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I wish I bought two because it was divine.The key is the filo pastry because it is really delicate and not oily filled with tasty mashed up curry vegetables in the middle.
i love trying out new cafes in town, and personally i regard having breakfast there as one of the best ways to see if its worthy or not. for local cha chen tengs i usually order a piece of toast and milk tea; for western cafes i usually have a cereal, or granola, or whatever thats offered, plus a cup of coffee.i feel instantly close to this cafe along caine road for, well, its name. look at my username here and you will understand why...anyways, i have been here for breakfast for quite a few times, and i always stick to the homemade granola for its really good. its always crispy with nuts and cereal bits, not very sweet but not exactly bald in taste, and goes very well with the skimmed milk i usually order to go with the granola. Fruits is another good option for there are enough banana, kiwi, strawberries and blueberries to cover the granola-very generous and thats appreciated. you can also have yogurt to go with the granola, but personally i think its too thick and sweet to be compatible.As for coffee i usually have flat white, a variety similar to latte but slightly more foamy in texture. it was good, but not as good recently-matter of fact i think its quality is on a decline. has the barista lost the passion in coffee? but no matter what its still a thousand times better than those you get from starbxxks.anyways, its always nice to escape to this cafe in the morning with a newspaper or a magazine and eat slowly, having a moment of relaxation and peace of mind when people outside walk quickly, sometimes peeping into the cafe through the glass walls at you.
是日做節要過海同家人食飯,食完飯行去搭車返屋企時,經過呢間CAFE,諗起佢D 甜點好似唔錯,就決定入黎買返件cake帶返屋企做宵夜。入到去一個客人都無,姐姐係度執緊野,睇黎就快收工啦喎。見到蛋糕有幾款選擇,blueberry cheese cake,sacher cake,black forest等,眼見後兩者幾吸引,就問個位姐姐sacher cake 同 black forest 邊隻佢會推介多d,個個姐姐話佢覺得black forest 會好d因為sacher cake個味道會太甜太濃,所以我就聽佢建議揀左black forest。件蛋糕返到屋企擺左入雪櫃,半夜先再拎出黎食。蛋糕表面有好多朱古力碎,食既時候件蛋糕仲keep到幾鬆軟,有幾好香濃既朱古力味。中間有兩層朱古力mousse,食落好滑而且味道唔會太甜,都ok 喎。蛋糕中仲會有D butter cream,好彩唔係好多因為我唔係太鍾意隻味。另外仲有d 黑加侖子啫喱,可以中和返d朱古力既甜味,唔錯呀。總結呢件蛋糕宵夜都幾滿意,眼見樓下食評原來對sacher cake既comment都ok,下次又買黎試下先。=)
終於在港島,都可嚐到西貢的美食喇!預算會買些麵包,蛋糕,但原來全部都是無餡、很raw的齋包,所以都沒買。轉到去櫃面,有很多蛋批、酥物,又不想吃。蛋糕櫃的切餅,除了banoffee pie,其他亦吸引不到我。最後留意到, Brownie有成五款之多!!有nuts、無nuts、新出品rocky road、no chocolate、rum酒提子朱古力。心大心細,選了rocky road、rum酒提子朱古力。我又看到banana sliced cake,友善的店員說,是新鮮的,好好食架!我望去,淺黃色的,不像很多牛油,很soft,新鮮。但我怕會一次過消滅三件甜食,唯有放棄。Rocky Road,綿花糖已溶成一pet,所以沒有綿花糖口感,成磚好似朱古力豬油。Rum酒提子朱古力,吃一口,rum很嗆口!那些提子,一定是浸了很久!欣賞裡面還放了茶餅,不過茶餅已腍了,失了脆口感。對此Brownie好有寄望,雖然味道都好好。可惜一件似食豬油,一件似食朱古力truffle,完全失晒Brownie那種朱古力牛油蛋糕質地。如果唔係經過來,未必突登再來幫襯。
9-5-2010是日到住西半山的朋友屋企倒亂, 上去前專程喺度食個 lunch, 想試好耐了. 星期日原來只供應 brunch, 想食的 lamb chop 無得食了, 結果只叫了 pasta of the day, 加杯咖啡就算.Table bread 係一塊 toast, 烘得夠, 食落算鬆脆, 不過牛油冰凍硬實到呢 乜咁似我喺屋企「頹食」的早餐... Pasta of the day 係 ravioli, 入面應該係 ricotta cheese + 菠菜? 餡料 cheese 味幾香, 帶點「粗糙」的質地, 不過味道有點「悶」, 加上底部唔多夠汁 (味道似足 chicken stock), 整體食落有點乾, 算唔上喜歡.朋友食熱狗, 賣相勁乾, 不過食落熱狗包十分鬆脆, 熱狗腸亦夠晒脆皮; 醬汁賣相似 mustard, 味道則似 horseradish, 好酸 (vinegar 嗰隻酸), 唔知乜來? 薯條炸得夠熱辣脆口, 蘸點上述的唔知乜 sauce, 幾好食.又試了少少朋友的 roasted pumpkin soup, 帶點 cinnamon 味, 味道好甜, 仲甜得有少少假, 唔喜歡.Caffe latte 就認真「得來不易」, 事關店員應該寫錯了單, 前後拎錯了兩次 regular coffee 俾我, 第 2 次仲想焗我要咗佢 , 好在喺我堅持下, 第 3 次終於由老闆 (?) 親自送上; 聞落幾香, 飲落奶香一般, 咖啡 base 夠濃, 不過齋飲有點澀, 落糖飲好了.鹹食份量唔大, 但是日食完竟然好飽, 甜品還是下次吧.