2013-07-02 528 瀏覽
現在的天氣真的奇怪,一天可以經歷春夏秋冬的,當在office出門時還是晴天,去到餐廳突然下大雨,灰黑黑的,心想: 死定了,我沒帶傘,怎回公司? 但吃著吃著,突然出太陽,不過依然是下著雨的;吃完後,雨停了,熱得要命;雖然出汗都很濕,但總比雨淋濕好吧。藍色屠夫,聽過不下數十次,雖然想來,但這不是燃眉之急,有機會再來吧。這天,機會來了,不過只是吃午餐。如果有機會,我還是想試試這裡的晚餐。午餐MENU,價格比附近的西餐廳貴一點吧,難怪沒太多人來,只有一兩枱客。選擇也算多,不過如果想由吃兩個course,有沙律和main course的話,每人大約要300元吧。八卦的我,走到上層看看那邊的環保,環境很暗,用上了高背椅;我很喜歡這裡的裝潢,就是喜歡去以木為主要材料的餐廳,能夠感受到大自然的木,亦能有石屎森林的格調,不錯。因為陽光太好,坐在地下那層似乎更能享受日光,而地下那層一邊為bar枱,一邊則有點庭園情懷。因為用了public area,所以不能提供service。原本我們也是坐在這張枱,但後來下大雨,所以便搬到另一邊。我們搬到這邊,藍色椅子,感覺很好,心情大靚;加上一邊聽著雨聲,一邊有陽光,感
現在的天氣真的奇怪,一天可以經歷春夏秋冬的,當在office出門時還是晴天,去到餐廳突然下大雨,灰黑黑的,心想: 死定了,我沒帶傘,怎回公司? 但吃著吃著,突然出太陽,不過依然是下著雨的;吃完後,雨停了,熱得要命;雖然出汗都很濕,但總比雨淋濕好吧。
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午餐MENU,價格比附近的西餐廳貴一點吧,難怪沒太多人來,只有一兩枱客。選擇也算多,不過如果想由吃兩個course,有沙律和main course的話,每人大約要300元吧。
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因為用了public area,所以不能提供service。原本我們也是坐在這張枱,但後來下大雨,所以便搬到另一邊。
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Organic Smoken Beet Root/ FETA/ Cucumber/ Pistachio Vinaigrette $100
本以為$100一碟的沙律份量應該不少,但事實上是少得可憐,份量就像有些西餐廳午市套餐中的頭盤一樣。紅菜頭,總覺得味道很怪,但這裡的做得似乎不錯,主要是煮得很軟腍,那股很生的味道都煮走了,所以比較易入口,而且伴以醋汁,更加開胃。當中還有切得很薄的青瓜;feta cheese和開心果;脆脆的開心果,令整道沙律多了口感;而芝士亦為清新的沙律帶點乳香。味道是有點怪的,未必人人喜歡,但很開胃,份量可否再多一點呢??
Wagyu Beef Burger/ Tomato Jam/ Balsamic Onions/ Smoked Couda Cheese/ Truffle Aioli/ French Fries $200
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Wagyu Beef Burger/ Tomato Jam/ Balsamic Onions/ Smoked Couda Cheese/ Truffle Aioli/ French Fries $200
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$165 (午餐)
Wagyu Beef Burger/ Tomato Jam/ Balsamic Onions/ Smoked Couda Cheese/ Truffle Aioli/ French Fries $200
2013-06-24 13 瀏覽
Blue Butcher曾是個令人嘆息的名字,因去年與食友自費到訪這間位於荷里活道的人氣扒房,經歷實在太不如意了(有興趣可參考舊食評);然而餐廳之後仍然好評如潮,並長期爆滿,連CEO也說可能只是我們黑仔... 剛好相熟的公關轉職到這集團工作,誠意邀請我們前往試食,那當是聚舊也好,當是發掘真相也好,早1一個週一FHY就提早來到這裡重訪了! 沒錯,由於餐廳晚一點就會全場爆滿,我們要約早至6:30pm呢! 當時天色還未全黑,滿心以為可以拍攝較佳的照片了,不過來到樓上黑暗的用餐區,即發覺如意算盤還是打不響。不過我們也有絕招,反而當天坐近吧檯,就將食物搬上有射燈的吧檯,拍照之後再來分享。先來麵包籃,今次麵包配上不同款的橄欖油、牛油、黑椒、海鹽等上檯,豐富了滋味,不過留肚關係也沒有吃太多了。 在公關熱情招待下,FHY各自選點了不同的飲料,CEO點了Apple Pie Moonshine($140),飲品最大特點是以雞皮紙袋載著,據知與1920年美國禁酒的故事有關,很有意思;劉總的Pork Chop &  Apple Sauce($130)的特點則是加了bacon washed blended sc
Blue Butcher曾是個令人嘆息的名字,因去年與食友自費到訪這間位於荷里活道的人氣扒房,經歷實在太不如意了(有興趣可參考舊食評);然而餐廳之後仍然好評如潮,並長期爆滿,連CEO也說可能只是我們黑仔... 剛好相熟的公關轉職到這集團工作,誠意邀請我們前往試食,那當是聚舊也好,當是發掘真相也好,早1一個週一FHY就提早來到這裡重訪了! 沒錯,由於餐廳晚一點就會全場爆滿,我們要約早至6:30pm呢!
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Apple Pie Moonshine($140),飲品最大特點是以雞皮紙袋載著,據知與1920年美國禁酒的故事有關,很有意思;劉總的
Pork Chop &  Apple Sauce($130)的特點則是加了bacon washed blended scotch,再混合Apple schnapps及新鮮蘋果蓉,聽上去充滿玩味,我沒試不知味道,但據講是很受歡迎的! 感激公關的細心,特別為孕媽媽點了Virgin版的
BB Royale($120),成品以清甜的blueberry shrub混合soda water(如是正常版則會用上sparkling wine),口味頗為清新怡人,是款消暑解滯之作。
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Bone Marrow, Toast, Capers Berries, Parsley, Salt Flakes($125),嚇呆了媽媽! 因為,上次吃這味的感覺是很油膩不好吃的.... 好在是晚除有三位公關幫忙分享食物,又得主要負責人嚴禁我們拍照太久,每人兩張相片後就要快快搬回餐檯進食;原來趁熱進食下,油膩感可以大幅減低,辣鮮鮮的融化脂油趁以新鮮熱脆的多士,雖然仍然稱不上是我的心水美食,但比上回確是香口美味多了!
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Pigs Head Terrine, Pickled Onions, Herb Salad, Toast($115),可知肉批既厚,又有一定實度,肉味還相當濃郁,襯以多士頗為好吃,但同時高卡又飽肚;還好同上有清新火箭菜沙律,可以中和一下! 建議人多才好選點。
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Spanish Ham & Egg, Asparagus, Mushroom, Thyme($125)含有較多素菜,口味較為清怡,個人也實在幾喜歡多種材料配搭出來的豐富味道,不過是晚我分到的部份以火腿為主,感覺是咸了些少。
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頭盤方面感覺有進步,之後來到主菜環節,感覺更是脫胎換骨,出色多了! 首先是
Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly & Cheek, Lentils, Granny Smith Apple Slaw($490),成品明顯比上次豐腴好吃,而且燥味不再,我也連吃了兩件;而墊底下的扁豆,在吸引油脂後也變得美味吸引。
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Dutch Veal Cheek & Sweetbreads, Truffled Orzo, Herb Salad($460)是新嘗試,小牛臉頰肉質很滑,牛胸肉則帶爽嫩口感,各有特色;但最吸引其實是底下的米型意粉orzo,沾了truffle醬很香滑好吃,有令人越吃越想吃的魅力!
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Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye($620),上次經歷雖不如意,但牛柳還是很不錯,而這晚的澳洲帶骨肉眼扒更是牛味濃郁(對,不是美國牛但也很濃),medium rare的火候下肉眼完全嫩滑無渣,熱辣辣並外層焦香吸引,好好好吃呢!而且14oz就有如此份量,我們都覺得很意外地抵食,最後我還很不客氣地吃下骨位那件扒,實在太香口動人了!
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Duck fries,
garlic fries,兩款都超美味又邪惡;以及較為健康,當晚吃了不少的
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由於菜式太豐富,來到甜品環節CEO很罕有的只點了兩款,不過公關卻將每份x3上檯,結果一點沒有少! 首先是新出的
Lemon Cappuccino, Lemon Crouton, Lemon Curd, Almond Crumble, Whipped Cream($90),輕薄一層忌廉之下,吉士有著強勁清新的檸檬味,中間又混以不同的脆crumble(很喜歡!)、蛋糕粒等,是款層次感很強的出品,個人是相當喜歡的,獨個掃下差不多整份,不過份數真的太大,完成不了啦!
Maple Syrup Tart, Sugar Whipped Cream($80),特點是甜美而濕潤,混上少量忌廉同吃更添香滑滋味。由於甜品太多,最後各打包一件回家給寶寶享用,為食豬仔當然超喜歡啦!
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Caffe Latte,據他講水準非常不錯! 總結來說,今次的經歷真的比上次好多了,終於明白全場爆滿的原因。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • BB Royale
  • Spanish Ham & Egg
  • Asparagus
  • Mushroom
  • Thyme
  • Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly & Cheek
  • Lentils
  • Granny Smith Apple Slaw
  • O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye
  • Lemon Cappuccino
  • Lemon Crouton
  • Lemon Curd
  • Almond Crumble
  • Whipped Cream
2013-06-19 413 瀏覽
「藍屠夫」,剛開業的時候我跟好友們拜會過,實不相瞞,當時印象只是麻麻,縱使其後有朋友讚賞過,筆者一直也沒有再重訪。直至近日,公關朋友Celine邀請我來試菜,那就當是聚舊吧! 兼且看看水準是否真的有所提升。為了測試水準,是晚我們吃的食物,大多是跟上次一樣,都係店家的招牌菜,希望今云真會有進步。首先,就是烤牛骨髓 (Bone Marrow),出品明顯比上一次好,至少是熱呼呼,塗上既熱又香脆的多士,才得甘香。上次的則是溫溫吞吞,吃得一口是肥油,這就是分野。其次是Pigs Head Terrine,自家製作,肉味十足,肥瘦亦均勻,口感柔軟,不過份量實在太大,而且都幾漏,細食既我只能塗上脆多士,吃了一點。說起Terrine,我更喜歡是另一品牌The Salted Pig的出品。再來是西班牙火腿配溫泉蛋,是比較穩陣的一味。蛋黃搖搖欲墜,破開後流心,連同軟熟咸香的西班牙火腿,自會吸引。配角的炒磨菇以及露筍,均屬爽口,的確是穩陣之選。主菜也陸續上桌,豬腩肉配扁豆,是上回吃過較合心的一味,始終瘦中有肥的腩肉,總會甘香,對於我這食肉獸而言,會是吸引,墊底的扁豆當然也是入味。相比之下,牛面頰則只是普通,反
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「藍屠夫」,剛開業的時候我跟好友們拜會過,實不相瞞,當時印象只是麻麻,縱使其後有朋友讚賞過,筆者一直也沒有再重訪。直至近日,公關朋友Celine邀請我來試菜,那就當是聚舊吧! 兼且看看水準是否真的有所提升。


