2018-09-03 1013 瀏覽
I was initially very happy to have yet another Mexican restaurant in the neighbourhood and was particularly pleased that they offer corn tortillas and other Gluten Free options. Plus the interior space is nice and the staff are incredibly friendly.Before I move on, I should mention that I know a little something about Mexican food. To my wife’s chagrin (and perpetual embarrassment), I eat an extraordinary amount of Mexican food, generally only NOT eating it at the behest of my wife who can’t eat
I was initially very happy to have yet another Mexican restaurant in the neighbourhood and was particularly pleased that they offer corn tortillas and other Gluten Free options. Plus the interior space is nice and the staff are incredibly friendly.

Before I move on, I should mention that I know a little something about Mexican food. To my wife’s chagrin (and perpetual embarrassment), I eat an extraordinary amount of Mexican food, generally only NOT eating it at the behest of my wife who can’t eat it with the same enthusiasm that I can.

But after eating here on several occasions, I’ve come to the sad conclusion that the food is just terribly mediocre, nor does it really qualify as Californian Mexican or really even Tex Mex (if you want the latter, try Tequila which is just down the street and a much better option).

It’s a shame— it seems like with just a little innovation they could really improve the quality of their food. It’s almost as though they cater to people who have never really had good Mexican. I would say that it’s “Mexican”, not Mexican. This is compounded by the fact that there are many other good (albeit pricey) Mexican options within the same block.

To be fair, I will probably still eat here when I’m in a pinch, hung over or don’t have other options (the breakfast bowls are sufficiently large and greasy to combat the worst of hangovers). And as I said, the staff are all lovely. But I wish they would at a minimum get their taco game right because they totally missed the mark on those.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)