主打世界各地三十多款每天運抵的海鮮外,還加入高食材,尤其是松露,專程到意大利選材及入貨,務求品質及價錢上都有所保證,另設生蠔品嘗班,有專人從旁教授 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 04:00
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生蠔 和牛 松露
食評 (5)
<轉自好友的blog>網誌日期:2008-09-28 22:54 好友女友今天生日,他決定在這天向女友求婚。為了給女友驚喜,個半月前,他秘密籌備一個生日及求婚派對,並請來五十多名好友,見證他們的浪漫時刻。女友喜歡意大利菜,一個月前,好友四出搜尋適合的意大利菜館。幾經辛苦,終於在半個月前,在中環這個香港最高尚、最體面的地方,找到合適的餐廳包下全場,準備在這個以為浪漫的地方訂下人生大事。由於好友經濟條件有限,好友們為了完成他的心願,不介意每人自資出席。每位$350元,各自享用一個意大利餐。價錢不太划算。但餐廳設在中環,相信餐廳的環境、服務、食品水準方面,會較一般有保證,所以即使價錢「有返咁上下」兼可能「貴夾唔飽」,大家也當買個氣氛尋開心支持好友。怎料,結果卻令大家一肚子氣。餐廳由環境、服務到食物質素,完全不知所謂,甚至有欺騙之嫌。看不過眼好友求婚派對蒙上污點,著實不吐不快。罪證如下:1) 半個月前好友已決定包場,並向餐廳肯定人數五十人。今晚,大家依時到達,怎料餐廳竟然說不夠椅子,結果有六位賓客沒有坐位,侍應卻袖手旁觀,並說可能要賓客站著吃。收足客人$350元,卻要客人站著吃,這是甚麼道理?擾攘一番,侍應終四出張羅椅子,最後向大廈管理處借來幾張格格不入的槢木椅「頂當」才勉強解決問題,但這是甚麼服務?2) 位置安排好了,大家唱過生日歌準備吃蛋糕。由於蛋糕是一件件的西餅,我們各人等候侍應「派餅」。怎料就在這時,一位穿著短褲的侍應竟不懂儀態和衛生,向著放在旁邊的蛋糕連打兩個噴嚏,他更沒有用手掩著口鼻!!這個場面,看得我們一干人等目定口呆。一個價值千元的蛋糕,就這樣慘遭不顧衛生的侍應糟塌。3)不知是人手不足還是服務水準太低,每個人的上菜時間不一,有的甚至相差至少十五分鐘才上菜,即使同一時間叫一杯最簡單的可樂餐飲,也可以相差二十分鐘才送到,我那杯先來的可樂冰也融了,隔離賓客那一杯才剛好送到,可想而言有多過份!4)除了可樂和七喜,餐飲也可選擇檸檬茶。怎料一半賓客選飲檸檬茶後,全部退回。從未喝過如此怪味難飲的檸檬茶,沒有檸檬味沒有茶味也不緊要,但檸檬茶竟然有「乸喉」感覺,到底那裡出了問題?結果所有賓客不敢喝下去,全場只敢飲用較有保證的可樂。5)朋友要求要一杯清水解渴,沒料到侍應竟要求他先將杯中的可樂喝完才用杯子裝水給他,因為餐廳不夠杯子??!!(咁‥都‥得)6) 餐廳不夠杯子後,又輪到不夠碟子。最先出場的餐湯,本來用一款西餐廳常用的小碟盛著,怎料壓軸出場的餐湯,卻改用另一款細小的餐碗盛著,顯然餐廳不夠碟子招呼。在一間高尚餐廳出現這樣的服務,真的接受不來,而且我們不是神驚無神五十人前來「幫襯」,而是半個月前已預訂服務,卻換來這樣的招待,想知餐廳到底做過甚麼準備工夫?到底有沒有尊重客人?7)兩款主菜更是不知所謂。那款所謂的大蝦意粉,只得半隻開邊蝦和三口便吃完的無味意粉;鵝肝意大利飯更可惡。不單只得幾粒砌碎的鵝肝混在飯中,飯的份量更少得連一個小朋友也不夠吃。而且整個飯不知何解會傳來陣陣「腥味」和臭味,未吃下肚已令人反胃,難以置信面前這道飯是名貴高尚的意大利菜式。忍受了三個多小時,大家再忍無可忍,很多人連甜品也不等便拂袖而去,不約而同走到附近的翠華茶餐廳,再花幾十元吃一頓好吃十倍的正常晚餐。無奈‥‥‥寫著這篇谷氣網誌時,剛好收到好友傳來訊息。他很感謝我們出席派對,也為餐廳極差的服務道歉。朋友,你不用愧疚和歉意。因為根本不是你的錯。說實的,我們出席,真的為了替你們高興。餐廳服務好食物好環境好,只是錦上添花。作為好朋友,你俩幸福,我們便快樂。但這間餐廳服務實在不知所謂,不能容忍,不能姑息,所以不吐不快。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This is the first time that I have encountered such bad experience. We were having a dinner last night, have reserved set menu for the night, choices ranging from HKD488 to HKD688. We were refused to choose a la carte as some of us are not really interested in the set menu after we arrived. What they serve for the set.Starter On menu, it was stated seafood platter. As explained by the owner Winne, each of us would have 2 oysters and 1/4 of french crab. However, as 2 out of 4 were not really interested in this selection, the non-interesting parties chosen to pay an additional HKD100 each for Foie gras.The "seafood platter" for my other two friends turned out to be 2 oysters only. My other friend not interested in Oyster only has a green salad. I am not a food critics, but I do know a bit on ingredients. The foie gras they served was of minuate size, the size of a 2/3 McDonald chicken wing, with lots of tendons. For a HKD238 a portion, this is a "Riffed Off". Main CourseIn general ok. However, the so-called M10 "Wagu Beef" is a failure. First, the beef is of a really slim cut, really well-cooked (although we have ordered "medium rare"). The beef didn't really have the normal "marble" fat evenly distributed on the meat, and I have doubted whether this is really a "M10", or really a "Wagu" beef at all. DesertNo surprise, just 2 choices of cheese cake. Services For set dinner ranging from