首先,就是烤牛骨髓 (Bone Marrow),出品明顯比上一次好,至少是熱呼呼,塗上既熱又香脆的多士,才得甘香。上次的則是溫溫吞吞,吃得一口是肥油,這就是分野。

其次是Pigs Head Terrine,自家製作,肉味十足,肥瘦亦均勻,口感柔軟,不過份量實在太大,而且都幾漏,細食既我只能塗上脆多士,吃了一點。說起Terrine,我更喜歡是另一品牌The Salted Pig的出品。





(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-06-15 104 瀏覽
是晚是第二次來到Blue Butcher晚飯, 第一次來到的時候, 水準只是麻麻, 但在相熟的公關朋友邀請之下, 就跟亞茵及劉總再次前來一試, 看看這次的水準又如何.星期一的晚上來到, 店子依然是相當熱鬧, 看來這裡繼續是旺場的地方. 這裡的環境是幾有格調的, 裝修也見心思, 不少細微位也做得不俗, 就好像帶領大家進入一個屠場一樣. 在這輕鬆的氣氛下試菜, 就算是星期一晚, 也會倍感舒暢.Apple Pie Moonshine $140: 8分, 未開始吃, 先來點喝的, 是晚我的選擇就是Apple Pie Moonshine, House Made Apple Infused Moonshine. 故事追溯到1920年1月16日, 美國立法禁酒, 令到人們在月下不能喝酒, 要喝酒的話, 唯有用雞皮紙袋載著. 這杯雞尾酒, 味道真的有點像蘋果批, 帶肉桂香, 也有點點蘋果的甜味, 是幾有趣的配搭.Pork Chop and Apple Sauce $130: 劉總的選擇就是Pork Chop and Apple Sauce, 單計賣相, 也實在幾吸引.Bone Marrow /Toas
是晚是第二次來到Blue Butcher晚飯, 第一次來到的時候, 水準只是麻麻, 但在相熟的公關朋友邀請之下, 就跟亞茵及劉總再次前來一試, 看看這次的水準又如何.

星期一的晚上來到, 店子依然是相當熱鬧, 看來這裡繼續是旺場的地方. 這裡的環境是幾有格調的, 裝修也見心思, 不少細微位也做得不俗, 就好像帶領大家進入一個屠場一樣. 在這輕鬆的氣氛下試菜, 就算是星期一晚, 也會倍感舒暢.

