Restaurant: Crab Fairy (Lung Kong Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station; 港鐵宋皇臺站B3出口 continue reading
All Branches (6)
57903967 (WhatsApp)
The restaurant offers steam hot pot, accompanied by a variety of fresh seafood, among which the most attractive is the luxurious "Seafood Set", including Coral Grouper, Lobster, Abalone, Royal Clam, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (654)
今日收工好想食蒸海鮮,同事話之前食過九龍城有間蟹仙海鮮蒸氣鍋,老闆經營香港海鮮入口商批發超過30年,每日新鮮直運最靚海鮮到店舖,提供唔同套餐選擇,可以根據海鮮種類揀餐,聽落好吸引,一於去試吓先!🥢野生膏仔蟹蟹肉鮮甜滑嫩又Q彈,蟹膏極為香鮮,味道濃郁,啖啖飽滿結實!🥢台灣花尾龍躉片魚肉透白偏厚身,爽滑又鮮甜!🥢野生琵琶龍蝦新鮮龍蝦肉質緊實有彈性,食落香甜多汁,就咁清蒸已經好好食!🥢台灣九孔鮑魚呢款九孔鮑魚比起一般鮑魚嘅口感更加Q彈爽脆,味道鮮甜有咬口!🥢大西洋野生青口肥美野生青口啖啖肉,肉質彈牙嫩滑,味道鮮甜,肥厚又多汁!🥢加拿大野生海虎蝦大大隻野生海虎蝦口感爽滑彈牙,肉質飽滿蝦味濃郁!🥢韓國斧山珍珠蠔斧山珍珠蠔帶濃厚海洋氣息,鹹鮮味濃,蠔肉清甜爽口,味道鮮濃爽滑!🥢紐西蘭刀貝蚌刀貝蚌寧舍大隻,味道鹹鮮,入口煙韌夠哂彈牙!🥢蟹皇大元貝大元貝味道份外鮮甜,口感極佳~特別加入自家製蟹皇醬,鮮甜甘香又不帶膩感!🥢有機蔬菜籃有娃娃菜、生菜、粟米,最愛粟米香甜又多汁!之後店員會協助煮海鮮粥,加入排骨、香芋粒、粟米等~粥品索滿蒸海鮮既汁,味道特別香甜!最後仲送上椰汁雪燕,冰凍清香,為晚餐畫上完美句號。蟹仙海鮮蒸氣鍋地址:九龍城龍崗道2-4號地下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食新鮮靚海鮮,又懶得喺屋企搞一大輪又要洗🙈🙈梗係去📍蟹仙海鮮蒸氣鍋✨老闆係香港海鮮入口商經營批發逾30年,確保拎到最靚海鮮,更天天直接運到店鋪😋餐廳提供多款套餐選擇,價錢豐儉由人,今晚就揀咗個尊貴海鮮套餐,有成10樣嘢食,夠晒豐富🌟🔹野生膏仔蟹蒸完之後蟹膏呈橙黃色,賣相似蛋黃,超吸引🤩食落口感豐腴,鲜美軟糯,微微甜香超正🤟🏻🔹台灣花尾龍躉片肉質細嫩,魚肉嫩滑無骨,啖啖肉夠晒鮮美❤️🔹野生琵琶龍蝦新鮮龍蝦肉質細膩鮮甜,殼薄肉飽滿,龍蝦蝦肉質厚夠扎實,食落好滑脆👍🏻👍🏻🔹台灣九孔鮑魚第一次試台灣嘅九孔鮑魚,食落口感好紮實,Q彈得來好有嚼勁😍🔹大西洋野生青口野生青口大大隻,肉質嫩滑、鮮味無比,帶海水鹽香味,食落特別鮮甜🎊🔹加拿大野生海虎蝦野生海虎蝦脆嫩多汁,質感細膩彈牙,肉質富含高蛋白質,夠健康💗🔹韓國斧山珍珠蠔蠔肉軟滑、肥美飽滿,入口清甜多汁絕無腥味,食落好有口感✨🔹紐西蘭刀貝蚌體積夠哂大既刀貝蚌嫩滑爽口,含豐富礦物質,分外肥美,帶獨特海洋香氣🤟🏻🔹蟹皇大元貝大元貝含豐富蛋白質, 軟滑鮮香!面頭加入秘製蟹皇醬,鮮香味濃‼️🔹有機蔬菜籃有齊娃娃菜、生菜、粟米,有機食材更健康🥰最後由店員加入芋頭粒、排骨等配料熬製海鮮粥,滿滿蒸海鮮既精華,特別鮮甜又暖胃👍🏻 👍🏻店員仲送上椰汁冰糖雪燕糖水,口感細滑帶彈性,充滿椰香,滋補美顏一流🧏🏻‍♀️蟹仙海鮮蒸氣鍋✨📍九龍城龍崗道2-4號地下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-17
今次同朋友一齊嚟到蟹仙海鮮蒸氣鍋,試咗佢哋嘅「尊貴海鮮套餐」,真係好食到爆!「尊貴海鮮套餐」有野生膏仔蟹、野生琵琶龍蝦、大西洋野生青口同紐西蘭刀貝蚌等等,每樣都新鮮美味!係超級豪華既海鮮蒸氣鍋套餐!「尊貴海鮮套餐」入面有好多新鮮海鮮,老闆係香港海鮮入口商經營批發30年經驗,確保拎到最靚既海鮮,天天直接空運到每間店鋪,所以全部都超級新鮮!當中最推介既係野生膏仔蟹、野生琵琶龍蝦、紐西蘭刀貝蚌!野生膏仔蟹係有超級多膏,又香又滑真係唔講得笑,蟹肉鮮甜到~~野生琵琶龍蝦同樣係出色,今次係第一次食琵琶龍蝦,食落有d似龍蝦,又幾鮮味,同樣有膏實在太開心!紐西蘭刀貝蚌就大大隻啖啖肉,厚肉得黎唔會蒸過火,好爽甜!當然其他海鮮都一樣出色,原汁原味,好好食!最後會有有機蔬菜籃、同埋唔少得既精華海鮮粥!入面有晒所以海鮮既鮮甜味,加左粟米、芋頭粒、排骨,食完好暖胃好滿足!店員細心幫忙蒸海鮮更係經驗豐富,樣樣都時間岩岩好,做到完美無缺,真係一個食物體驗!如果你都係海鮮愛好者,絕對推薦你嚟試下佢哋嘅尊貴海鮮套餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-24
