2013-01-17 202 瀏覽
One night, me and my girlfriends wanted to try something new. We’d heard about Socialito and decided to go for dinner on a Friday night after work. Since it was just the 3 of us, we didn’t need to make reservations as we were told only large groups of 6 were required to reserve a table. At first we were puzzled how to enter the restaurant as there was a diner outside but then we peeped through the kitchen style door and saw the restaurant. The interior had a warm, wooden feel and dim lights whic
One night, me and my girlfriends wanted to try something new. We’d heard about Socialito and decided to go for dinner on a Friday night after work. Since it was just the 3 of us, we didn’t need to make reservations as we were told only large groups of 6 were required to reserve a table. At first we were puzzled how to enter the restaurant as there was a diner outside but then we peeped through the kitchen style door and saw the restaurant. The interior had a warm, wooden feel and dim lights which was a nice contrast form the busy streets outside. We decided to order family style to get a taste of different dishes: Carpaccio, Wagyu Tostaditas, Wild Mushroom tacos and a side of corn off the cob. While we waited for our food, we ordered some cocktails: 2 Zumbidos’ and 1 Modela as they sounded fruity and sweet from their descriptions.

As we drank our cocktails, we couldn’t help but notice how strong yet delicious they were. By the time our first dish arrived, we were quite relaxed and chatty probably because of the rum hehe! The Carpaccio was small in portion and all 3 of us finished it in 2 bites. The Wagyu Tostaditas were delicious and I loved the sauce combination. Though a bit too salty for my liking I couldn’t help gobbling everything down! Then the Corn and Wild Mushroom Tacos came. After 1 taco I felt quite stuffed. Didn’t think I’d feel so full since all portions for the past 2 dishes were small. We decided to slow down on eating and continue sipping on our cocktails. Eventually we finished the corn and couldn’t eat anymore, not even dessert! Our bill came up to almost $900 including drinks which wasn’t too bad though I think I would only return for special occasions
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)
$300 (晚餐)