Apple Pie Moonshine $140: 8分, 未開始吃, 先來點喝的, 是晚我的選擇就是Apple Pie Moonshine, House Made Apple Infused Moonshine. 故事追溯到1920年1月16日, 美國立法禁酒, 令到人們在月下不能喝酒, 要喝酒的話, 唯有用雞皮紙袋載著. 這杯雞尾酒, 味道真的有點像蘋果批, 帶肉桂香, 也有點點蘋果的甜味, 是幾有趣的配搭.
Apple Pie Moonshine
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Pork Chop and Apple Sauce $130: 劉總的選擇就是Pork Chop and Apple Sauce, 單計賣相, 也實在幾吸引.
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Bone Marrow /Toast /Caper Berries /Parsley /Salt Flakes $125: 8分, 先來幾款前菜,當中自然包括店方的名物牛骨髓, 是晚吃到的, 水準又實在是相當不俗, 油香豐富, 塗在多士上同吃, 自然是相當美味. 加上是晚吃到的多士是熱辣辣, 相當香脆, 實在更添滋味. 當然不是甚麼健康之物, 但間中吃一吃, 也無大問題的.
Bone Marrow
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Pigs Head Terrine /Pickled Onions /Herb Salad /Toast $115: 7分, 接下來的就是肉批, 以豬頭肉, 配上洋蔥做成. 其實吃完牛骨髓, 再吃這客肉批, 感覺上實在是幾膩的. 肉味是相當濃郁的, 加上份量十足, 真的要多幾個人分吃才能吃得完呢. 還好的是旁邊跟上點沙律, 中和一下也幾好.
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Spanish Ham & Egg /Asparagus /Mushroom /Thyme $125: 8分, 另外一款前菜就是西班牙火腿, 配上溫泉蛋, 露筍以及蘑菇. 整個配搭是幾匹配的, 火腿帶點鹹香的味道, 跟清新的露筍, 效果不錯.
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Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye $620: 8分, 到了主菜的環節, 當然是大大份的, 一客14安士, 真是人少一點也不能夠點選呢. 先試的是肉眼扒, 來自澳洲農場的100%天然安格斯肉眼扒, 肉味是相當香濃, 面頭帶點焦香, 但內裡的肉質仍帶點粉紅色, 火候控制得很好. 愛吃牛的朋友, 來到這裡吃這客肉眼扒, 一定會很滿足.
Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye
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Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye
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Dutch Veal Cheek & Sweetbreads /Truffled Orzo /Herb Salad $460: 7分, 相比之下, 這客荷蘭牛面頰及牛胸肉就沒有那麼搶鏡了. 其實肉質是幾鬆化的, 不過肉味就沒有那麼濃郁, 配上底下的Orzo, 幾有咬口, 沾上醬汁之後是幾惹味的.
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Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly & Cheek /Lentils /Granny Smith Apple Slaw $490: 8分, 一向很喜歡吃豬腩肉的, 是晚吃到的, 也是水準之作. 肉質相當嫩滑, 脂肪的部位更是相當肥美. 底下的扁豆吸收了醬汁的味道之後, 也是令人滿意的.
Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly
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Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly
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其實是晚也有點選料不少配菜, 但我已經相當飽足, 基本上也沒有怎樣吃過呢.

Lemon Cappuccino /Lemon Crouton /Lemon Curd /Almond Crumble /Whipped Cream $90: 6分, 當然, 不吃配菜, 不代表沒有空間吃甜品, 先來的是以檸檬作主打的甜品, 就像一杯cappuccino一樣, 層次相當豐富, 不過我一向不太喜歡太酸的甜品, 這一款味道就是比較酸, 如果能夠輕宜一點, 清新一點會更加理想.
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Maple Syrup Tart /Sugar Whipped Cream $80: 7分, 另外一款甜品就是楓糖醬撻, 楓糖的甜度適中, 加上面頭的Sugar Whipped Cream同吃, 化學作用是不俗的, 不過撻本身就是比較濕, 質感一般.
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整體來講, 這次食物的水準是比上次來的時候有明顯的不同, 幾款招牌菜色也是令人滿意的, 當中特別喜歡的要數到那客肉眼扒了. 其實在餐牌上還看到有一客供10-12人享用的和牛肉眼, 很是吸引的, 不知道水準會是如何呢? 希望日後有機會再前來試試其他菜色吧.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Apple Pie Moonshine
Bone Marrow
Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye
Australian O'Connor Farm 100% Natural Black Angus 14oz Rib Eye
Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly
Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly
2013-05-21 762 瀏覽
Just had a great dinner at Blue Butcher with my wonderful girlfriend last week!I have to say that Blue butcher is a very great place for steaks especially for meat lovers like us!Just the two of us, we ordered a lamb chop, M8 Waygu steak and a spring chicken to share (we were so hungry after a crazy day of singing karaokate..haha) The service staff was so friendly and reminded us that it might be too much to try all the heavy meat at once - But, it's okay - we can handle it!The dishes came after

Just had a great dinner at Blue Butcher with my wonderful girlfriend last week!

I have to say that Blue butcher is a very great place for steaks especially for meat lovers like us!

Just the two of us, we ordered a lamb chop, M8 Waygu steak and a spring chicken to share (we were so hungry after a crazy day of singing karaokate..haha) The service staff was so friendly and reminded us that it might be too much to try all the heavy meat at once - But, it's okay - we can handle it!

The dishes came after 25 minutes --

1) The lamb chop is very nice with minimal marination - we really love the mushroom sauce and it taste very fine with some cheese sprinkles on top!

2) The spring chicken is marinated perfectly with the home made herbs! The chicken skin is very crispy outside while the meat itself is very tender and well prepared! we just love it! However, it seems that there are too much onions and garlics added to the chicken which makes the dish a bit too "over" as the chicken itself is pretty fresh already!

3) The steak - the steak is just grilled prefectly fine (i love medium rare steaks) - With a little bit of seasalt added to the steak, it induce the freshness of the steak which no additional sauce is necessary for it! However, i would recommend that the presentation of the steak could be a little bit more fancy.....rather than just a pc of steak being placed on the wooden pad.

Overall the service of the resto is very welcoming and friendly - The staff kept on asking how's the food and refilling our water which makes our dining experince very enjoyable!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-05-16 476 瀏覽
I had heard great things about this place so we decided to try it out. The bar is downstairs and there is a long steep staircase up to the dining room so if anyone has problems with stairs, it is best to avoid the place or sit in the bar on the ground floorThe night started off rather badly. We had reservations and the hostess took us upstairs right away, but then made us stand in a corner like naughty children for 10 minutes while the table was prepared. Then when we got to the table my seat ha
I had heard great things about this place so we decided to try it out. The bar is downstairs and there is a long steep staircase up to the dining room so if anyone has problems with stairs, it is best to avoid the place or sit in the bar on the ground floor

The night started off rather badly. We had reservations and the hostess took us upstairs right away, but then made us stand in a corner like naughty children for 10 minutes while the table was prepared. Then when we got to the table my seat had some food on it. I thought it was a peanut or something so I tried to brush it off but in fact it was something soft and sticky, so it got spread over the seat and my hand. I decided to just clean it with my napkin rather than ask for a new seat. Then a few minutes after I sat down I felt something on my neck trying to crawl into my collar and I slapped it. It turned out to be a large bug, disgusting.

The ambiance was nice but seemed like an odd mix. The chairs were elegant with fancy high backs that reminded me of a small throne but the table was old and beat up (on purpose I am sure) probably like a well used butcher table. Most of the decoration was dark but yet there were 3 big lit up garish arrows pointing at a small pig statue. Also the temperature was quite warm and I was sweating through out the dinner.

The waiter was pleasant and after only two rounds of customary feigned ignorance brought us tap water (and came by on his own to refill it a few times).

Bread. There was a generous portion of excellent french bread served with herb butter, salt, black pepper, & olive oil.

Salmon Tartar and Avocado. I have had versions of this at many hotel banquets and this one was better than average but nothing special. The salmon was quite mild and mostly overwhelmed by the avocado otherwise I think the dish would have been good.

Bone Marrow with Toast. I was very eager to try this as I love bone marrow and was pleasantly surprised to see such a large portion and well presented. Unfortunately they had cooked it so much that the marrow had turned into a jelly, destroying the flavor.

