港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
18:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:00
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食評 (19)
又一間即將結業嘅餐廳🥲 Chef Ricky就快離開香港,要去試就快啲訂啦!去到4月7號咋!!希望大家趕得切試試Chef Ricky手藝🙊餐廳位於上環,係中法fusion casual fine dining,環境唔大但舒服👍🏻 Chef Ricky曾喺唔少外國三星餐廳工作過,佢喺Le Vallon係One Man Band,一個人打理成個廚房,得兩個電磁爐,犀利😮 呢度嘅服務就還好,唔會經常換餐具同斟水~ 佢哋星期五六日先有lunch menu,只係$488p.p.👀 性價比真係好高!♥ 餐包細細個新鮮焗起,拎上手仲熱辣辣,外層好脆內裡軟熟,配上豆腐醬,嚐到淡淡豆香同麥香😁♥ Miso Corn Soup, water bamboo, marinated eye yolk粟米湯濃稠細滑無顆粒,香甜濃郁🌽 食到奶油香,大概係落咗牛油🧈 好飲! 面頭仲有啲茭白荀,幾脆嫩,我都係第一次食~♥ Hokkaido Scallop, cauliflower, pomelo 帶子表面有界花同炙燒過,聞落好香,半熟同好嫩,配上淡口嘅椰菜花purée 反而襯托出帶子嘅鮮味,鮮中帶甜!配埋柚子肉更refreshing😛♥ Local threadfin, daikon, provencal sauce聽聞嚟呢度一定要叫海鮮菜式,食材係每朝去採購㗎😉 所以我主菜就揀咗呢款🐟 魚有兩片,切得工整,魚皮煎到好金黃香脆,魚肉嫩滑唔嚡👌🏻♥ Barbarie duck, beetroot, yuzu kosho sauce條佬就揀咗Barbarie duck作為主菜,成餐飯呢道菜最為驚喜!擺盤同魚嗰碟差唔多,鴨肉微微粉嫩,多汁唔膻,個鴨皮勁香好好食!條佬好快就食哂,一滴汁都不留😹♥ Japanese Mandarin, amazake, caramel甜品清新,有泡沫同脆片喺面好靚~ 整體唔膩,日本蜜柑清甜配上少量焦糖醬都唔會過甜~餐廳推薦度:7/10呢個價錢係幾抵🙊 想食就趁早book💪🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-01-02
592 瀏覽
上環樂古道一間看起來很低調的餐廳,卻是曾任米之蓮餐廳大廚的秘密廚房。大廚於多間米之蓮三星的餐廳任職過,最後選址樂古道開設自己的餐廳,主打日法fusion菜。從Tasting Menu食材的創新配搭就看得出廚師的心思,菜式也會因應季節而改變,為客人帶來新鮮感😉-TASTING MENU-🐟Tea Smoked Eel, egg plant broth with mountain Yam煙燻味的鰻魚帶有茶香,味道濃郁得黎又有清新感,加上口感爽嫩,食落去眼睛會有”瞪”一下的驚喜。底部的山芋有烤過的香味,跟矮瓜湯很夾。-🦑Squid, shrimp roe, roasted cabbage朋友跟我都認為這個dish是全晚的highlight。醬料是混合了蝦子的蛋黃醬,配上烤得剛剛好過的墨魚,沒想過這配搭可以咁甜咁有鮮味。一放入口空氣好像靜止了幾秒,叫你閉上眼睛慢慢欣賞佢,然後一直好想追食,但又不捨得食曬的感覺。-🐙Octopus, Orzo pasta, borgata 八爪魚質感唔會令人失望,係煙韌得剛剛好的口感。小米型的意粉口感都很特別!-🦆Fresh Barbecue Duck, dried carrot,preserved plum超濃味的鴨胸很juicy,不會有乾同鞋口的感覺。preserved plum的醬汁很清新,解膩一流。烤過的蘿蔔絲很鮮甜!-🍨 Persimmon, Amazake, sunflower seed甘酒味雪糕,配以焦糖醬汁和葵花籽,是令人不停想追吃的配搭。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-07-23
1189 瀏覽
Loved loved loved this small restaurant that was tucked away wt the corner of Lok Ku Road. It's a bit of a walk from the MTR station, but definitely worth a visit!Dinner Tasting menu ($880 per person)🦀 flower crab on cauliflower with citrus jelly with shiso kombuLocally sourced flower crab has a distinct sweetness to it, so when paired with the creamy cauliflower puree, and the citrus jelly, it was 100% an explosion of flavours. Each layer of flavour did not overpower the other and was a great starter. 🥥poached leek with salmon roe, coconut cream and lime leavesThe stem of the leek was poached to perfection. It basically melted in my mouth. Loved the combination of coconut and lime; it tasted refreshing yet warm at the same time. The salmon roe added a bit of texture to the dish. 