8-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
It imports seasonal Japanese ingredients to serve fresh dishes, such as skewers and sashimi. The Japanese style design is comfy. In addition, there is an IG-able wall painting mixed with cat and Japanese themes. continue reading
Additional Information
地鐵中環站D2出口 步行約8分鐘
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
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Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (214)
Level4 2024-04-24
友人終於歐遊完返黎,約食飯兼送上手信。為咗方便佢放工過黎,飯聚於中環比較就腳,提出想食日本嘢。呢間當區居酒屋價錢以中環黎講算親民貼地昏暗燈光,坐位靠牆兩側,無日式七彩燈籠作裝飾,只有特色推介食物黑板掛於牆上。伴隨係半玻璃窗廚房及開放式酒吧。下雨晚上除咗悶,仲有濕同熱,當呢一刻遇上呢客梅子蕃茄 ($58),食完當場身心舒暢。飽滿多汁嘅蕃茄已經去皮,浸淫係甜中帶微酸嘅梅子汁入面,完全入晒味,凍食好醒神又開胃。見隔離幾枱都有叫呢客螢光魷魚漬 ($58),細細隻面頭加上薑蓉夾住薑蓉食先食到有薑味,魷魚漬口感煙韌,帶點咸香,送酒都唔錯。以鷄皮做餃子皮都係第一次食,呢客雞皮餃子 ($60)一客4隻,外型有別於一般嘅餃子。另上自家製醬汁,味道似沙律醬不過係薄身D,襯煎炸類食物係適合嘅。食完餃子,到佢嘅”皮”…………….鷄皮 ($38)燒得無晒皮下脂肪,只剩下香脆,似鷄皮味嘅脆片。鷄類代表唔好停,鷄翼 ($45),雞軟骨 ($35)及鷄頸肉 ($35)又岩岩燒好啦。只睇外表都令人想食,燒鷄翼….我鍾意食,皮香肉嫩,調味岩岩好唔會某D位會好咸。鷄軟骨係軟骨之間連住鷄肉,一啖有兩種唔同口感。只食鷄又唔得嘅,用蔬菜做串燒作間場,點咗秋葵($38)同甜薯($28),唔會燒到收晒水份,只加添香味。海鮮類出場,先有三文魚腩串 ($38),切成條狀串住再燒,腩位嘅油份被”迫”出來,軟嫩嘅魚肉帶點油脂香,加上連帶少少脆感嘅魚皮,另一番口感。再黎帆立貝串 ($52),唧上沙律醬及及汁燒過。有點厚度嘅主體,香甜鬆軟,加埋醬汁食有點似層相識嘅味道………………..係大阪燒呀,哈哈……帶點厚切油揚 ($38),揸住竹籤食都無問題,燒到外脆內嫩,再汁燒一下,甜甜地好味道。加點澱粉質,明太子芝士醬薯條 ($58)真係超邪惡,無辧法唔一條駁一條。居酒屋食物就係可以點多幾款,慢慢叫,慢慢食,慢慢飲,享受一下放輕鬆感覺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-18
唔係上網見到都唔知有間居酒屋喺度,雖然喺中環,諗住會好細間坐得好迫,但原來都算坐得舒服!餐廳有好多串燒嘅選擇,價錢適中,值得一試。🍴唐揚雞軟骨 ($58)🍴梅子蕃茄 ($58) 🍴螢光魷魚漬 ($58)🍴牛蒡片 ($45)🍴豬頸肉 ($48)🍴雞肉大蔥 ($38)🍴免治雞肉棒 ($58)🍴三文魚腩串 ($38)🍴帆立貝串 ($52)🍴辣炒牛肉烏冬 ($108)開胃菜梅子蕃茄食得出好新鮮,酸酸地好開胃。螢光魷魚就細細條,不過有少少鯹。雞軟骨就細細粒脆卜卜,唔錯。串燒方面我地都叫左好多款,全部都即叫即燒,所以都要等15分鐘先上菜。免治雞肉棒d肉整得幾實,唔會好鬆散,唔錯!最後個炒牛肉烏冬都幾唔錯,唔食得辣嘅朋友最好唔好叫,因為都算辣,不過辣得嚟會令到人好想繼續食!煙煙韌韌好惹味,推薦!.............................. 星橋居酒屋地址📍: 中環嘉咸街35-39號嘉豪大廈地舖總評分: 8.4/10 .............................. 味道😋: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫環境👀: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務👨🏻‍🍳: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️衛生🧹: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫抵食💰: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
和朋友相約在中環,想找家餐廳吃飯聊天談心,於是朋友帶我到她公司附近位於蘇豪區的一家居酒屋。 店員超級好禮貌,地方寬敞坐得舒服,裝修有點像家庭風,十分溫馨。牆身油畫好靚,問了店員才知道原來是出自本地插畫家"BAO" 的手筆。餐牌內菜式種類蠻多,前菜刺身、壽司串燒、天婦羅及主食一應具全。般佐酒小食或串燒幾十元已有交易,在這區來說價位算很合理。梅子蕃茄上菜時碟嘅中間有一粒梅子,蕃茄很新鮮,將蕃茄醃制得酸酸甜甜,食落好開胃。煮牛筋牛筋同日本白蘿蔔炆得夠腍身好入味,醬汁微甜很合我口味,配合黃芥辣一齊食可解油膩。唐揚雞軟骨即叫即炸,炸得皮香脆可口,內里仍很嫩, 軟骨很脆口,可配合店家準備的沙律醬及檸檬一齊食,口感更清新 。串燒雞肉大蔥,雞翼,免治雞肉棒, 九條蔥豚肉卷, 帆立貝。雞肉大蔥,九條蔥豚肉卷和雞翼以簡單的鹽燒,燒得微焦很惹味、嫩滑多汁,啖出天然原味道。免治雞肉棒肉汁滿滿,配埋日本蛋黃一齊食更香更滑!帆立貝真系非常得我心, 燒得剛剛好,入口非常軟滑,大大粒啖啖肉,充滿海鮮的香氣。松葉蟹膏蟹肉炒飯將松葉蟹拆膏拆肉來炒飯,蟹味很濃郁。