推介指数 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥这间连锁上海菜馆,于这个商场开业一段时间,自从去年水灾重新翻新后,以集团的另一间连锁店的菜馆命名。虽然食物的款式大同小异,都是主打中国的上海菜系为主,但是质素则有所提供,不论味道或是摆盘,都比以前用心。值得一提是餐厅加入了不少素菜的选择,适合注重饮食健康的人士。This Shanghai restaurant, part of a chain, has been operating in this mall for some time. Since renovations following last year's floods, it has been renamed after another chain's restaurant within the group. While the menu style remains similar, focusing predominantly on Shanghai cuisine, there has been an improvement in quality, both
推介指数 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥


This Shanghai restaurant, part of a chain, has been operating in this mall for some time. Since renovations following last year's floods, it has been renamed after another chain's restaurant within the group. While the menu style remains similar, focusing predominantly on Shanghai cuisine, there has been an improvement in quality, both in taste and presentation. Notably, the restaurant has added a variety of vegetarian options, catering to health-conscious individuals.

素叉子烧饼 ($88) 
Fried Veggie & Pine Nuts (With Baked Sesame Pie) 


Despite being solely vegetables, the dish is not overly bland. The pancakes are baked to a crisp, making it easy to encase the vegetables within, offering a crunchy texture combined with the freshness of the vegetables, creating a rich layering of flavors.
素叉子烧饼 Fried Veggie & Pine Nuts (With Baked Sesame Pie)
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素上海炒年糕 ($88)
Veggie Fried Rice Cake in Shanghai Style


This vegetarian fried rice cake is not vastly different from its meat version. The key ingredients include rice cakes, shredded shiitake mushrooms, and baby bok choy, with the pork replaced by dried tofu and beancurd, seasoned with thick dark soy sauce. The taste is comparatively lighter than the pork-filled version, lacking a bit of freshness.
素上海炒年糕 - Veggie Fried Rice Cake in Shanghai Style
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上海小笼包 (4 个) ($48)
Steamed Pork Dumplings (4 pcs)


The dumpling skin is moderately thick, bursting with flavorful broth upon each bite. The broth is not overly salty but offers a savory taste. However, the meat texture is slightly tough, yet not excessively greasy.
上海小笼包 (4 个) Steamed Pork Dumplings (4 pcs)
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上海煎窝贴 ($48)
Pan Fried Pork Dumplings


The dumplings contain an abundance of broth however, the skin is quite thick. The meat is too fatty and tough, and the skin lacks the desired crispiness, resulting in a somewhat lackluster dish.
上海煎窝贴 - Pan Fried Pork Dumplings
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素菜煎饺子 ($48)
Pan Fried Veggie Dumplings


With a thin, soft skin, the dumplings are generously filled with vegetables, offering a fresh yet flavorful taste. It is a commendable healthy choice that is far from bland.
素菜煎饺子 - Pan Fried Veggie Dumplings
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炸馒头 ($24)
Pan Fried Buns


The buns are fried to a crispy texture, not overly oily. Paired with sweet condensed milk, the flavors are multi-layered, slightly lacking only in portion
炸馒头 - Pan Fried Buns
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黑糖冰粉 ($28)
Sichuan Jelly in Brown Sugar


This dessert offers a unique experience with smooth ice jelly, chewy tapioca pearls, along with the aroma of red beans, mung beans, and yellow beans, creating depth in flavor. The dessert is not too sweet, making it a refreshing and healthy option.
黑糖冰粉 - Sichuan Jelly in Brown Sugar
27 浏览
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😎 评价 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 

🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥

The restaurant offers a diverse range of dishes, with a good selection of vegetarian options, suitable for health-conscious diners.


🏡环境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The restaurant's Chinese-style decor, complemented by soft lighting, is neat and clean, with spacious seating arrangements.



The staff is friendly, and the service is prompt.

Using mobile ordering might be inconvenient for older patrons.


The prices are reasonable, with generous portion sizes, making it value for money.

Prices have increased from the pre-renovation era. Thankfully, there has been an improvement in food quality.
题外话/补充资料: 无试食
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$130 (午餐)
素叉子烧饼 Fried Veggie & Pine Nuts (With Baked Sesame Pie)
$ 88
素上海炒年糕 - Veggie Fried Rice Cake in Shanghai Style
$ 88
炸馒头 - Pan Fried Buns
$ 24
黑糖冰粉 - Sichuan Jelly in Brown Sugar
$ 28