2022-07-23 1189 瀏覽
Loved loved loved this small restaurant that was tucked away wt the corner of Lok Ku Road. It's a bit of a walk from the MTR station, but definitely worth a visit!Dinner Tasting menu ($880 per person)🦀 flower crab on cauliflower with citrus jelly with shiso kombuLocally sourced flower crab has a distinct sweetness to it, so when paired with the creamy cauliflower puree, and the citrus jelly, it was 100% an explosion of flavours. Each layer of flavour did not overpower the other and was a great s
Loved loved loved this small restaurant that was tucked away wt the corner of Lok Ku Road. It's a bit of a walk from the MTR station, but definitely worth a visit!

Dinner Tasting menu ($880 per person)
🦀 flower crab on cauliflower with citrus jelly with shiso kombu

Locally sourced flower crab has a distinct sweetness to it, so when paired with the creamy cauliflower puree, and the citrus jelly, it was 100% an explosion of flavours. Each layer of flavour did not overpower the other and was a great starter.

🥥poached leek with salmon roe, coconut cream and lime leaves

The stem of the leek was poached to perfection. It basically melted in my mouth. Loved the combination of coconut and lime; it tasted refreshing yet warm at the same time. The salmon roe added a bit of texture to the dish.

🦑 squid in sichuan pepper oil with uni and sweet corn

Definitely a fusion dish that did not disappoint!! The squid was very tender, and perhaps with the aid of the sichuan pepper oil, it tasted even smoother. The sweet corn and uni balanced out the peppery flavour of the sichuan pepper oil. I was impressed at how pungent the sichuan pepper flavour was yet it did not seem too oily.

🍄 abalone and mushroom on white beans and lardo

One can never go wrong with slow cooked abalone. The white beans were a taaaad bit too hard for my liking, but it was able to soak up the abalone and mushroom flavours very well. The lardo on top was an interesting touch since it added a creamy texture to the beans. Perhaps why the beans were intentionally made a bit crunchier instead of the mushy texture I was more used to.

🐦 pigeon and eggplant with scallop on five spice jus

The variety of methods in cooking eggplant within this dish was amazing. Loved the texture and the flavour of the pigeon but felt like the five spice jus kind of took away from the original taste of the pigeon. It was however, a good match with the scallop.

🍋 loquat with yuzu granite and cheese foam

I'm personally not a fan of any type of granite, but I appreciated them mixing cheese foam with refreshing flavours like loquat and yuzu.

Overall a great meal, with good service. If I had to mention something that I did not fully enjoy, it would have to be the tofu sauce for the bread. It was a bit too runny, which made it a strange choice for the bread. Nonetheless, the bread tasted amazing even on it's own.

They change their menu from time to time, so I will be sure to revisit again.
Bread  with  tofu  sauce
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flower crab on cauliflower with citrus jelly with shiso kombu
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poached leek with salmon roe, coconut cream and lime leaves
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squid in sichuan pepper oil with uni and sweet corn 
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abalone and mushroom on white beans and lardo
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pigeon and eggplant with scallop on five spice jus
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loquat with yuzu granite and cheese foam
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
flower crab on cauliflower with citrus jelly with shiso kombu
poached leek with salmon roe, coconut cream and lime leaves
squid in sichuan pepper oil with uni and sweet corn 
pigeon and eggplant with scallop on five spice jus