The Market

Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station continue reading
The Market is one of Hong Kong’s most renowned and popular restaurants, serves the world on a plate through a buffet of international classics from antipasti to laksas, curries to grilled meats. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Buffet Restaurant (2012-2016), Best Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui (2014-15)
Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
06:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel ICON Buffet Restaurant - The Market
設計概念源於極具香港特色的市場,賓客可盡嘗頂級亞洲及環球美食。餐廳設有多個開放式廚房,營造出充滿活力的氛圍。The Market 於OpenRice的專頁已累積達2萬人次瀏覽,並已連續九年於 OpenRice Hong Kong 開飯熱店大賞全民投票中,榮獲最優秀開飯自助餐餐廳殊榮。

【🌴 "All About Durian" Afternoon Tea Featuring D-Draja, D-168 and D-Putera☀️】
📣 Calling all Durian lovers: The highly anticipated "All About Durian" Afternoon Tea is back this summer☀️! Immerse yourself in the irresistible flavors of the king of fruits with our specially crafted menu, featuring authentic Malaysia-imported exquisite durian pulps and delicacies. 🫖Our meticulously curated 5-course afternoon tea set introduces new highlights, including the Double Boiled Baby Durian Soup and Durian Palmier, taking you on an exquisite journey through the realms of durian paradise😋. Indulge in the delectable Durian Pulp Platter, featuring the original Malaysian varieties of D-Draja, D-168 and D Putera🌴. Each bite of these durian varieties is a burst of irresistible goodness that will leave you craving for more. Treat yourself to the delightful Durian Dessert Buffet, featuring heavenly Mini Durian Tart 🥧 and our Signature Homemade Durian Ice Cream. Our buffet ensures that you won't leave until your durian cravings are fully satisfied!✨ 🌴"All About Durian" Afternoon Tea🌴 Period: 15 June - 29 September 2024 Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Prices: HK$468* per person; HK$798* two persons 📲Book your table fast and embark on a durian gastronomic adventure unlike any other! 👉🏻 *All prices are subject to 10% service charge. Please reserve your table at least 1 day in advance. More
About Reward Scheme
Review (920)
 The Market 出名榴槤甜品,特別係貓山王榴槤雪糕同榴槤奶凍。貓山王榴槤雪糕味道濃郁,榴槤味十足,口感綿密。榴槤奶凍亦都好滑,榴槤味道香濃,甜度適中,係榴槤控必試之選。 除咗榴槤甜品,仲有Godiva雪糕,呢個雪糕味道濃郁,朱古力味十足。榴槤卷亦都係一大亮點,榴槤餡料香濃,甜而不膩。  不過,The Market嘅凍海鮮就比較一般。凍龍蝦好乾,食落去好似食緊擦子膠,完全無海鮮鮮味。凍蟹腳亦都係解凍得麻麻地,無乜鮮味,呢方面有啲失望。  反而,The Market嘅roast beef同烤羊架就幾出色。roast beef煮得medium rare,肉味濃郁,口感嫩滑。烤羊架亦都煮得啱啱好,外脆內嫩,味道香濃,值得一試。 The Market嘅buffet要接近$1000一位,性價比實在太低。雖然有啲菜式好出色,但整體嚟講,呢個價錢未必符合所有人嘅期望。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-29
寫返3月份榴槤buffet嘅食評,基本上榴槤嘅食物都ok,不過其他完全唔ok.蟹腳浸太多鹽水,食一啖覺得再食落去可能會腎炎,唔知係咪貴野唔想客食太多。橙色類似蕃茄湯睇落好靚,放入口一陣焦味,同職員講,佢就扮聽唔到。再試吓中湯,好一般。 肉類一係鞋,一係無味。 比呢個價錢絕對唔值,比多少少去Grand Hyatt好過,起碼人地真係比返對得住價錢嘅質素比你。 聽講呢間酒店係Poly U 訓練酒店系學生嘅,就算係咁都無理由咁難食,今次實在令我太失望。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-10
Hotel Icon - The Market @hoteliconhk ♥️全香港最好食Buffet之一♥️推介度4.4/5 ♥️♥️♥️💕午餐$428/人 | 晚餐 $858/人 (星期一至四)午餐$688/人 | 晚餐 $908/人 (星期五至日) 大部分菜式都好岩食♥️ 極快Refill!清理碗碟速度快,排食物唔需要太耐,龍蝦,鵝肝,蟹腳 大推♥️我唔係榴槤Fan, 唔評論相關甜品~但甜品款式都好多,仲有Godiva雪糕~任飲既果汁~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-24
平安夜想食好啲,諗起好耐冇食過自助餐,諗住撞下彩睇下即日有冇得book,點知又真係俾我book到the market🤣🤣18.30準時入座,佢刺穿同冷盤都唔錯,但熟食真係一言難盡…唔多款可以揀榴連蓉任食,有小小榴連甜品我覺得名過其實,唔係話太好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日同個friend一齊嚟呢間食出名嘅榴槤放題🥰🥰🥰首先就會介紹返啲榴槤先啦,佢有五六隻唔同嘅榴槤啊係唔同品種同來源地,工作人就會介紹返食邊一隻先,例如由苦到甜咁樣食🍽️係好明顯食到好多唔同嘅品種同味道啦,有啲有偏苦,榴槤好新鮮❤️之後仲有呢個龍蝦菜式呢個龍蝦不得不讚呀,肉質好彈牙好好食食過返尋味😋同同埋佢會其實提前剝好啲皮只係需要將個叉拮落去已經可以食到啦,成個服務好貼心👍🏻同埋個龍蝦本身嘅醬汁都配得好好好match食落唔錯最後大讚嘅係呢個榴槤雪糕🍦呢個榴槤雪糕唔係平時啲化學制味啦,佢係真係有啲果肉嘅雪糕喺入面嘅,食落雪糕係有少少似芭菲嘅,但係都可以食到好順滑,仲要係任食囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)