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食評 (35)
等級1 2013-07-15
534 瀏覽
We dined at this restaurant only because it was suddenly pouring outside, and this was easily one of the worst meals I've ever had in Hong Kong. I have a very low expection when it comes to food. I actually pride myself in it - that I am easily satisfied and easy to please. But no, this meal defied all expectations, standards or meanings you'd ever associate with "food." I ordered pork curry omelet rice. The "curry" they poured over the omelete rice was watery, and had literally no curry taste. It's not that difficult to make Japanes curry. They sell those pre-made curry cubes in packages that you literally only need to combine with water to make good curry. Somehow this restaurant found a way to completely ruined it. I had to swallow my food - otherwise it was difficult to force it down.My wife had some stone pot rice, and she had to order soy sauce to pour over it to give it some flavor. You know it's desperate times and bad food when a Chinese needs to pour soy sauce over rice. We left that establishment angry.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2013-06-10
335 瀏覽
was there to celebrate a frd's birthday had been to this restaurant a couple of times before and decided to return because the food is ok and is a decent place to sit and chat. made a reservation and they said they would only hold the table for 5 min. at most restaurants they at least hold for 15 min. i thought wow they must be so popular. ended up arriving the restaurant and they were not once full all night long. i brought along a cake and before cutting it i had double checked their extra fee (they said $10/head when i asked on the phone) . The trainee was unsure so she had checked with her colleague. She confirmed with me. Then when the bill came it said $20/head so i questioned why. Then her colleague said she is the one who answered the phone and she is sure she said $20. OK , but i confirmed with her colleague and she confirmed with me. Evidently it is not just me with the communication issue because even face to face the waiters themselves had an error of communication. But they were not apologetic at all and completely blamed me for the mistake when I already confirmed before cutting the cake.their service was also unsatisfactory to be honest i expected a little more from a "reputably decent " chain restaurant ordered a steak set and they do not ask if you would like rice or spaghetti with it although it is included in the set. if i did not look over and see others with it i would not have known. I had to ask if rice/ spaghetti is included in the set to get it. Are they trying to reduce costs like that ? also ordered the toast after we finished the main dishes. still hadn't arrived in 30 min. apparently they either made a mistake or didnt send the order in. didnt even ask if we still wanted it despite informing us of the long waiting time (20 min ) . ended up we had to wait a really long time for it ! on the side, waiters look like they are so annoyed whenever you call for them. Honestly i have not seen one smile on any waiter's face all night. Everyone in HK has a rough time but is it so hard to squeeze a smile ? conclusion is food was ok but service was terrible  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-11-28
163 瀏覽
約了3 5知己黎食飯, 本身都有去沙田同屯門食過, 都覺得okay…點知大家點ge野好多都冇, eg…串燒, 香蕉格格, 墨汁意…我知, 食材ge野…冇來貨唔緊要, 唯有order其他啦~Menu如下 : 焗豬飯 (coupon送), 甘栗格格, 三文魚salad, 豬骨拼薯條, 飯團…仲有個mini帶子菠菜意(冇影到相)味道 : 焗豬飯---送ge, 冇得好講 ! 甘栗格格---已經order左要焗脆D, 因為製作需時, 所以一早Order定, 但仍然係唔得...好似用格左幾晚的面包再用叮叮爐叮返熱少少三文魚salad --- 個底勁多唔知水定醋, 一句講晒唔得!豬骨拼薯條 --- 嘩…呢個唔講都對唔住自己! D肉勁大陣豬So味…暈了!!!飯團 --- 普通過普通ge野…飯一舊!mini帶子菠菜意 --- 呢個又係一個經典, D意粉好似整好左再放一段時間先拎出黎比客咁, 表面已經硬晒~汁醬好水…好冇Heart!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-09-24
97 瀏覽
因為朋友有 member 咭 , 有discount 之外 , 仲有 coupon , 大致上食物都 ok , 如果個墨魚汁意粉再改進少少會更好兩杯甜品都好好好好味 , 不過要等成十幾分鐘先有 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-09-22
76 瀏覽
這夜我倆都不太餓,在尖沙咀逛街後想找個地方坐坐,便到這裡來說起來,其實我是第二次到pokka cafe 第一次已經是很多年前,不知怎的平常就是不會選這個地方用餐,這次也是剛巧路過才進去的以星期日夜晚尖沙咀來說,這兒可說是十分「悠閒」,不用等位,是代表食物不行嗎 桌子很大,很好,因為我們手拿不少東西,這桌子可擺放我們的袋子球拍書本等等都不會妨礙擺放食物 我們沒有叫set,只點了兩個小食,一個飯看menu時這個菜吸引了我的眼球,金銀蛋莧菜吃過不少次,但忌廉汁浸莧菜確是第一次見 「膽粗粗」的點了這個,幸好效果不錯!忌廉汁功勞不少,菜也很嫩「主菜」來了,牛油果三文魚焗飯,吃起來... 腦裡出現了一款別處才吃得到的食物,就是pizzahut的至尊批! 那個芝士的味道簡直是一樣!難道大家是用上同一款芝士 不過,這個其實不是貶義,至尊批的芝士其實頗好吃的 要彈的是那個牛油果... 為什麼是黑色的?? 吃起來味道也很怪 幸運的是它沒有影響到其他食物的味道這個小食是吃過剛才兩個才點的,因為好像還欠一點點才夠飽 我們都喜愛三文魚,於是小食也是點了火灸三文魚,上菜才知原來有菜在下面,放上一點沙律常用的酸汁,有點開胃(但其實這個時候我們不用再開胃XD)員工態度不錯,經常問我們要不要倒點水 整體感覺不錯,或者下次沒那麼飽時再來試吃dinner set 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)