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食評 (24)
等級4 2024-04-12
87 瀏覽
肚餓行過見唔太多人就坐低一試主打潮州米粉店家招牌係「花膠湯米」見有二人套餐比單點平幾十蚊諗都唔諗就叫呢個套餐二人餐 $1831️⃣養顏花膠湯米粉(細)2️⃣清酒大蜆湯米粉(細)3️⃣師父醉雞翼(3隻)4️⃣雞油燙菜5️⃣自家製低糖飲品X2花膠好入味口感軟腍😋😋清酒大蜆煮得剛熟入口新鮮🥰不過兩款餸料份量都食得唔夠喉🙈米粉煮得爽口兩樣餸都相比米粉少男士應該唔夠飽女士食份量就應該剛好花膠米湯底幾鮮甜大蜆米湯底就淡口好多不過湯底好明顯無添加味精~套餐嘅細湯米粉仲有廣島蠔、醉鮮蝦、手切肥牛、醉雞翼選擇套餐小食醉雞翼亦好入味不過得3隻兩個人唔夠分喎😂雞油燙菜爽身香口🥬低糖飲品揀咗樽仔「媽咪龍眼蔘蜜」蔘味突出又唔太甜👍🏻套餐價錢唔算平民不過開喺灣仔區食街抵唔抵食見仁見智 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-11
221 瀏覽
Finally tried ciuzauese which I have been longing to try.Our original plan was a different restaurant but I spotted this on the way and decided to come here instead.We dined at the Wan Chai branch which is conveniently located on Landale road, a delight for people on the Hong Kong side.There are other branches located in Prince Edward and Quarry Bay.The menu features rice vermicelli with a choice of toppings like oysters, fish maw, prawns or clams which can also be ordered separately.The signature item is the fish maw rice noodles in oyster which I would have wanted but oyster sauce is on the sweet side for my palate so I got the rice noodles in soup with clams and fish maw.We also got oysters as a side dish.As one would expect these days, the rice noodles and broth are the same but topped with the items of your choice eg clams etc so it doesn't matter which item you order as it won't make the broth tastier.Again for fish maw, I mean fish gas bladder because for this price range, do not expect the gummy, thick and gelatinous prized ones where it comes from a specific fish of a certain weight.The fish gas bladder is visually different as it looked roasted and quite dark.The rice noodles were springy and the texture was like a cross between glass noodles and rice noodles with a sight translucency.Overall, I am glad I tried this place especially if you like oysters and fish maw. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-02
577 瀏覽
唔知食乜好 求其見到間有位嘅就入去坐低女士一見到花膠就心心眼都無可避免嗌完都唔覺伏食完就覺因為 唔!夠!飽!本身唔夠飽 叫多兩個餸咪得囉但睇吓張單我嗌個花膠大米粉 另加雞翼 再加魚皮 最後仲加埋可樂128! 係lunch喎!可樂玻璃樽 250ml已經係細size雖然好夠氣 但啲氣超誇張飲半啖已經一胃都係氣個大米粉一啲都唔大佢佔個碗三份一咋兩隻雞翼值八蚊果舊花膠 始終唔係燘 質感嚡口好多個湯低可以話算健康?無乜味加咗個魚皮 個口先無咁寡不過呢個係麻辣唔食得辣嘅要注意喇爽口嘅但你見佢拍埋碗米粉其實好細碟價值38蚊….可能我真係太窮 呢個伏我中一次算喇下次見到呢間都要兜路行… 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-09-25
834 瀏覽
灣仔蘭杜街行經諗住買外賣,見到有間未試過店舖,企係度望吓門口個店員即出嚟介紹,見到介紹得幾好,就叫咗個4人餐+2個小食,介紹時4人餐不須額外加錢,外賣盒加錢都是正常的,埋單5百頭,當時沒有為意,原來金牌花膠要額外加錢,沒有出聲告知需要加錢😓又沒有單據給我,到了晚上再諗一諗點解咁貴,自己再計算吓都是4百多,第二日致電再問回覆了我一次就再已讀不回了,食物係可以嘅,但錢銀計得不清不錯!以後都不會幫襯😓 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-07-05
1156 瀏覽
以為是西環很火的要排隊的潮州人粉麵店的姊妹店,但不是。老闆是潮州人,卻不是潮州菜。選擇很少主食只有米粉,中午不到一點鐘去食牛肉米粉就已經買晒。雞肉米粉味道非常一般,和速食粉差不多甚至還不如一些速食米粉的味道。一條街看到這家店無需排隊,果然是有些雷在。可能是個人口味各有不同,個人確實比較失望。雞無雞味。粉總體味道很清淡,沒有特色。店鋪裡面座位很窄。店家的服務態度很好,上菜速度也很快。食物素質可以加強。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)