位於九龍城的這家蟹仙蒸氣海鮮,非常值得一試我們點了一份兩人餐:有太平洋饅頭蟹、野生琵琶龍蝦、九孔鮑魚、野生大赤蝦、大西洋野生青口、紐西蘭月亮貝、和韓國釜山珍珠蠔、聖子以及膏仔蟹!特別值得一提的是太平洋饅頭蟹,店員說不是常常有,外面亦難買到。 雖然外肉少,但勝在肉質鮮美,比一般品種的蟹還要鮮甜,而且蟹膏滿滿。而野生琵琶龍蝦則大啖肉,蝦肉緊實而富彈性,能夠整條脫出,一口品嘗甜肉。九孔鮑魚保留了鮑魚的原始鮮味和嚼勁,即使不點任何醬油,已夠鮮味。赤蝦蝦肉鮮甜,蝦頭多汁入味。青口、珍珠蠔和月亮貝有淡淡的海水鮮,肉質飽滿鮮甜。 重頭戲的膏仔蟹沒有令人失望。大大隻,啖啖肉,蟹香濃郁,滿意!服務方面,店員的態度非常友好和專業。他們對每種海鮮的特點和最佳食用方式都了如指掌,向我們一一介紹。還定時替我們清理盤上的海鮮殼,十分貼心。 最後,以海鮮汁煮成的粥亦十分鮮甜,配上菜脯、粟米、芋頭和香蔥,十分暖胃。 更有椰汁雪燕作為完美結束。如果想吃新鮮、原汁原味的海鮮,絕對值得一試。我強烈推薦給所有愛好海鮮的朋友們! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-01
The wild creamy crab was a standout dish, with its flavorful and tender meat that had a delightfully chewy texture. It was rich and creamy, with an abundance of delicious crab roe. 😋😋The Pacific mantis shrimp was exceptionally tender and had a sweet freshness to it, accompanied by a rich and intense crab roe. It was irresistible, making it difficult to stop eating. 😎The Australian greenlip abalone had a fresh and sweet taste, with a pleasantly crisp texture.The Taiwanese giant scallops were incredibly succulent, with a smooth and sweet flavor.The Japanese wild red shrimp was firm and had a delightful bounce to it, with a fresh and sweet taste. 🫡The Atlantic wild blue mussels were wonderfully sweet, with a fantastic texture.The New Zealand razor clams had a delicate and chewy texture, reminiscent of pearls from the ocean. 🐟The New Zealand moon scallops were exceptionally fresh, with a refreshing and satisfying texture.The moon scallops had a crisp and delightful texture, and they were bursting with delicious flavor.The Australian jumbo oysters were incredibly sweet and tasted superior to the regular oysters. They were also impressively large.The organic vegetables were fresh and expertly cooked, retaining their juiciness and natural flavors. It was a healthy and flavorful addition to the meal.Lastly, the congee base absorbed all the essence of the seafood, providing a comforting and savory finish.The luxurious seafood feast at Crab Fairy in Tsim Sha Tsui is truly worth experiencing. With its fresh seafood and perfectly cooked vegetables, it will undoubtedly bring you joy and satisfaction. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)