2014-07-16 1727 瀏覽
I was in the mood for Korean but not Korean barbecue, which I guess defeats the purpose of going to this restaurant. Somehow my partner in crime and I ended up here and ordered our food. Considering that we wanted a light dinner, we ordered a bibimbap and japchae, thinking that we couldn't go wrong with ordering Korean staple foods. We were served with four entree dishes: Couldn't fault the seaweed, and the kimchi dishes were fine too. Then out came a cucumber and shrimp cold dish. There were th
I was in the mood for Korean but not Korean barbecue, which I guess defeats the purpose of going to this restaurant. Somehow my partner in crime and I ended up here and ordered our food.

Considering that we wanted a light dinner, we ordered a bibimbap and japchae, thinking that we couldn't go wrong with ordering Korean staple foods.

We were served with four entree dishes: Couldn't fault the seaweed, and the kimchi dishes were fine too. Then out came a cucumber and shrimp cold dish. There were three pieces of shrimp, seven bits of cucumber and one piece of onion in that bowl. I stared down at that pitiful serving and said to myself, "Really?" I started to feel sorry for dining out to such new lows.

The rest of our order came a few minutes later. The bibimbap was basically a one-person portion. A male adult could wolf it down in 5 minutes provided he doesn't burn his tongue. It came out nice and hot, but it was neither surprising nor tasty. I was expecting a bit more flavour and ingredients in it; it looked more like fried rice served in a hot stone bowl.

The japchae came out warm. It was a decent size and again, it tasted a bit on the bland side. There were also some bits of meat which tasted like beef in the dish. I wasn't sure because they were miniscule bites of meat to say the least, and my partial taste test proved inconclusive. I think it could've easily passed off as bits of leftover jerky found at the bottom of jerky packs, because it certainly tasted so.

As a side (but nevertheless important) note, my partner in crime and I had virtually no mobile phone reception here. I had to stand at the window next to the lift lobby to get some reception, but it was still quite patchy. Perhaps I should make a point to my mobile phone service provider to aim for repeater cells at this restaurant, or maybe the restaurant could to itself some favours and make its case to the restaurant/building management about it. It doesn't help when I am trying to eat at this restaurant whilst waiting for clients to call/message me.

I would also like to acknowledge the minimalist but effective service by its staff, even though my partner in crime's brief grudge on mobile phone reception fell on exceptionally cold ears as we walked out of the restaurant. I know you personally can't do anything about it, but I do wish you would acknowledge that you have heard such comments. Surely it's basic courtesy to acknowledge and nod.

I eat and drink with an open heart and mind, and never say never in terms of revisiting restaurants, but I may need an extended time out from this place unless it gets its food and mobile phone reception together (unless I am willingly avoiding people like the plague, then that's a completely different matter).
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$180 (晚餐)