🦑 squid in sichuan pepper oil with uni and sweet cornDefinitely a fusion dish that did not disappoint!! The squid was very tender, and perhaps with the aid of the sichuan pepper oil, it tasted even smoother. The sweet corn and uni balanced out the peppery flavour of the sichuan pepper oil. I was impressed at how pungent the sichuan pepper flavour was yet it did not seem too oily. 🍄 abalone and mushroom on white beans and lardoOne can never go wrong with slow cooked abalone. The white beans were a taaaad bit too hard for my liking, but it was able to soak up the abalone and mushroom flavours very well. The lardo on top was an interesting touch since it added a creamy texture to the beans. Perhaps why the beans were intentionally made a bit crunchier instead of the mushy texture I was more used to. 🐦 pigeon and eggplant with scallop on five spice jusThe variety of methods in cooking eggplant within this dish was amazing. Loved the texture and the flavour of the pigeon but felt like the five spice jus kind of took away from the original taste of the pigeon. It was however, a good match with the scallop. 🍋 loquat with yuzu granite and cheese foamI'm personally not a fan of any type of granite, but I appreciated them mixing cheese foam with refreshing flavours like loquat and yuzu. Overall a great meal, with good service. If I had to mention something that I did not fully enjoy, it would have to be the tofu sauce for the bread. It was a bit too runny, which made it a strange choice for the bread. Nonetheless, the bread tasted amazing even on it's own. They change their menu from time to time, so I will be sure to revisit again. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-07-13
818 瀏覽
平日Lunch的法國餐價錢已人均$1000起跳,今次光顧Le Vallon的晚餐,6道才是$880,性價比極高手寫的是日菜單,絕對感受到大廚的誠意先送上自家製的麵包,外脆內軟,牛油軟Local flower crab, cauliflower, citrus jelly, Shiro kombu大廚用上本地花蟹,配上微酸的果味啫喱,上面幾支是炸脆了的昆布,鮮味得來十分清新Leek, salmon roe, coconut, lime leave底下是大蔥的莖,想不到烤完後十分香甜,配上咸鮮的三文魚籽Squid, uni, corn, Sichuan pepper魷魚煮得十分軟腍,加入了川椒油,中西合璧Abalone, mushroom, white bean, lardo軟腍的鮑魚,蘑菇汁香得來不會太濃,不會搶了鮑魚的味道,白豆吸收了蘑菇和鮑魚汁,好好吃!加$250多一道鱸魚,外皮香脆French baby lamb, spring vegetable,anchovy & mint lamb sauce煎羊仔架,腍嫩,真的baby!最後是Japanese strawberry, jasmine tea mousse, caramelized yogurt, Chinese hawthorn compote平日朱古力/抹茶的mousse就食得多,茉莉還是第一次,好清新的花香!總括而言,雖然位置有點偏僻,要行點樓梯,但小店的木系風格,座位少少,上菜速度不快不慢,反而有種酒店法國餐廳比不上的溫馨氣氛。還是會再來的一間小館! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2022-07-10
538 瀏覽
朋友說請吃飯要我自己選擇餐廳,我在FB上看到這家餐廳的餐單,雖不很喜歡Testing Menu 但是還是決定給自己機會一試。 因為最近太多的米星讓我失望! 廚師水準,食材,創意又不失傳統。非常好的一次用餐經驗。值得大家去嘗試一下。麵包做得非常好,前菜每一道都各有驚喜,乳鴿做得相當嫩,口感也很好👍喜歡美食美酒佳餚的我,感恩碰到這樣好的餐廳,廚師的用心製作,食材水準,雖然是小店,但是用餐氣氛非常舒適溫馨,踏踏實實的吃一餐好的晚餐。 繼續閱讀
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