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食評 (4)
(非會員) 2010-06-05
79 瀏覽
行過玩具街, 見到e間野, 老實講真係要留神先見到 xD咁岩女友話口渴, 就走過去睇睇..服務員鬼好親切, 一連介紹左3款野飲, 最後我order左一杯叫 hot hot summer 既特飲, 真係估唔到珍珠奶茶舖都有soda飲, 開正我果範, 正, d果汁唔太甜, 加上soda 同椰果好match, 感覺上比較健康同清新d...女友叫左個荔枝花茶...冇飲到佢杯野, 唔知得唔得, 不過佢都話ok!想講e間野賣d飲品同其他珍珠奶茶唔同, 驚喜左我,不過選擇唔夠多, not bad la!另外制作速度好似慢左dd law, 可能個人比較唔等得啦! xp 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-04-20
34 瀏覽
上次買左巨峰提子花茶同珍珠奶茶幾好飲~ 係一個炎炎夏日唔錯既選擇奶茶比出面既有d唔同,唔會冇茶味,又唔會太甜個人比較喜歡e隻味而外觀都還好,有種現代同古代合拼既感覺d 員工都好nice~~為獨是唔夠搶眼,唔留心睇下都唔知,有間店= =總而言之, 幾好飲,唔錯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-03-28
6 瀏覽
到太源街睇玩具之前,見到呢到,係交加街轉角位,街邊檔後面,唔留神都真係見唔到。係灣仔道台茶鋪多個seven,總有一間係你附近。見新開張,今日唔買果汁,買台茶。選擇冇連鎖台茶店果d禁多,今次要左青蘋果紅茶,茶味夠,唔太甜,覺得比連鎖台茶店好。小姐落力介紹,賣十二蚊杯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-03-17
4 瀏覽
Noticed this new shop, sleek black at the corner of a busy market.At the counter, there is a fake bird cage with a dummy bird, giving it the vibes they are doing ancient teas.The tea names are quite interesting, what you find in old TV programs, such as "ching lau", a brothxl house in old china, as i have been told.Anyway, from their menu range, they specialise in chinese teas such as oolong, pu erh, iron buddha etc.Apart from that, there are various fruit syrup teas which frankly can be bought anywhere else, same with the Taiwanese taro tea, rose tea. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)