Steak Tartar with vinegar cured Egg Yolk. Instead of piled up into a cylinder shape as usual this was flattened into an irregular shape and did not look as appetizing. There were a few croutons scattered around a small dark colored egg yolk in the middle. Trying the meat on its own I was quite disappointed. There wasn't much seasoning and the meat itself was quite bland. Then I tried mixing the egg and wow what a difference. The vinegar cured egg yolk was really something else and totally enlivened the dish into something special. The tanginess mixed perfectly with the meat to a provide wonderful combination.

Main Course
Prime Tenderloin. It was a very thick cut of steak, it must have been about 2 inches thick. This makes cooking it evenly quite difficult but it was cooked perfect and was ridiculously tender. The steak was served on a bed of creamed spinach that was a perfect compliment to the steak. On top was crispy shallots that should really have put this dish over the top into special but unfortunately didn't add anything rather than an occasional crunch. The biggest let-down was the sauce, it was a generic brown sauce that dampened the overall flavour of the dish rather than enhancing it.

French Chicken. The chicken was served in a deep frying pan, covered in a generous amount of pearl onions and surrounded by carrots. The presentation in the pan was one of the best for a chicken I have seen. It was ideally cooked, tender & juicy throughout. Fans of chicken will really enjoy this dish but others may find the flavor too subtle.

Chocolate & Banana Tart with Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream. This dessert sounded the best but was ultimately the most disappointing. It turned out to be a chocolate molten cake (even 7-11 has a molten cake now) with a slight crust around it. The banana flavor was so subtle I couldn't even taste it in many of the bites. A scoop of ready made Haagan Dazs would have been better tasting than this ice cream.

Maple Syrup Tart: Unlike the other one, this was a real tart. It had a solid but soft texture and sweet but not overly so filling. It was topped with a lemon whipped cream that I thought took away from the tart as it wasn't too sweet to begin with. If the tart was sweeter the contrasting tastes would have worked better.

Lemon Cappucino: What a great presentation and taste. It was served in a large coffee cup and covered with cream so it really did look like a cappucino. Stick a fork in it and taste the lemon filling goodness inside.

Overall there are a lot of contrasts in this place. The decor, service, & food all seemed to be a mixed bag. Some of it shined and some it flopped. For the price I would have expected better consistency.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)
$700 (晚餐)
2013-05-14 148 瀏覽
從來感覺中, 上環一帶都是比較多老外聚集的地區, 因此這裡一直都較多西式小店或餐廳以迎合一眾外籍人仕的口味. 自從認識了一班食友之後, 鮮會到這區用膳的宅女開始有更多的機會來到這裡覓食, 像這晚來到了中環的荷李活道, 結識了這個令人欲罷不能的藍色屠夫....餐廳分了2層, 地下那邊有些高身椅桌可以讓食客先飲杯野談下天, 眼看也有不少老外很享受的在暢飲, 而2樓便是用餐區, 地方都算幾大而且較寬廣, 燈光柔和得來偏暗一點感覺很有情調看餐廳名字話明是藍色屠夫, 這裡當然就是食肉獸的天堂. 不過主角未出場, 我們女生當然要先來一點清新的沙律作前菜, 令整頓晚飯都不致於有太過的罪惡感吧.Organic smoked beetroot/Feta/Cucumber/Pistachio Vinaigrette (HKD$120)香港人吃紅菜頭不算很普遍, 但其實這個蔬菜很有營養價值而且更有抗氧化及抗癌的作用. 這裡的用上紅菜頭來做主角, 加上青瓜和羊奶芝士, 還有洒滿開心果跟香醋蓋頂, 雖是素食但吃起來很清新又爽甜, 加了羊奶芝士味道也不會過濃, 作為肉食的餐前菜來打打底實在不錯. Bone Mar
從來感覺中, 上環一帶都是比較多老外聚集的地區, 因此這裡一直都較多西式小店或餐廳以迎合一眾外籍人仕的口味. 自從認識了一班食友之後, 鮮會到這區用膳的宅女開始有更多的機會來到這裡覓食, 像這晚來到了中環的荷李活道, 結識了這個令人欲罷不能的藍色屠夫....
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餐廳分了2層, 地下那邊有些高身椅桌可以讓食客先飲杯野談下天, 眼看也有不少老外很享受的在暢飲, 而2樓便是用餐區, 地方都算幾大而且較寬廣, 燈光柔和得來偏暗一點感覺很有情調
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看餐廳名字話明是藍色屠夫, 這裡當然就是食肉獸的天堂. 不過主角未出場, 我們女生當然要先來一點清新的沙律作前菜, 令整頓晚飯都不致於有太過的罪惡感吧.
Organic smoked beetroot/Feta/Cucumber/Pistachio Vinaigrette (HKD$120)
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香港人吃紅菜頭不算很普遍, 但其實這個蔬菜很有營養價值而且更有抗氧化及抗癌的作用. 這裡的用上紅菜頭來做主角, 加上青瓜和羊奶芝士, 還有洒滿開心果跟香醋蓋頂, 雖是素食但吃起來很清新又爽甜, 加了羊奶芝士味道也不會過濃, 作為肉食的餐前菜來打打底實在不錯.

Bone Marrow/ Toast/ Caper Berries/ Parsley/ Salt Flakes (HKD$125)
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整晚要數最邪惡之物但又最美味的非這個牛骨髓配多士莫屬了. 一碟上2大個粗壯的牛骨髓, 內裡有著滿滿的肥脂, 厚厚的塗在香脆的多士上實是油香滿溢, 甘香鬆化. 洒點粒鹽在牛脂上吃味道更突出, 雖是非常有罪惡感但最後又忍不住的清光光了整條骨髓.

The Blue Absinthe Fairy (HKD$695)
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而最矚目的當然是這個藍色仙子, 盛酒容器漂亮不在話下, 而且內裡酒的份量也足夠4人分享. 用上苦艾酒加琴酒, Lillet Blanc白酒, 藍柑汁和檸檬汁調成. 單看那個冰藍的色調巳覺得涼浸浸了. 入口的確帶著冰涼的薄荷檸檬味, 不過不要少看這個COCKTAIL, 其酒精度不低的. 宅女個人口味就感覺有點濃, 不是我杯茶, 只輕輕呷了一口. 但同枱友人大愛喝了6,7杯, 所以喜愛這個酒的味道還是見人見智.

Australian Mayura Farm Wagyu Sirloin 12OZ M10-12 score (HKD$890)
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一大塊的沙朗牛排十分厚身極具份量感, 切開中間的肉質還是帶著鮮嫩的粉紅色, 入口肉質非常柔軟, 肉味濃郁, 雖然肥脂少了點但吃起來更富肉香, 而且吃起來也不覺乾身, 更帶著點焦香, 實在是好吃又滿足.

SIDE DISHES有奶油粟米和黑松露薯條
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粒粒飽滿的粟米入口非常甜美再加上奶油的鮮香, 吃起來十分CREAMY, 忍不住一口接一口, 是這晚宅女吃得最多的一款; 而黑松露薯條聞起來巳經十分香, 薯條亦炸得香口, 的確十分惹味.

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其實2款味道有點怪, 不過要選的話宅女還是會選BROWNIE配雪糕吧. 不過雪糕上枱時巳差不多半溶了, 而且BROWNIE朱古力味不太突出, 質素只屬平平.

