2012-12-05 1237 浏览
I want to just start out by saying that I've never been to/ near Spain, and that if you asked me to imagine Spanish food, I'd probably just think of Mexican food. So don't in any way take what follows as a report on how the food is-- it's how I responded to the food, being a n00b. Cold meat platter: Pretty good stuff. The aged Iberico ham tasted a bit like cheese, if that makes any sense. The chorizo had to be the best chorizo I'd ever had. On the whole though, the sausages were a little dry for
I want to just start out by saying that I've never been to/ near Spain, and that if you asked me to imagine Spanish food, I'd probably just think of Mexican food. So don't in any way take what follows as a report on how the food is-- it's how I responded to the food, being a n00b.

Cold meat platter: Pretty good stuff. The aged Iberico ham tasted a bit like cheese, if that makes any sense. The chorizo had to be the best chorizo I'd ever had. On the whole though, the sausages were a little dry for my tastes, and I'd prefer (good) Italian ones in a heartbeat. Still, these were good. A-

Pan con tomate:Very simple tomato/ olive oil/ garlic thingy, but very good as well. Close to my favorite of the evening. A

Chickpeas and spinach:Exactly what it sounds like. B

Tortilla:"Tortilla" means "omelet" in Spain, which I'll admit I didn't know (I'm from Texas, where "tortilla" has but one meaning, and it ain't "omelet"). This I thought wasn't bad, but a little on the dry and bland side. Hot sauce is just what this puppy needed, and didn't have. B-

Blood sausage with shrimp and quail egg: Blood sausage is precisely the sort of thing that I would never order if I were on my own. However, having ordered and eaten it, I quite liked it. I found myself putting the blood sausage on the pan con tomate and eating it like a blood sausage pizza... amazing. The sausage came with grilled shrimp and fried quail eggs on top: the shrimp were overdone, but not terribly so, and the quail egg was "meh" compared to its hype (quails!!). Overall, the dish was worth purchasing. A-

Sherry: Oof, how does something that's only 15% alcohol taste like it's hard liquor? We had half a bottle of sherry, and it was a nice accompaniment to the food, if a little sharp.

Overall, the food was great. Our server was polite, informative (I asked for recommendations), and attentive. Comparing this to our other upscale tapas dining experience (Fofo by El Willy), I'll say that it seemed more authentic here, but there were fewer dishes that knocked my socks off. Overall: A-
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