星期一至日: 12:00-15:00, 18:00:-22:30
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?板燒 咖哩羊 咖哩雞
食評 (10)
(非會員) 2008-08-06
110 瀏覽
I like Indian food but in Hong Kong, it is either too expensive or food quality not so good. It was a surprised to find this restaurant in Sai Wan Ho/Shau Kei Wan as I live nearby but not very closed to.I had a dinner with my wife there a couple weeks ago and we liked the quality of food and services, and the atmosphere too. A set dinner cost around $200 for 2 (I had 2 bottles of beer, sorry) is perfect. (I spent around 300 in Causeyway Bay with friend without drinks 2 days before visiting this restaurant.)Also, Lunch is good as well but I need to pay a bit more as on weekend. $38/set.Overall speaking, I like this restaurant and I highly recommend those who love high quality cuisine and fine dining. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2008-03-18
33 瀏覽
Visited w/ fds twice. I like the fish and lamb w/ curry.It tastes better than 恆河which is subject to my tongue.The Indian couple are nice. 繼續閱讀
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21May2007 1808通常問東區人去邊度食比較正宗的印度菜,好多人只會被恆河洗腦,其實也有不少地方可以選擇,這裡便是其中之一,它可以說是介乎西灣河及筲箕灣交界,工聯會隔離條小路入少少就係。放工之後,時間尚早,當然得我一個人,想食多少少野,便點了青瓜raita ($20)、naan ($12) 及素菜vegetable kadai ($48),環境方面比裝修之前好好多。上菜前當然有例牌菜的一塊脆餅(Papad),可以伴著薄荷醬或甜醬一齊食,這裡始終有個老毛病過就係過鹹,或者我唔適欣賞掛;Naan 只係點了原味,有少少香,份量都唔少,幾熱下,12蚊都算超值兼交到貨;vegetable kadai 可以說是咖喱雜菜,主要材料有青紅椒、蕃茄、豌豆及雞豆等等,kadai 意思是用類似中式鑊的煮食器皿,用masala 及好少開水煮,味道本身都係蔬菜的原味加上香料的作用,辣味都會偏向中等,都不錯。前面白色類似乳酪的東西就係raita,佢算係其中一種解辣的食品,膽係酸乳酪,配以荽茜、茴香、薄荷及紅辣椒等等香草及香料混在一齊,然後再雪凍,這裡可以配以青瓜、薯仔及蕃茄,而我選擇青瓜,香料味不算好濃,一邊食其他食物時,也會一齊食,解辣真係可以做到,除lassi及甜品以外,多一樣選擇。埋單再加1共88蚊,地點係僻左些少,希望可以做得住,不要俾主流搶去生意。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2008-01-24
12 瀏覽
I go to this restaurant 1-2 time per week, since I like mutton a lot. I just order mutton or lamb curry each time. Taste just indulgence. Their curry have a touch of lemon scent I think. I guess the ingredient of their curry is not just plain curry with "yellow ginger", taste is not just spicy or hot.Another gratitude to this little restaurant is their attitude and service, just very nice and polite. They will deliver your dishes on your table without making sound at all!! Amazing gentle and steady hands. Definitely this cannot be found from any restaurant opened by Chinese in Hong Kong except super high class hotel!! I found several Indians restaurant just like that. If you are their customer, you are the king. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2007-12-30
24 瀏覽
其實呢間咖哩屋我由開店已經來吃,近幾個月轉了樓面班底之後,水準非常穩定的好!set lunch 連飲品都係$30,但係質數肯定唔止$30。(推介有:椰汁咖哩雞(因為香而小辣,適合怕辣的人);咖哩羊肉(可叫小、中、大辣)。不過本人強烈建議讀者記得叫樓面要"多飯"因為個印度廚師經常比飯的份量都唔夠多,可能係我覺得呢度D咖哩好食啦.....裝修就真係唔太美觀而且有D舊,大家要有心理準備,但都整體來說算我覺得可以接受。地點就真係唔夠明顯,因係在工聯會隔離的橫街,唔太多人知。總括來說,此店的咖哩水準可與恆河咖哩屋比美(我都食過恆河都唔錯的!);但缺點就係此店食物種類選擇小。大家不防自己幫襯一次睇下好唔好食,覺得我講得誇張的,就當我係'銑"你一次$30咁大把,哈哈!是次每人消費約$30元味道:5 環境:3 服務:5 衛生:4 抵食:5 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)