks newly decorated and looks much more modern than other shops on the street. With electroic door. Inside is spacious witha couple of tables. is aw two groups of women sitting down chatting and having cake. This shop is clearly trying to run as those trendy coffee shops for girls. i like dthe interior. the counter is at the back with 10 or more different cakes to choose from and cookies at the back shelf. There were 2 or 3 staff I saw. I was standing looking at the cakes for quite long and was not greeted or served til i had to get hold of a girl. i asked what is your signature cake,which she did not unerstand and asked if I meant what is their best selling cake. She told me it was the chestnut cake. But i did not choose the cake. I ordered four cake and they gave me a very nice boxto it. i did not go tsraight home, and ended up carrying the cake for good 20 mins, and realized when i got home some cakes have melted already and changed shapes. i think they could give out ice pack or advise costumers to go home as soon as possible to improve thier service. Again, like usual Hong Kong service, lack of smiles.
Pretty box
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pretty logo
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I wasn't too impressed with their cakes to be honest. they tasted and seemed like a few days old. taste wise, they were okay especially the American cheesecake. Their average price for piece of cake is 28-33 hk dollars which is reasonable compared to Paul Layet and Tony Wong, but it atsed like cakes you could get from maxims bread shop.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
3 分鐘 (外賣自取)
$30 (其他)
Pretty box
pretty logo
American cheesecake
Oreo cake
crunch cake
inside crunchcake
the crunch
Coffee cake