2011-04-10 138 浏览
Went here after I was shopping with 2 of my friends. They had been buying a ton of clothing, and then they said they were hungry (so was I), so we went to this restaurant. My friend had been here before, but I hadn't, so we decided to try anyway... (lol) There was a lot of people, although the recent Japan crises meant there was less people going to Japanese restaurants in general. We sat down, and then we started ordering. (No duh)... I got the medium sized tuna fish rice, with both minced tuna
Went here after I was shopping with 2 of my friends. They had been buying a ton of clothing, and then they said they were hungry (so was I), so we went to this restaurant. My friend had been here before, but I hadn't, so we decided to try anyway... (lol)
There was a lot of people, although the recent Japan crises meant there was less people going to Japanese restaurants in general.
We sat down, and then we started ordering. (No duh)... I got the medium sized tuna fish rice, with both minced tuna and sliced. My friend got the normal, $98 one, and my other friend got the biggest one. And also a sashimi of "油甘鱼". We also got spinach and tofu. Not a fan of vegies..

When the stuff came, my first thought was if I would be full from eating the rice and all that. It didn't seem like much, but when I started eating I LIKED IT!
The minced tuna was ok, albeit a bit dry, but no fishy taste. The tuna slices was better. It had no tendon bits, and it had a good, fresh taste. The sashimi was alright, but I didn't like how they sliced it so thick, because it made the taste not as strong...
We paid 650 for 3 people, it was worth it, because it wasn't expensive but the food had achieved this level of quality. I was impressed, and so were my 2 friends.
I do recommend this place, although I think lunch would have less people. I think you could try and book this place, probably don't have to wait then.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
10 分钟 (堂食)
$216.6 (晚餐)
  • Medium size tuna rice ($158)
  • Big size tuna rice ($185)