2018-10-03 631 瀏覽
Previously this spot used to be another Japanese Joint.Anyway, it has now changed to Senbadou serving high quality yet fast Japanese fare.When you get there, there are two self ordering kiosks which are easy to use and being located in the city, there was English and what you see is what you get as it has pictures of each dish.It has almost everything covered from sushi, donburi, curries, congee, ramen, tempura etc.On the side, there is a condiment table and self service water.The decor is moder
Previously this spot used to be another Japanese Joint.
Anyway, it has now changed to Senbadou serving high quality yet fast Japanese fare.
When you get there, there are two self ordering kiosks which are easy to use and being located in the city, there was English and what you see is what you get as it has pictures of each dish.
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It has almost everything covered from sushi, donburi, curries, congee, ramen, tempura etc.
On the side, there is a condiment table and self service water.
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The decor is modern and bright which makes the dining experience good.
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Again, the best time to try is in the evenings when the office crowd has gone.
To be surprise, every dish was good as I am quite picky with Japanese food.

Here was what we ate.
Deluxe Assorted Sushi:
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When it came, it was already an eye turner as there was smoke coming out of it.
The sushi looked so good that it was almost unreal but baring in mind that they weren't busy so it should look good.
Shared the sushi but I had the salmon roe one which was my favourite and it was fresh, also had the flounder skirt sushi which was soft and almost melts in your mouth.
Maguro Minced Tuna with Onsen Tamago:
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With fresh ingredients, it is hard to go wrong and all that finely chopped spring onions was just sensational.
Fried Rice with eel and sakura shrimp:
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The fried rice was topped with so much dried shrimps which give it that crispy briny shrimp aroma.
Snapper porridge with assorted seafood:
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I love congee and the one here is very healthy with corn and okra so it was light and tasty.
Burger Curry:
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I don't often like Japanese curries as they tend to be sweet but this one was sweet with a difference as you can seriously taste the apple and it was fruity.
Okinawa Brown Sugar Matcha Latte:
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Finished with the latte which had a right balance of milk and brown sugar so it wasn't too sweet.

Definitely will be back in the evenings for the salmon and salmon roe rice bowl and curry.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)