Having spoken to a few Coffee baristas in HK, I've always been curious and asked them whether anyone actually orders Soy Latte's or the like - the answer has always been a negative response and for those who used to sell coffee overseas, it has probably shocked them a bit too. Afterall - a lot of overseas coffee drinks are Lactose Intolerant (or equally, have Nuts or Shellfish allergies, hence many Westerners who come to Hong Kong always complain at the presence of Prawns in so many Cantonese
Having spoken to a few Coffee baristas in HK, I've always been curious and asked them whether anyone actually orders Soy Latte's or the like - the answer has always been a negative response and for those who used to sell coffee overseas, it has probably shocked them a bit too. Afterall - a lot of overseas coffee drinks are Lactose Intolerant (or equally, have Nuts or Shellfish allergies, hence many Westerners who come to Hong Kong always complain at the presence of Prawns in so many Cantonese dishes as they can't eat it!)

Anyway one man's meat is another man's poison, but here in Hong Kong Soy Milk based Coffees have become a novelty rather than a necessity. (I am actually quite lactose intolerant myself, but I try to live with it. Anyway I used to drink a lot of soy coffees!) Here, they use fresh quality Soy Milk for making their signature coffees!

Unfortunately the Coffee Espresso base was a bit unfresh and very oily, making the underlying taste very burnt too. In fact I complained about my first cup as I saw something strange going on with the way it was made - before I was made a 2nd cup. The Soy Milk was way too hot and a bit burnt too, also lacking Soy bean taste which is strange considering it should be fresh rather than pre-packed.

Anyway, Not really my cup of Coffee and I haven't been back for many months either. HOPE THEY MIGHT IMPROVE NONETHELESS!
A few Blends available. Lady Making Coffee.
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Fresh Soy Milk!
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Soy Milk no soy taste, burnt. Espresso bitter.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Menu shows Cheap Prices.
Fresh Soy Milk!