餐廳環境和氣氛其實算是很不錯, 價格以中環這地區來說算是中等, 特別推薦的會是這裡的頭盤跟肉食.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Bone Marrow
2013-05-14 43 瀏覽
聽說blue butcher是喜歡吃肉朋友的好地方, 我沒有特別喜歡吃肉類所以要吃的話那家餐廳一定要做得很好才能吸引到我. 最近到了blue butcher他們的菜式做得不錯, 尢其是肉類做得很好The Blue Absinthe Fairy先要試的是這裡的招牌特式cocktail, 這藍色的cocktail酒精達65度我要喝完的話就真的會變了神仙...裡面有Absinthe,Gin,Blue Curacao,Lillet Blanc.味道其實不會說很苦澀, 多人一起倒酒一起喝很高興不過要喝的話要預訂, 因為這個容器全餐廳就只有一個bone marrow/toast/caper berries/parsley/salt flakes非常邪惡的牛骨髓配多士. 牛骨髓每口都是甘香無比. 塗上多士吃實在太美味了加上蒜香牛油跟鹽巴吃更能帶起牛骨髓的油香steak tartare做得很好的牛肉他他, 主要是因為他加了香醋去做這頭盤牛肉的香氣都被引了出來. 加上酸勁, 醒胃好吃Organic smoked beetroot / feta / cucumber / pistachio / vinai
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聽說blue butcher是喜歡吃肉朋友的好地方, 我沒有特別喜歡吃肉類
所以要吃的話那家餐廳一定要做得很好才能吸引到我. 最近到了blue butcher
他們的菜式做得不錯, 尢其是肉類做得很好
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The Blue Absinthe Fairy
先要試的是這裡的招牌特式cocktail, 這藍色的cocktail酒精達65度
我要喝完的話就真的會變了神仙...裡面有Absinthe,Gin,Blue Curacao,Lillet Blanc.味道其實不會說很苦澀, 多人一起倒酒一起喝很高興
不過要喝的話要預訂, 因為這個容器全餐廳就只有一個
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bone marrow/toast/caper berries/parsley/salt flakes
非常邪惡的牛骨髓配多士. 牛骨髓每口都是甘香無比. 塗上多士吃實在太美味了
steak tartare
做得很好的牛肉他他, 主要是因為他加了香醋去做這頭盤
牛肉的香氣都被引了出來. 加上酸勁, 醒胃好吃
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Organic smoked beetroot / feta / cucumber / pistachio / vinaigrette
這沙拉我也是很喜歡, 紅菜頭除了有紅色的還有黃色跟綠色的
都很新鮮很甜, 加上feta cheese更豐富了沙拉的味道
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Australian mayura farm wagyu sirloin 12oz M10-12 score
這次試了西冷牛排, medium rare的生熟程度很剛好
牛香十足, 肉質蠻軟的, 通常都會怕西冷做得很韌但這個不會, 好吃
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Rare breed US Kurobuta pig belly & cheek/Lentils/granny smith apple slaw
這個燉豬五花非常美味! 肉質煮到超嫩的, 肥肉一點都不油膩, 油香十足
不愛吃豬肉的我都覺得很好吃. 扁豆煮到很軟, 青蘋果醬汁酸香中和豬肉的油香. 推薦!
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黑松露薯條, 鮮奶油玉米這兩款配菜也是相當好吃
我很喜歡鮮奶油玉米, 玉米本身已經很甜了, 加上鮮奶油的奶香真的很美味
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最後來了兩款甜品, 我覺得兩款甜品的味道較適合外國朋友
我們都覺得香料下得有點多, 不太喜歡
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這杯好喝的latte為這次的晚餐作完美的結束, 還想再來試這裡的招牌烤雞呢
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • pork belly
Obviously this is a restaurant with a reputation at the moment. Not easy to get a table but worth it when you get there.Interior is nicely done, a dark-ish, Lower East side sort of vibe with a mixture of seating options. I prefer to sit at the kitchen-front bar for the action.Undoubtedly the steaks are the main attraction and they are all done to perfection. Particularly worth a mention, the 16oz wagyu. Good to share.For starters I have enjoyed the japanese tomato and buffala which is exquisite.
Obviously this is a restaurant with a reputation at the moment. Not easy to get a table but worth it when you get there.

Interior is nicely done, a dark-ish, Lower East side sort of vibe with a mixture of seating options. I prefer to sit at the kitchen-front bar for the action.

Undoubtedly the steaks are the main attraction and they are all done to perfection. Particularly worth a mention, the 16oz wagyu. Good to share.

For starters I have enjoyed the japanese tomato and buffala which is exquisite. Another favourite, well-documented, is the marrow bone starter, a lovely, fatty, flavoursome effort which comes with some fresh, crunchy toast bread.

One disappointment is their cocktails which do not live up to the hype, they are facile, pretentious and un-memorable. There is nothing special to remember here besides the presentation and the names. Stick to a classic pre-dinner cocktail or some of their very good wine.

This place is not cheap but top steak should be expensive.

Service is very knowledgeable, they are well trained.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-05-11 9 瀏覽
下雨天,屠夫,血。下著毛毛細雨的一天,荷李活道卻不見冷清,只因這裡,有著熱血的藍色屠夫。還記得今年三月,慶祝結婚週年時第一次到訪藍色屠夫,那一夜不缺味道,缺的只是熱度,內心暗付,藍色,是代表冷血嗎?一個月後的今天,我再一次來到藍色屠夫,而這一次則是受公關邀請而來。事前內心十五十六,全因上次不完滿的經歷。最後還是決定再來,全因店方從善如流而作出改善,既然如此,我也不怕赴會。到底真正的藍色屠夫,是冷血,還是熱血?藍色的屠夫,軟熟的麵包,四色的麵包塗料,再一次成為這一晚的序幕。既有麵包,又怎少了好朋友牛骨髓。一刀插入心,暴力地把骨髓挖出來,再粗獷地把它塗在熱烘的麵包上,灑上同樣的粗獷的粗鹽,原始地大口吃,是最刻骨銘心的味道。文明一點,先在多士上塗上特製的蒜香牛油,才再塗上牛骨髓,熱力使兩者更為融合,味道是更邪惡了。Blue Butcher是肉食者的天堂,牛肉他他加入了香醋調味後,牛味被完全地引爆,沒錯,是引爆,因為牛味實在太濃郁了!十分喜歡這牛肉他他,甚至比牛骨髓更得我歡心,因為這他他不用怕不夠熱而影響味道,好吃!屠夫的沙律又如何呢?這款沙律的名字是Organic smoked beetro


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Blue Butcher是肉食者的天堂,牛肉他他加入了香醋調味後,牛味被完全地引爆,沒錯,是引爆,因為牛味實在太濃郁了!十分喜歡這牛肉他他,甚至比牛骨髓更得我歡心,因為這他他不用怕不夠熱而影響味道,好吃!
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屠夫的沙律又如何呢?這款沙律的名字是Organic smoked beetroot / feta / cucumber / pistachio / vinaigrette,青色的賣相,清新的味道,卻有著複雜的層次。青瓜鋪底、beetroot甜菜根在上,兩者都帶點爽口,但卻又有著微妙的口感差異。沙律的dressing則是由feta和開心果構成,feta味道溫和,開心果除了味道好,更提供了不一樣的香脆味道,真沒想過屠夫除了肉好,沙律也有如此水準。
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酒,是肉的好朋友。今天晚上,卻是先來一杯無酒精的Cocktail,因為酒精的quota都留給接下來的The Blue Absinthe Fairy了。
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當藍色屠夫遇上藍色妖精,是暴力也是妖艷化身。以四款酒Absinthe、Gin、Blue Curacao、Lillet Blanc調成,加入檸檬汁等調成獨特的雞尾酒,酒精成份很高,味道卻帶點清新,也帶點薄荷和檸檬的香氣,味道既原始,也冶艷。

