餐廳: Greenhouse


2015-10-23 1608 瀏覽
Times Square's list of restaurants have usually been a place I rarely go as it's usually filled with either familiar Chinese restaurants that are more appropriate for family gatherings or not so good yet over priced Japanese and Western fare. The restaurants are not usually places I suggest to friends for places to eat. Recently, there has been a revamp, closing many of the restaurants and re-opening with new ones. Places that are more young and vibrant such as School Food. And more are opening
Times Square's list of restaurants have usually been a place I rarely go as it's usually filled with either familiar Chinese restaurants that are more appropriate for family gatherings or not so good yet over priced Japanese and Western fare. The restaurants are not usually places I suggest to friends for places to eat. Recently, there has been a revamp, closing many of the restaurants and re-opening with new ones. Places that are more young and vibrant such as School Food. And more are opening up soon.

One such new place is Greenhouse. I noticed it was new when I came here for a movie one night and decided to come here for lunch to give it a try after going to morning yoga. I was pretty hungry after working out so wanted to really pig out.

Restaurant is very spacious and bright with a minimal design that makes eating very pleasant. There are frames of "houses". I suppose to make it appear like you're eating in a "greenhouse". Menu is in English and Chinese. Food was Asian fusion.
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In House Fruit Punch ($42). This was a mix of passionfruit, peach juice, apple and a touch of ginger with Green Spot orange soda. I liked it. It was pretty good with a bit of carbonation but not too much. It wasn't very sweet. There was some fruit bits such as blueberries, strawberries and orange slices. There was also some mint leaves for freshness.
in house fruit punch
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Chicken Wings with a Shrimp Sambal Sauce ($62). The chicken wings were topped with toasted lemongrass and garlic bits. The chicken wings were moist, the skin crispy. But the winner of this appetizer was the sambal sauce. It wasn't too spicy which is perfect for me who can't eat too spicy food. But it had enough of a kick to make the dish pop.
chicken wings with sambal sauce
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Wagyu Beef Burger ($148). The lightly toasted burger bun was spread with a truffle mayonnaise. The truffle wasn't too strong so as not to overpower everything else. That is something I like as I think truffle paste is an overrated item and is often misused in many eating establishments. I liked the bun a lot as it was was sweet and held up well with the juicy patty. The patty was cooked to a medium rare and was farely juicy. It came with a salad which was fresh but ok. It wasn't a great salad but it fit the purpose of making the dish look complete. But what I liked was the little mound of pickled carrots. I liked the acidity of it as it wasn't too strong.
wagyu beef burger
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Moscavado Sugar Banana Creme Brulee with Espresso ($88). Whenever I see something on the menu that says it's going to go up in flames ... I'm SO THERE! So, when I saw this on the menu and even though I was so FULL ... I had to order this. Fire! FIRE BABY! FIRE! The creme brulee was doused in rum and then oh ... baby .. LIT WITH FIRE!
banana creme brulee
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After the flames die down, you are supposed to pour the shot of expresso on top of the dessert. This was a really creamy REALLY sweet dessert. Sweet as it was doused in rum which is a sweet alcohol to begin with. The crackling top was covered in moscavado sugar which is a strong sweet sugar. The addition of caramelized bananas made this even sweeter. It was also super creamy. I think this dessert would make those with a serious sweet tooth happy.
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A really pretty place to eat with pretty looking dishes. Food was nice and very easy to share. I would be back with girl friends for a girls night out as I know friends who would like places like this. Service was friendly and helpful. I asked about a cake display in the corner and was curious about it. The staff went above and beyond to help me see what that was about. Apparently, they have take away cakes on order in the near future. I thought that was nice as it was a good option for me to buy a cake to a party instead of the usual places in Causeway Bay.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$380 (午餐)