HKD488 to HKD688, plus a 10% service charge, this restauant is a failure. The waitress has no idea on the dishes, slow, bad manner, and the owner is even worse. She will push you to take this and that without informing you. By the time the bill came, my freind having the green salad was charged the same as the one having the so oyster. This is RIDICULOUS, how could a green salad equate to the price of oysters ?? The owner Winnie left the restaurant by the time we paid, and she told us that the price of GREEN SALALD is even more than the OYSTER. For HKD600 per head, I would not recommend anyone to this restaurant.CONCLUSIONOwner's attitude is horrible, waitresses are "green" and no services, the food is normal, but judging together with the price, not worth trying. They are selling "Truffles" sauces and ingredients, however, I think they are using dash of "Truffles" oil instead of real truffles (at least for our set dinners). Totally agreed with one of the critics on this restauant. This rest is a "Riffed Off". 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2008-07-22
21 瀏覽
My good friend has hold his birthday party at Noble last week. The restaurant was not big, to fit 50 of us was quite crowded indeed. However, I really liked the atmosphere and the environment. It was not easy to find, if my friend did not tell me that it was near the Hollywood Rd old police station, I would not know there was such a "private" restaurant. We had Beluga caviar as appetizer ( although the portion was quite small, the caviar was really big! So yummi!), a deluxe seafood platter (many many oysters, clams, pink prawns and the jumbo French crab! So many roe!!! Delicious! The portion was quite big though, we could not finish that), a Foie Gras Pasta (Must try, this was the best pasta I had ever tasted) or a White Truffle soup ( I did not try that, however the smell was really good) and a duo main course of a small Japanese Abalone(the taste was REAL nice, I hope it could bot bigger) and Waygu Steak or Smoked Pigeon. I tried the Steak, it was so tender I thought I was cutting "tofu". Overall the whole dinner was very satisfying, and there was unlimited supply of Australian House White and House Red for the whole night. For the price of $1000 pp, feeding us with such good food and making us all drunk, I think it was very reasonable. I talked to the owner and she said they do not open to public. They only accept advanced bookings. Also, they have different kinds of tailor-made menu from $350 and above. I will definitely book Noble again for my coming "all-you-can-drink" birthday party. Haha.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2008-02-21
23 瀏覽
I went to their TST Oyster Express few weeks ago, and somehow accidently me and my friend came over to try Noble.The Oyster choices are not as much as their TST one, but the truffle is very good. Their manger was so nice to us, introduced their nice dishes and explained to us about their food.We have tried the egg, the pasta with Uni and truffle together, baked oyster with cheese and truffle sauses. We were so satisfied about our dinner. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)