特別的The Blue Absinthe Fairy需要特別的容器,這個像妖精的盛酒器,共有四個出酒水龍頭,可同時斟四杯,所以,餐牌上也是註明四位或以上用的。

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上次試了rib eye,今次則試了sirloin。一分錢一分貨,sirloin的確比rib eye好吃,medium rare效果,肥美富肉香帶點血,只需輕輕灑點海鹽,已經很好吃。
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牛扒雖好,但今晚的風頭完全被pork belly所搶去了。老實說,牛扒只要質素好,難吃總有限度。但豬要好吃,卻十分考究。

屠夫的pork belly,預先已經厚切,一件一件,肥瘦分明,入口即溶的肥肉,連著軟腍嫩香的瘦肉,扁豆和青蘋果調成的醬汁,明顯地有助減低罪惡感。

雖然明知脂肪對健康不好,但卻仍然忍不住大口大口的放進口裡,這時我才知道,這一刻我的心已完全被這pork belly所俘虜了。
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Sides dishes的黑松露薯條,一如上次,既脆也香,但熱力還是不太夠。反之,粟米沙律好吃得要encore!粟米十分甜,忌廉汁香而不膩,最重要是十分夠熱,此碗和忌廉汁保暖能力十分強,吃到最後也十分美味,推介。
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再一次深入了解屠夫,的確有其過人之處。艷紅的牛扒、濃烈的美酒,還有邪惡的牛骨髓,停不了的pork belly,全都深印腦海,可堪回味。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-04-29 23 瀏覽
Blue Butcher,這個位於荷李活道的食處,早前已有 Classified,The Press Room 的進駐,早已把中國味濃厚的中、上環一帶,西化了。這一個藍色屠房,把這一個令人感覺冷清的角落,繼續去華化。 因為要從皇后大道跑上來,遲到的我仍然在喘氣,正在品味的他們把 beaveage 的菜單給我,夠特別的飲料,我選了 Pork Chop and Apple Sauce。一大舊的冰,把這一杯味道特別的 cocktail,加以凍化,由我到埗至飯局的完結,這大大的一舊冰,依然未溶,在大熱天時去品味這一個凍飲,會特別的爽。說回這飲品的特點,特就是特在 Pork Chop 的這一個味道。小時候看古裝片,華洋共處的晚清電視劇/電影,西化華人點紅酒,往往會變成了女兒紅或五加皮,鬧出一連串的笑話。而這一個 Pork Chop and Apple Sauce,(代入式),這應該會變成玉冰燒吧。 這飲料,是用上了一種醃製過豬用的 Scotch 威士忌,做法也同玉冰燒一樣,應該是在蒸餾的期間,蒸汽經過了一塊豬肉而令到滴漏出來的酒,夾帶著濃香的肉味。再說豬扒,質蘋
Blue Butcher,這個位於荷李活道的食處,早前已有 Classified,The Press Room 的進駐,早已把中國味濃厚的中、上環一帶,西化了。這一個藍色屠房,把這一個令人感覺冷清的角落,繼續去華化。
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因為要從皇后大道跑上來,遲到的我仍然在喘氣,正在品味的他們把 beaveage 的菜單給我,夠特別的飲料,我選了 Pork Chop and Apple Sauce。一大舊的冰,把這一杯味道特別的 cocktail,加以凍化,由我到埗至飯局的完結,這大大的一舊冰,依然未溶,在大熱天時去品味這一個凍飲,會特別的爽。

說回這飲品的特點,特就是特在 Pork Chop 的這一個味道。小時候看古裝片,華洋共處的晚清電視劇/電影,西化華人點紅酒,往往會變成了女兒紅或五加皮,鬧出一連串的笑話。而這一個 Pork Chop and Apple Sauce,(代入式),這應該會變成玉冰燒吧。

這飲料,是用上了一種醃製過豬用的 Scotch 威士忌,做法也同玉冰燒一樣,應該是在蒸餾的期間,蒸汽經過了一塊豬肉而令到滴漏出來的酒,夾帶著濃香的肉味。再說豬扒,質蘋果醬配合一起食,會出現一種很特別的好味道,現在把這一種獨特的味道加入了 Scotch 威士忌之中,有果香也有肉香,改日食叉燒也配上這一杯美酒,會否更勝玉冰燒呢。
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Compressed Organic Tomato/Burrata Cheese/White Balsamic/Basil,主要品嚐的,是嫩滑香甜的有機蕃茄,同嫩滑鬆軟的 Burrata Cheese。這一個 Bussata Cheese 屬 new cheese,以質感來說,非常之煙韌,這一種味道香而且帶有乳酪味的芝士,單食是最美味的。有機蕃茄,甜美而沒有絲毫的酸味,是非常甜蜜的一個小小食。
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Bone Marrow/Toast/Caper Berries/Parsley/Salt Flakes,骨髓,向來都是一種非常美味的食品,吮豬骨已經是人人愛好的動作。火鍋的牛骨髓條,也是熱點的食品之一。可是,當年的一場瘋牛症,令到世界各地都把牛骨食品列為禁制品,從此,牛骨髓這一個食品,已變成一種罕有的美食。
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令我們歡呼的,是一份巨型的 Australian Salt Bush Lamb Shoulder,散配的有粟米粒、薯條、沙律同用來伴羊肉食的燒汁 (Gravy)。薯條,配上了黑松露,味道特別的濃香,粟米粒,貌似普通,但配上了忌廉汁,感覺到份外的美味。
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Close look 落去這一份 Lamb Shoulder,配上了有機蘿蔔,烤薯,味道的確是香得非常。而且這烤羊,是要72小時前預訂的,根據大廚所說,這羊肩,是以慢煮的煮熟,再連汁抽真空再慢煮一晚,開封之後再入爐烤,所以肉又多汁又腍,而皮肉是烤得十分之香。我們把肉撕開,美妙的羊肉精華從肉縫夾中慢慢地滲出來,味美羶香,又不實腍滑的口感,非常之美妙。
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大餐過後,是更美妙的甜品時間,Chocolate Bread & Butter Pudding/ Rum Banana Ice Cream,賣相是不錯的,味道上就是朱古力不太朱古力,甜不是太甜的味道,對我這一個不嗜甜的人來說,是一個十分合適的甜點。
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Baked Apple Tart/Vanilla Bean Ice Cream,說正確一點是一個 Apple Crumble,熱辣辣的盛上,蘋果肉香,更香的味道,是來自肉桂的香味。 Apple Crumble,配上 Cinnamon 同 Vanilla Ice Cream,坐擁著一種好特別的 catalyst,味道因為這三者配合而散發出特別的香味,是非常而且十分美味的一個傳統英式甜品
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藍色的街燈,藍藍的夜晚,藍色的屠房肉桌。美味的肉食大餐,很是令人享受。這 Blue Butcher,是嗜肉者的天堂。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-04-17 216 瀏覽
位於文武廟附近的Blue Butcher,可說是自己的target list之一,充滿英式風味的型格裝潢,粗中帶細的食物,都令人期望。今次跟幾位本地及外籍Blogger一試店內名菜,即場變了NICAM,又中又英,香港果然是一個華洋共處的好地方。餐前先來一杯Pork Chop And Apple Sauce ($130) ,一塊斗大的冰,佔了差不多大半個杯的空間,帶有少許bacon味的酒香與及apple schnapps,而另有茶匙放有apple jam,非常獨特的口味。個人認為充滿奶香的芝士與清新口感的蕃茄是一個絕配,Compressed Organic Tomato /Burrata Cheese /White Balsamic /Basil ($190)以漬醃過的蕃茄,帶有微酸的味道,與新鮮的Burrata起了微妙的化學作用,令人食慾大開。Pigs Head Terrine /Pickled Onions /Herb Salad /Toast ($115)是用上豬頭肉混和洋蔥及香草做成的肉批,濃郁的肉味,帶有粗豪的食法,可以的話,再呷一口紅酒就更正。這個牛骨髓可說是全晚的亮點,Bo
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位於文武廟附近的Blue Butcher,可說是自己的target list之一,充滿英式風味的型格裝潢,粗中帶細的食物,都令人期望。
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餐前先來一杯Pork Chop And Apple Sauce ($130) ,一塊斗大的冰,佔了差不多大半個杯的空間,帶有少許bacon味的酒香與及apple schnapps,而另有茶匙放有apple jam,非常獨特的口味。
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個人認為充滿奶香的芝士與清新口感的蕃茄是一個絕配,Compressed Organic Tomato /Burrata Cheese /White Balsamic /Basil ($190)以漬醃過的蕃茄,帶有微酸的味道,與新鮮的Burrata起了微妙的化學作用,令人食慾大開。
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Pigs Head Terrine /Pickled Onions /Herb Salad /Toast ($115)是用上豬頭肉混和洋蔥及香草做成的肉批,濃郁的肉味,帶有粗豪的食法,可以的話,再呷一口紅酒就更正。
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這個牛骨髓可說是全晚的亮點,Bone Marrow /Toast /Caper Berries /Parsley /Salt Flakes ($125)

