食評 (9)
等級4 2015-10-05
428 瀏覽
店名:星林居雲南米線餐廳地址:太古太古城道18號太古城中心1期3樓大食代好味指數:7.6/10價錢:$41小鍋過橋米線 (大辣中酸)配豬腩肉,紅腸,腐竹和火腿淨小鍋米線也要$24,決定點個小鍋過橋米線,包四款配料。本以為foodcourt食物水準有限,豈料味道和份量都是出乎意料之外。份量大大碗,米線和配料都非常足夠,味道有點像南記,而且夠辣。豬腩肉味道入味,不韌,好吃!米線較腍身,不夠煙韌,但配上濃味湯底米線非常入味。  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-10-20
231 瀏覽
這家米線未必是太古區最好食的,但是久不久又會想回來,原因就是為了他們非常重手的芫茜和蔥花。藏身太古城中心food count 內,每逢市午都大排長龍,但鑊只得一個,大家都十分有耐性。這天點了紅腸、魚蛋、腐竹,小辣,小麻。曾經要小辣已經夠辣但這天的小辣是零辣,失望。餸方面紅腸是必點的,不過魚蛋非常失敗,腥的,米線份量足,好大碗,一定夠飽。下次要中辣。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-04-18
366 瀏覽
據聞星林居是新一代米線之王,故與友人下午茶時段到之一試,友人點了小辣的雲南米線,一上檯只見湯多過米線,朋友試一口便已說不好吃,湯味不夠。而我那個加了脆皮腸,冬菇菜肉雲吞,牛的雲南米線當然不會有期望,湯底味不足,米線煮得過腍而且無肉碎,這是我第1次吃雲南米線沒有肉碎這的,我相信不會有下一次了。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-09-11
148 瀏覽
One of my favorite food is rice noodle, especially the Yunnan type with spicy and sour soup. Even though I work around here, I don't usually go to the food court for lunch as the food there are usually not that good. One time I had to grab something really quick though so decided to go to the food court. It's usually pretty busy especially during the lunch hours, and I noticed that there was a really long line at this shop. As I walked closer, I was drawn by the appetizing smell of their spicy and sour broth, and that's how I discovered my favorite rice noodle place in HK.There is one line for ordering and another for collecting the food. The ordering lines usually goes quicker than the collecting line. The basic rice noodle costs only $24 without any ingredients. You can add anything from sausage to veggies to fish balls for about $4-6 bucks each. You can also select the degree of spiciness and sourness of the broth. I usually get small spicy and small sourness, and I love adding the spicy pork belly to my rice noodle. My lovely lunch only cost $30! What a great deal! When it's really busy, the noodles can sometimes take up to 20 minutes but usually it's faster than that depending on how many cooks they got going. The noodles are cooked right in front of you - they add the broth, noodles, and bean sprouts into the wok and quickly toss it around before pouring into a bowl. Another worker than adds the ingredients into the bowl for your collection. Lastly they will ask you if you want to add green onion or cilantro, but I usually abstain as I like neither. Tip - remember to ask for napkins!After finding an empty seat which can be a challenge somtimes, I finally get to devour my rice noodle. The rice noodles are chewy and bouncy as it is tossed very quicky in the wok with the broth so it won't be overcooked. The spicy pork belly is not spicy at all, but sweet and proportion of fat to meat was just right. The star here is the broth. What I find typically is that with many restaurants, the broth is either more spicy or more sour. What's harder is to have both spiciness and sourness stand out on its own and balance each other out, which is what this shop has managed to achieve. I find the broth addicting and it takes some self control to not drink the whole thing. It's a cheap and satisfying meal here everytime. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-08-30
145 瀏覽
這天出席完活動後, 大家午餐還未吃, 便走了去最近的太古城中心內的FOODCOURT找吃.其實這裡的食店也頗多, 但總覺得水準不是很高, ......是不是宅女的咀越吃越刁了?逛了好一陣子, 最後只想隨便吃個米線算了. 選了這家星林居其實良久以前有跟大爺去過吃其尖沙咀店的, 但覺得水準一般, 不過又未到難食的水準, 所以起碼知道不會是伏. 要了個肥牛加豬潤, 埋單巳經要四十多元....現在吃個米線都好貴呀~湯底算幾夠味, 不會死咸, 而米線份量都頗多, 豬潤就預期不會是很肥美那種了, 只有小小的2-3片, 入口都幾乾, 肥牛是剛剛好熟的未算鞋口.整體算是OK吧. 要求不高想吃個午餐的話這裡也是吃得過的. 繼續閱讀
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