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食評 (20)
等級2 2018-08-17
614 瀏覽
早排突然有日好想食蛋撻, 諗起之前食過同事凱施餅店既散水餅蛋撻好食, 就專登行去買個頂頂癮. 去到發現原來佢地只賣酥皮蛋撻, 冇賣曲奇皮架, 不過唔緊要, 因為我都係想食酥皮多D. 望見蛋撻個樣似係新鮮出爐冇幾耐, 個面仲係脹脹地咁, 聞落香噴噴, 真好彩! 買完即刻唔理儀態喺條街度食喇, 因為太粗魯既關係, 蛋撻表面比我整裂左..佢呢個酥皮味道好香, 重點係有層次感, D酥皮薄得黎又層次分明, 所以咬落好鬆化, 口感好正,好既酥皮真係唔易遇到! 蛋漿部份都好滑, 夠蛋味,  甜度對我黎講都剛好,  會想encore食多個. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-09-22
432 瀏覽
最近兩年美心出的流心奶黃月餅不知為何突然變得很搶手, 無論是香港還是大陸都有不少人用來炒賣, 加上美心集團限時限量的銷售手法, 炒價甚至高至一盒四百多人仔 我就當然不會助長炒風, 幸好有朋友早前送我一個嚐嚐味道, 但老實說真的完全不明白為何會熱賣, 味道只屬不過不失, 且餡料十分黏口以致很甜漏, 也吃不出應有的鹹蛋黃香味.恰巧前幾天經過凱施餅店有月餅試食, 原來他們也推出了流心奶黃月餅, 試食了一塊後覺得味道挺好又不太甜, 就索性買了一盒回去吧, 反正$208有8個也屬合理價錢. 回家後便拿一個出來細心品嚐, 手快快把它切開後才醒覺叮熱幾秒會更美味..幸好還有7個這一個雖在常溫下但已有頗澎湃的流心效果. 月餅皮也弄得不錯, 質地不散, 尤其在切開月餅時並沒有皮餡分離和餅皮散開的問題. 另外, 對我來說, 鹹蛋黃是流心奶黃月餅的重要元素, 這月餅的的奶黃餡和流心餡部份都有突出的鹹蛋黃甘香, 流心餡內更吃到鹹蛋黃碎粒! 餡料整體口感軟滑不黏口, 奶黃味也香, 跟鹹蛋黃味蠻平衡的. 個人認為凱施這款月餅比美心優勝多了. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2016-11-16
535 瀏覽
今日媽咪途徑凱施餅店買左個麥包返黎,佢話佢細個嗰陣成日都食呢D麥包。麥包嘅包裝係咁的。我研究左個包裝一陣,材料入面有用小麥粉,應該都ok。麵包大大個,睇落幾靚。不過切開之後只有幾粒提子乾。麵包味道ok,不過不失。口感鬆軟但又唔會好似食風咁,都夠飽肚。不過提子真係太少,如果多D提子乾就會好D。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-11-06
335 瀏覽
每次行經凱施都忍不住入去買個包食凱施面包有個特點 個個都脹卜卜好大個見佢新出爐藍莓芝士包 就買個試下與其話芝士包 我覺得叫吉士包更貼切面頭有一小pat藍莓醬 酸酸甜甜好惹味包皮係墨西哥個款甜包 中間有大量吉士醬夾心好欣賞佢饀量極多 食到尾仲有$9幾抵食 正 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-10-15
532 瀏覽
My eldest sister bought a Green tea Swiss Roll with red bean and 6 cups of mango pudding to home. As I tried breads, pie and cake of this bakery before, I did not have any expectation this time. But it was the Green tea Swiss Roll gave a surprise to me!There were a few red beans which were soft enough to balance with the fine and soft texture of the cake. At the price of $35, the cream was quite much, smooth and a bit buttery texture. It was the refreshing green tea flavour of the cake capaturing my taste buds. Though the cream was vanilla, not tea flavour, the Swiss Roll was full of tea flavour as a whole. To me, I would rather eat this roll rather than green tea Chiffon of Hiroshi especially after comparing with the price.Mango pudding($13): Below the mango dices on top was a thin layer of intense mango flavour jelly which was also full of sweet and tangy flavour. Below the jelly was a layer of pudding with quite firm but reasonable smooth texture. Fortunately, the sour mango flesh tempered the artificial mango flavour of pudding and overly sweet of jelly.My dessert craving was arisen from eating a thick slice of Green tea Swiss Roll and resulted not enough for my appetite. At that time, I really want my eldest sister bought one more Green tea Swiss Roll instead of 6 cups of mango pudding and so did my family members. 繼續閱讀
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