很少遇上這麼大堆頭的菜式,French Denaux Farm Roasted Lamb Shoulder Slow-Cooked In Rosemary Infused Olive Oil ($1680)
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足足佔了半張檯,店方每天只提供三份,除非是預訂了,否則只有看著人家在享受;源自法國Denaus農場的小羊,只有一百日的大小,肉質當然幼嫩,加上在烤焗前已經抽真空及Slow cook的手法處理,肉質富香味,油脂位豐腴嫩滑,就連旁邊的甘筍條變得十分惹味,值得推薦。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
There is a new Award Winning Lamb Shoulder dish being served at Blue Butcher right now.Denaux Lamb shoulder “Label Rouge”, from Quercy, France - $1680, for 3-4 PersonsThis is meant to cater for 3-4 people. Slow cooked for 24 hours with rosemary oil infusion before being char-grilled to slightly smoky and with a good spice rub, this baby lamb is distinctive for their dark rims around the eyes, pandas of the sheep world. @.@ The meat is silky smooth and there isn’t an overly pungent
There is a new Award Winning Lamb Shoulder dish being served at Blue Butcher right now.
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Denaux Lamb shoulder “Label Rouge”, from Quercy, France - $1680, for 3-4 Persons
This is meant to cater for 3-4 people. Slow cooked for 24 hours with rosemary oil infusion before being char-grilled to slightly smoky and with a good spice rub, this baby lamb is distinctive for their dark rims around the eyes, pandas of the sheep world. @.@
The meat is silky smooth and there isn’t an overly pungent lamb gaminess, which puts off certain people. Limited to only 3 servving per day as the lamb is so rare, it hardly gets exported outside of France by the Denaux family and this won the best lamb award in France last year. The roasted potatoes I might added were really crispy which is rare in HK. The baby carrots to me seemed slightly undercooked though. ~ 8/10

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Meat -
Lamb, served with Lamb Jus. Pink in the centre, fork tender. The Smoked mustard and Pommery mustard on the side were deemed redundant for obvious reasons. You just want to taste the sweetness.

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Lamb Jus Gravy -
Dunk some french fries into it. I love meat and I eat like a Barbarian. It has a strong intense lamb taste, really liked this gravy.

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Bone Marrows with Toast, Caper Berries, Italian Parsley & Salt Flakes - $125
Comparing marrows to marrows, the Blue Butcher one on this occasion was the best I have eaten locally. It’s not overly fatty and is roasted until transparent inside. It’s also seasoned well and slightly smoky, with a good maillard reaction created, roasted fat flavour. Eat it with the parsley which worked well altogether. ~ 9/10

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We also had a few other dishes on the night. I like Blue Butcher for a number of things but I could still see scope of it elevating to another culinary level. For example, the meats were cooked spot-on and there were 2 secrets behind how they managed to achieve this (I am afraid I will have to carry them to my grave!). On the other hand, somehow with their name-sake I was expecting something very hardcore. Right now I am loving the new French lamb shoulder a lot and those delectable potatoes!

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
We had just completed an entry-level wine tasting course. Hence we decided to create an opportunity to use our scant wine-food pairing knowledge over a nice, meaty dinner. Environment: Dim and spacious. Three storeys: Ground floor - alfresco dining; 1/f Landing - cozy private space for 8 (can draw curtains); 1/f - large, spacious dining space with a high ceiling, 1 table with high chairs, 2 large family-size wooden tables in the middle, many 2-seaters lined up against the windows, and another se
We had just completed an entry-level wine tasting course. Hence we decided to create an opportunity to use our scant wine-food pairing knowledge over a nice, meaty dinner.

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Dim and spacious. Three storeys: Ground floor - alfresco dining; 1/f Landing - cozy private space for 8 (can draw curtains); 1/f - large, spacious dining space with a high ceiling, 1 table with high chairs, 2 large family-size wooden tables in the middle, many 2-seaters lined up against the windows, and another semi-private room at the far back of the room. The chilled meat room is also on this level. Apparently they're all Japanese virgin cows...(iirc). Virgin cows....aite. Good to know.

Quite liked the atmosphere, but it could get quite noisy on a fully-booked evening.

Polite and not intrusive. Friendly, open to feedback. They asked us for comments at the end of the meal, so, here you go.

First thing I noticed is the length of the menu. It is not too long. But I was happy about it because I usually spend an inordinate amount of time poring over too many choices. There was also great weight given to the signature cocktails. It occupied one whole page - same length as the a la carte menu.

Complimentary baguettes (w/ garlic butter, fleur de sel, coarse ground black pepper, EVOO) served in small brown paper bag
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Bread was alright. Soft and doughy center, crisp and thin exterior, served warm. I liked how the crisp outer layer didn't splinter into smithereens when I tore it apart. The garlic butter was intense, and I enjoyed the good quality salt and black pepper combination which gave the bread a pleasant flavour. It wasn't too salty. But take care only to apply a few grains of each. EVOO was just average, not aromatic, quite low in viscosity.

