港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口 繼續閱讀
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食評 (49)
等級4 2024-04-29
0 瀏覽
呢度都係一個宵夜好去處好耐冇嚟過,今次嚟返兜以前呢度好似係日本人主理而家好似係本地人不過冇乜所謂啦最緊要啲嘢好食先講裝修地方環境都唔錯服務態度都算ok一般居酒屋有嘅嘢佢哋都有例如,大根,牛肉,豬腩肉 整體呢個宵夜嘅級數係中上經開呢頭嘅朋友仔可以試吓 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-24
88 瀏覽
Dinner with VeggieGal, who had a craving for oden. Seated at counter (seating 8). Few separate tables. Buffet containers containing Oden set out on another counter.Good thing VeggieGal was organised enough to book- a few disappointed walk-in diners were asked to wait as restaurant was full. Not a big sake menu. We BYO, charged a reasonable $100 corkage. Server warmly warned VeggieGal that the soup base contained a bit of milk. Here’s what we had.鹽燒雞腿肉-with crispy skin鹽燒大蔥炸魷魚鬚明太子飯團- would have been so much better if it were grilled. “牛筋”- which was in fact 牛腩. Tender enough but totally not what I wanted. 蘿蔔蒟蒻厚揚豆腐- loved it. Very thick and soft. 芥辣淮山清物- very refreshing. 醋清茄子醋水雲不思議炸豆腐- preferred the former one. This one seemed a bit oily. In summary: warm and inviting with excellent service. Good choice to satisfy your oden cravings. 繼續閱讀
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𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚-𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒅? Then Nagomiya is the place to be. This one’s also for those looking for some late night bites as they’re open from 19:00-05:00 Monday To Saturday! 𝑺𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕?! 🇯🇵 🍢 Pic 1️⃣: 關東煮 (年糕福袋,厚燒玉子,蒟蒻,椰菜卷,餃子卷,牛蒡魚餅,蘿蔔) - $179 hkd 🍢🍡🥟— Got a variety of items to try out and were pretty satisfied. My favourites were definitely the mochi kinchaku which soaked up all the flavours nicely and was super chewy on the inside, as well as the stuffed cabbage roll which was really flavourful and a real classic. The tamagoyaki was also good but slightly too firm for me.Pic 2️⃣: 不思議炸豆腐 - $69 hkd 🪐— I totally get the name behind this dish now, it’s really quite unbelievable and something you MUST try out when coming here! The tofu is actually mixed with mochi to create a slightly chewy and springy texture that is so addictive! It achieves the perfect balance of crispiness and softness. Their sauce is perfectly balanced and goes so well with the tofu!Pic 3️⃣: 八爪魚丸 - $49 hkd 🐙 — Flavours were good but they didn’t really hold its shape well as they were quite soft on the outside. Adequately filled with octopus and a decent amount of sauce too.Pic 4️⃣: 菠菜御浸 - $38 hkd 🥬 — Refreshing, light vegetable dish to snack on. Pic 5️⃣: 木魚秋葵 - $29 hkd — A bit dry but well seasoned.Pic 6️⃣: 炒蓮藕 - $39 hkd— Really well seasoned! The lotus root was fresh with a great crunch to it. This had the perfect amount of spice too. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-12-04
1215 瀏覽
和家 Nagomiyahk 銅鑼灣是一間少數主打關東煮🍢居酒屋,開業約六年,店主抱著一個信念就像電視劇深夜食堂一樣,讓顧客能享受到溫暖及日本飲食文化無微不至的服務。店內長期有不少住港的日本人在此小聚。 店內關東煮🍢採用兩個熱鍋分放不同的食材,因熬煮食材味道兩邊湯汁都有少少分別,但湯頭主要是昆布、鰹魚及醬油製成,實行關西風味的清甜路線。 關東煮🍢食材有大根、雞蛋、蒟蒻、厚揚豆腐、白魚板、牛筋、年糕福袋、炸雜菜魚餅、竹輪卷、魷魚餅、牛蒡魚餅、厚燒玉子、摩芋絲、椰菜卷及餃子卷等。 尤其推介該店的大根非常清甜及無渣。不得不提店家熬煮大根工序需時竟然要兩天😲。第一天熬煮好大根需放入雪櫃冷藏,再於第二天放入湯頭再煮,這一切都是為了更好展示大根的味道。 在冬天能夠吃一個暖笠笠的關東煮🍢,有沒有回鄉(日本)的感覺呢。 店內亦有提供串燒、鍋煮等居酒屋食品,但係美味的關東煮有點容易讓人吃飽了。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-09-20
1675 瀏覽
朋友介紹呢一間嘅日式居酒屋,有好食嘅關東煮我哋總共叫咗兩輪。第一輪就試咗佢推介嘅大根,年糕福袋。另外自己揀咗蒟蒻,雞蛋同埋牛筋。店入面有好大個鍋,加熱緊啲關東煮。點菜姐姐好快落完單之後,就會喺側邊𢳂俾我哋,上菜速度都算幾快。而且因為啲嘢食有湯載着,所以都唔會凍得好快。鍾意飲湯嘅朋友可以連關東煮嘅湯汁都飲埋。因為呢間餐廳好似主要做宵夜時段,所以感覺上食物份量唔係好多。我哋叫咗個飯團,有三種口味揀,分別係鹽味,梅味同明太子。我哋揀咗明太子,醋飯好新鮮,飯桶朋友一定會鍾意。係即叫即整嘅飯團,所以紫菜都係脆嘅。串燒方面我哋叫咗雞肉丸子。因為兩人位係喺吧枱,所以直頭喺師傅面前,可以見到啲師傅燒嘢同埋整嘢食。同平時嘅免治雞肉棒唔一樣嘅係,入面冇軟骨。淨係用軟滑嘅雞肉打成,有得揀鹽燒同埋汁燒,我哋揀咗汁燒,味道都唔錯。第二轉嘅關東煮我哋揀咗椰菜卷同埋厚揚豆腐,湯汁都算入味。簡單嘅一餐已經食到好飽啦。 繼續閱讀
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