炒飯夠乾身,炒得粒粒分明,很有鑊氣,配埋飛魚子,口感層次更加分明,真的很滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍣 Recently, I had the pleasure of dining at HOSHI HASHI IZAKAYA, a delightful Japanese tavern in the heart of Central. The overall dining experience was truly exceptional, with a wide array of delectable dishes that left a lasting impression. Here are the highlights from our meal:1️⃣ 雞肉大蔥 Chicken n Onion $38:Savor the succulent flavors of tender chicken and fragrant onions in this simple yet satisfying dish.2️⃣ 螢光魷魚漬 Salted Squid $58:Indulge in the perfectly seasoned and tender salted squid, a delightful combination of texture and taste.3️⃣ 雞皮餃子 Dumplings $60:These dumplings are a must-try, with their crispy and flavorful chicken skin wrapping the savory filling.4️⃣ 油甘魚鮫 Grilled Collar $138:Experience the exquisite flavors of the grilled collar, with its tender and juicy meat that melts in your mouth.5️⃣ 雞軟骨 Cartilage $35:Enjoy the unique and delightful texture of the chicken cartilage, expertly prepared to perfection.6️⃣ 雞頸肉 Neck Meat $35:Indulge in the flavorful and juicy chicken neck meat, a true delight for meat lovers.7️⃣ 雞翼 Chicken Wings $45:Satisfy your cravings with the mouthwatering chicken wings, perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection.8️⃣ 免治雞肉棒 Chicken Stick $58:This dish is a crowd favorite, with its tender chicken meat complemented by a delightful chewiness from soft bones.9️⃣ 三文魚腩串 Salmon Belly $38:Experience the rich and buttery flavors of the salmon belly, grilled to perfection and bursting with freshness.🔟 油揚 Tofu $38:Indulge in the crispy yet silky texture of the deep-fried tofu, a delightful accompaniment to the other dishes.💰 The total bill for our party of two came to $597, including a 10% service charge.✨ HOSHI HASHI IZAKAYA in Central truly delivers an exceptional dining experience with its wide range of delicious and well-prepared Japanese dishes. From the tender chicken to the flavorful seafood, each bite is a testament to the culinary expertise of the restaurant. Whether you're a fan of Japanese cuisine or simply seeking a memorable dining experience, HOSHI HASHI IZAKAYA is definitely worth a visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-21
家住新界區. 返工港島區每次拖住疲倦身軀返工.仲要買餸煮飯.真係辛苦過返工當同事講一齊食飯吹水.即刻應約最緊要係公司附近.食完返家朋友介紹星橋居酒屋店內細細簡潔食物選擇都不少朋友以熟練手法點了幾款因為減肥. 不宜在晚間吃太飽所以點了8款豬牛雞海鮮齊備鍾意居酒屋可以飲下酒. 食小食吹下水.超RELAX雞軟骨不是平日食一粒粒既雞軟骨師傅用雞胸位置的軟骨.因為軟骨之間有肉而且胸肉比其他部位雞味較濃肉質相對”鞋” 當雞肉配上軟骨可以中和口感之餘.更可以享受雞肉濃味.加上 用微燒下. 帶出骨中油份.減少肉質”鞋”感朋友仔ORDER 呢個煮牛筋. 必食牛筋不同範圍口感大大不同(爽, 淋同有根位置) 一次過滿足晒.味道包括蘿白全入味. 抵讚籮白冇”渣”之後雞翼..細細隻, 但師傅好細心在雞翼背後加一刀.令肉質更入味及燒時, 更易熟銀雪魚. 至愛肉質 滑流又少骨加少粉沙律醬再配蟹肉炒飯.絕配看表面好似不是太多蟹肉.原來內藏好多蟹肉啖啖肉另外. 一款雞肉捧內藏雞肉豐富外.加了少許紫穌葉提升味道層次香脆外皮.沾上生雞蛋黃好味.油揚, 一直以為包壽司用原來是豆腐香煎加少少醬油蔥花不油膩感.帆立具串SIZE 不細.大隻, 而且厚肉一定要快食.涷左冇甘好食.整體質素不差 而味道比想像中好價錢都合理最緊要近公司.有時OT 都可以落黎食又多一個選擇介紹比同事. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)