Norwegian Salmon tartar, avocado, burnt lemon vinaigrette, horseradish $125
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A classic dish using the classic ingredients plus a little twist! I tasted fragrant white sesame seeds and chives mixed in with the salmon, which gave the fresh fish a slightly nutty flavour. Chives I love. The salmon was fresh, but raw fish isn't my thing so I am biased. The bed of avocado was alright - at least the fruit was ripe and buttery, and smooth. Would've made a great guac.

Organic smoked beetroot, feta, cucumber, pistachio
star of the evening $120
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A friend had tried this before and recommended it. I did not have high expectations because 'beetroot salad', the way I had them before, usually took the form of 'salad with beets' i.e. a measly throw-in of beet discs together with the greens. It was a supporting actor rather than the big guy. Um. I can't say that the beet took centerstage this time either, but it worked surprisingly well with the other ingredients such that I'd agree with the naming of the dish.

The beets came in a variety of colors. I never knew there were white beets. I'd expected them to be very tender and soft but they held shape well. Perhaps they were raw..? Equally enjoyable. And I loved the sauce. It was a pistachio dressing - I even tasted something peanutty. There were also a sprinkling of pistachio crumble which added the nice crunch to the dish. The feta was very pleasant, moreish and creamy, mild. Good thing it wasn't too strong or else it would've overpowered the delicate beet flavours.

Lovely, deep crimson.

Pig belly (kurobuta) & cheek, lentils, granny smith appleslaw $250 (half portion)
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Very tender and sinfully fat. Sadly the nice seared, aromatic surface was right on top of a thick bed of pure FAT which was unpalatable...and had to be discarded.
The part that's left of the succulent pork is the bottom 30-40% - tender juicy meat which we cut through effortlessly. Lentils and julienned apples were an interesting and workable match. The sweetness and crunch of the green apple added a pleasurable dimension to the bed of savoury, mushy lentils.

Line-caught sea bass, clams, shrimp, broth, crunchy dough $220 (half portion)
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The fish was a disappointing, measly portion of bland protein. The seafood consisted of some crustaceans and shellfish, which I did not eat. The fish had tiny bones which peeved me because I expected a nice meaty fillet that I could dig right into without having to pick out the bones. I wanted and expected a nice, hazard-free piece of fish. To make things worse it had soggy skin ewe. Oh, the crunchy dough was rather unpalatable too. Worse when it became soggy. No idea why they had to put it there - no appeal at all. However, the broth was quite delicious and you could see all the ingredients that went into it. Will give it that much.

free range charred chicken on a bed of baby carrots and pearl onions $230 (half portion)
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Delicious and moist, for a chicken. We devoured the breast savagely (it was juicy), but left some of the drumstick untouched because it was undercooked. Some bits were just too pink and the meat felt a bit raw.
The best part of this dish, apart from the breast, is the bed of veg. It is not easy to cook a perfect bed of veg at all. Loved the effort they put into preparing the sweet and tender baby carrots (complete with the little tuft of green...where'd you get that?), pearl onions cooked in chicken jus/stock(?). The sauce was thinner than a gravy, and was flavorful (and a necessary component to flavour + moisten the chicken breast).

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Granny smith Apple crumble with port & walnut ice cream $90
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Having just baked one myself I gotta say it's not the most difficult dessert to make but nonetheless they didn't get anything wrong. It was piping hot when it came, served in a large mug. The crumble on top was buttery and fragrant, and there were large balls of crumble, which is good. The scoop of home made ice cream on top was a bit too...gluey. I mean, there were literally ribbons of ice cream hanging from my spoon when I tried to scoop a mouthful. It was tasty but the texture could be improved. Could taste the port, but the walnut wasn't strong.

Chocolate bread and butter with rum raisin ice cream $80
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Moreish comfort food kind of dessert. Again, same problem with the consistency of the ice cream. Butt I was happy with the slightly browned/caramelized top of the bread, which was a bit crunchy. Love carcinogenic foods - don't really give!
Again, not a very difficult dessert to make, but easy to please.

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A failed attempt at wine-pairing, but whatever. An excuse to get together for another meal. Not here though, because things are overpriced and I've already tried just about everything on the menu that caught my eye. Oh, a bunch of guys would pay much more than $300, be rest assured. And that price excludes drinks.
題外話/補充資料: If you want to enjoy [b]Canadian bone in short rib $1380[/b] or [b] Whole slow-cooked australian Wagyu rib eye for 10-12 $6680[/b], you will have to plan ahead and order it [b]72 hrs in advance[/b]!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$280 (晚餐)
  • Beetroot salad
2013-03-30 191 瀏覽
中環荷李活道的「Blue Butcher」,一直是我的心水食肆,單是一道牛骨髓,已經足夠令我神暈顛倒。這夜先來 round 自家製的雞尾酒「Apple Pie Moonshine」$140 ,香甜像吃蘋果批。兩杯到肚,就是吃頭盤時間。「Bone Marrow with Toast、Caper Berries、Parsley & Salt Flakes」$125短牛骨筒內載滿了牛骨髓,經過烤焗後味道是甘香豐腴,用來塗在香脆多士上吃,無敵啊。「Compressed Organic Tomato with Burrata Cheese、White Balsamic & Basil」$190蕃茄先用醋醃過,酸甜且仍保持多汁,配上新鮮的 Burrata,是「Tomato and Mozzarella」以外另一開胃的「芝茄」配搭。「Pig Head Terrine with Pickled Onions、Herb Salad & Toast」$115類似我們潮州的「豬頭糭」,用上豬頭肉、洋蔥、香草等做凍肉批,完全沒有肉燥味,我自己就喜愛用它配些芥末來塗多士吃。「Spanish Ham & Egg
中環荷李活道的「Blue Butcher」,一直是我的心水食肆,單是一道牛骨髓,已經足夠令我神暈顛倒。這夜先來 round 自家製的雞尾酒「Apple Pie Moonshine」$140 ,香甜像吃蘋果批。
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兩杯到肚,就是吃頭盤時間。「Bone Marrow with Toast、Caper Berries、Parsley & Salt Flakes」$125
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「Compressed Organic Tomato with Burrata Cheese、White Balsamic & Basil」$190
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蕃茄先用醋醃過,酸甜且仍保持多汁,配上新鮮的 Burrata,是「Tomato and Mozzarella」以外另一開胃的「芝茄」配搭。

「Pig Head Terrine with Pickled Onions、Herb Salad & Toast」$115
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「Spanish Ham & Egg with Asparagus、Mushroom & Thyme」$125
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主菜方面,先來個我個人至愛雞雞代表「Free Range Charred French Chicken、Baby Carrots & Pearl Onions」$230
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「Dutch Veal Cheek & Sweetbreads、Truffled Orzo & Herb Salad」$460
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「Rare Breed US Kurobuta Pig Belly & Cheek、Lentils & Granny Smith Apple Slaw」$490
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Side dishes 方面我們點了「Fires with Truffle Oil」及「Tomatoes Salad」,炸得香脆的幼身薯條加上松露油,另一必吃 item。
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甜品方面,這夜點了「Granny Smith Apple Crumble with Port and Walnut Ice-cream」$50,「Chocolate Bread & Butter Pudding with Rum Baba Ice Cream」$80 及「Eton Mess & Basil Sorbet」$70
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三者中我最愛第三款,它是將忌廉混上士多啤梨粒及脆蛋白,配上 basil 雪耙,是很清新怡人的選擇,也可清清飽滯的胃納。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Bone Marrow