港铁大埔墟站 A1 出口 继续阅读
所有分店 (10)
07:00 - 23:00
07:00 - 23:00
07:00 - 23:00
*截單時間: 22:00
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食记 (41)
等级4 2023-10-27
360 浏览
We were not expecting to visit this restaurant during lunch but the restaurants nearby was crowded, we decided to go for somewhere with no time for queue and peaceful. Restaurant setting was similar to local fast food chain but serving typical western food, such as pizza and pasta. Offering variety of food options in a good deal. We asked for a zucchini mushroom spaghetti set and orzo and an ox tongue chunks in tomato soup set. Both sets covered a drink and a slice of garlic bread. Garlic bread was bigger than I expected. Perfectly toasted. Generous on garlic and lightly spreading with butter. Love they sprinkled with parsley. Crispy airy baguette slice with pungent garlic buttery flavour. As a garlic lover, absolutely loving it.Pasta serving size here was pretty big. The zucchini mushroom spaghetti visually was pretty watery which was kind of worrisome. I guess just poured the freshly boiled pasta mixing with the sauce without straining. It was loaded with zucchini pieces and mushroom slices. Love the chew from the vegetables. Very tomatoey. Pasta was well coated with the sauce. Meanwhile, for the ox tongue orzo in tomato soup, ox tongue was soft and easy to bite. Beefy and savoury. Tomato soup was slight bland. Orzo portion was just right. Light and hydrating. Appreciate of using such unique type of pasta. Overall, not bad.All in all, a good deal with such quality and quantity of food. Little surprise during my busy work break. 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-07-27
384 浏览
如果想系大埔區優閒地吃早餐,我必定會揀新達廣場的Euro go go。這裡地方大,座位寬敞,早餐種類也算多👍🏻。我通常都係叫牛角酥加蕃茄通心粉早餐配咖啡,今日就飲奶茶。湯通粉系暖上,如果熱上更好,湯有蕃茄和香草味,牛角酥🥐系一整大個,夠香脆!而且附上果醬和牛油,茶上後吃特別好味!餐廳的咖啡系即磨咖啡,味道0 K,大杯裝,估不到奶茶也不比茶記差,有茶香,奶適中,好過很多快餐店的奶茶味道,有驚喜!餐廳通常不會滿座,枱與枱之間距離闊,坐得很舒服,職員亦不會催促客人離開,所以我可以在這處輕鬆舒服地享受一頓豐盛美味早餐。 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-07-07
298 浏览
第一次食唔知跟餐有咩配搭,counter 妹妹好有耐性講解,清晰易明👍🏻問pizza 半個即幾大?有埋1:1 sample 比你睇,專業細心👍🏻前菜沙律🥗汁酸may may 好開胃,pizza 餅底勁脆,好食過「大集團」及「平民價」餐:沙律+半個pizza+熱咖啡 = $58呢個價錢食咁多嘢+好好味,抵🥹 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-05-25
307 浏览
下晝唔想食咁多野,想食少少野就算。去咗叫雞胸沙律🥗,仲有野飲同蒜蓉飽送。如果加$8仲可以叫返杯咖啡,chill 下。食物味道普通但正常。叫完野食就可以坐低等送餐,因為有專人個送過嚟。環境都唔錯,夠少人,唔嘈。 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-01-04
577 浏览
行完山同朋友試食,叫咗青醬鮮蝦菠菜意粉、蜜糖雞翼、千島醬海鮮pizza、甜品試咗香蕉酥,嘢飲係焦糖奶茶,青醬鮮蝦菠菜意粉非常驚喜,味道啱啱好,唔會過鹹,青醬同埋菠菜嘅味道好夾,蜜糖雞翼焗得啱啱好,完全唔會過老,蜜糖嘅甜度同埋份量亦都係啱啱好,值得encore,相反Pizza就顯得較為普通 🙆🏼‍♀️ 继续阅读
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