2023-01-12 752 瀏覽
It was my friend’s birthday and thought we could do with a special treat dinner at this one Michelin star ⭐️ restaurant. The HK Michelin guide 2022 said this restaurant had “the look of a grand Parisian salon” and the French cooking there shows “a certain modernity”. Since it was near Christmas time, from the moment we stepped into Shangri-la hotel and all the way leading up to the restaurant, the short journey was festooned with Christmas decorations. The festive atmosphere was electric. The res
It was my friend’s birthday and thought we could do with a special treat dinner at this one Michelin star ⭐️ restaurant.

The HK Michelin guide 2022 said this restaurant had “the look of a grand Parisian salon” and the French cooking there shows “a certain modernity”.

Since it was near Christmas time, from the moment we stepped into Shangri-la hotel and all the way leading up to the restaurant, the short journey was festooned with Christmas decorations. The festive atmosphere was electric. The restaurant with the opulent chandeliers and immaculate laid tables indeed looked grand and formal. We were seated by the window, giving full evening view of the harbour front from afar.
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Without hesitation, we were keen to try their signature 6-course menu priced at $2,288 per person. We also ordered Nordaq still water ($85).
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The following were my tasting notes:

Bread- three long and narrow baguettes were served. The crust was indeed crunchy, however the baguette was far too narrow and failed to give that soft texture in the centre that one would normally find in this beautiful French creation. After a few bites, I lost interest. Quite disappointed really, not only with what was presented but also, there was only one type of bread available. Quite unusual as compared to other fine dining restaurants
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Amuse Bouche - a thin tart shell filled with quinoa and other fresh salad leaves, salmon roe sitting on a small biscuit with lemony cream, and a mini ham and cheese cracker. Nothing very special to mention on these amuse bouche.
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Japanese Abalone (Drunk / Potato / Liver)- lovely abalone texture with umami filled sauce on top. Apart from the sliced abalone, this dish came with a separate bowl with other off-cuts from the abalone and the same sauce in jelly form. Quite flavourful though I cannot taste the liver as mentioned in the menu.
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Japanese Potato (Hokkaido / Seaweed / Caviar)- this humble spud was a real surprise! The outside was nicely caramelised packed with seaweed flavour, and it had been thinly sliced for enjoyment. The scattered caviar swimming in the sauce was very mild indeed and didn’t quite bring up the ocean taste. However, to me, the dish was still very enjoyable.
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Spanish Red Prawn (Binchotan / Garum / Sourdough)- the red prawn was cooked beautifully, slightly cooked on the outside and slightly translucent on the inside. The head of the prawn hid such explosive flavour with its coral, no wonder Spanish red prawn was pricey for a reason. One can enjoy such flavour bomb using the sourdough bread to soak up all that goodness in the prawn head. We didn’t need to resort to the black garum sauce on the plate since the prawn in itself was so flavourful.
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French Blue Lobster (Orecchiette / Cauliflower / Pomegranate)- the Blue lobster was cooked just right, the slight crunch of the meat brought out the flavour of blue lobster which was so unique amongst the hosts of lobsters of the world. Unfortunately, the sauce that was poured over the lobster was too intense that somehow the freshness of the lobster got lost in the sauce. In the separate bowl, the cauliflower cooked in different ways added another texture to the dish to complement the chewy orecchiette but again the sauce was rather overpowering.
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US Brandt Beef(Donabe Rice / Wild Matsutake / Yuzu Kosho)- though the flavour of the beef was not strong, it was tender and went down well with the mushroom and the rich sauce.
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Ham & Cheese (Hokkaido / William Pear / Walnut) - on reading the name of this dessert on menu, we were wondering how they would incorporate the ham in a dessert course. When they pushed the trolley out with a leg of preserved ham lookalike thing, we honestly thought that real ham was part of the dessert🤣. The staff then explained that “leg” was in fact ice cream made in the shape of a leg of ham. The staff then carved off thin slices from the “ham” and served it with a small basket of cheese, pear and walnut toasts. I think the real star of the dessert should be the cheese which was creamy and rich and paired so well with the pear and walnut toasts. The so called “ham” was not ice cream but tasted like mousse and unfortunately, it was too icy.
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General - the staff team were attentive and did their best to explain what the dishes were when serving though they had the tendency to rush through the words….. Some dishes excelled whilst there were rooms for improvement in others.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Spanish Red Prawn