5-min walk from Exit B2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
It is an oversea branch of Thailand Greyhound Café. The chef uses traditional cooking methods and innovatively blends different ingredients. Its signature dishes include Fried Rice with Dried Salty Fish and Salmon Carpaccio in Spicy Hot Sauce. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best South East Asian Restaurant (2016)
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
*Due to the pandemic, our opening hours may differ and are subjected to change. Kindly contact our restaurants for more information
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (448)
4PM on 16 May: The short waitress in black uniform started to take away my fork just after I paid the bill, while I was still sitting at the table and tried to use it to pack the food. And she almost grabbed it from my hand. There was no queue at the time and no any one waiting for the table. So I was very confused with her behaviour. I don’t think she intentionally to be unfriendly. But I believe she just ignored the customer’s needs and tried to finish her own task whatever. I’ve been this restaurant for several times during the afternoon time. Their service was ALWAYS under average level. They have a long menu, but the taste of the food is just so so. It is just a convenient place for grabbing some quick food. Def not a good place for someone who wants good service and quality. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-10
本身係Greyhound Café 忠實粉絲😊, 幾間分店都去過,但反而第一次到國際金融中心這間,母親節當日就帶媽咪試下🥰。 餐廳以工業風為主, 座位舒適。午餐🍽️ ~ 黃咖哩鮮海蝦$198、海鮮菠蘿炒飯$168、 黃咖哩海鮮炒河$138、 印度薄餅$28、 招牌椰子千層蛋糕$78、凍泰式奶茶$42、凍泰式咖啡$42。 🔺黃咖哩鮮海蝦🦐 ~ 餐牌賣相就幾靚, 但實物就好像差一點🤔。 幸好咖哩味幾香濃, 海蝦的肉質都新鮮。 🔺印度薄餅🥠 ~ 印度薄餅酥香好味😋, 用來拌黃咖哩一起吃。 🔺海鮮菠蘿炒飯🍍 ~ 有兩塊菠蘿, 炒飯味道普通。 🔺黃咖哩海鮮炒河🍝 ~ 炒河有鑊氣又幾惹味,但可惜份量偏小🤏🏻。 🔺凍泰式奶茶🥤 ~ 泰式奶茶香甜美味。 🔺凍泰式咖啡🥤 ~ 咖啡味道夠濃郁, 亦不會過甜。 🔺招牌椰子千層蛋糕🍰 ~ 這個千層蛋糕絕對是我最喜歡的, 裏面還有椰子蓉🥥, 甜度適中。 整體食物質素幾好😊, 當日可能是母親節的關係,店員主動地有禮跟我們說Happy Mother's Day☺️ 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這家餐廳的分店不少,我也吃過幾次 (剛好都是陪朋友吃),這家分店在繁忙時間也常常要排隊等候❈午餐-散叫 A La Carte❈☞ 泰式蒜茸虎蝦🍤配白飯🍚 Fried Tiger Prawns w/ Thai Spices & Rice HK$168 | 評分:8.5/10滿滿的蝦舖在飯上很吸睛,蝦的顏色鮮豔,有8隻,肉質彈牙嫩口,有蝦的鮮味,沾了蒜蓉回味無窮,也可加點青檸檬汁增添風味很香的蒜蓉味,鹹度剛好,很下飯白飯粒粒分明但也不乾另外還有例湯份量足以前有喝過它們的飲料,賣相好但味道都不太喜歡。。。❈總括❈環境寛敞舒適,空氣流通,感覺亦衛生食物的賣相、口感和味道都不錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-03-22
😵‍💫Very disappointed dining experience at Thai restaurant Greyhound Cafe 今日要去中環開會,就去咗IFC食lunch, 12:00嘅時間周圍都係人,一早揀好間餐廳。以為計劃得好好,唔使同人爭位⋯點知。食咗一間史上食過最難食嘅泰國菜。🤢先講吓呢間餐廳嘅背景,佢係源於泰國,係一個時裝牌子再1997進駐泰國飲食市場,而家喺香港都有好多唔同嘅分店,或者唔係每一間嘅水準都咁差,但係呢間就⋯⋯黃咖喱大頭蝦 $362食咗第一啖之後非常失望黃咖喱冇咖喱或者香草既味道,得個甜字,而且蝦都係冇味,就好似係烹調嘅過程中先用水煮熟,再放上咖喱汁擺碟!唔知我嘅形容,大家感受到嗎?🥲自家秘製醬汁炆豬手$288都係一個後悔之選,所謂自製醬汁既口味我會形容為一個普通嘅鹹味,冇層次嘅口味,平時有煮開嘢食嘅朋友都會知道,炆煮過程,利用多種香料可以豐富個味道嘅層次,明顯這調味唔夠而且食落去豬手有種雪藏so味😖,真係好傷心。$325 /Per one 其實選擇真係有好多。Greyhound Café 中環港景街1號國際金融中心1樓1082舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-01-04
放假一個人去吃午餐,曾經去過中環IFC呢間泰國菜多次覺得食物質素很好,所以價錢雖然唔算平,再次幫襯。今次叫咗泰式海鮮意粉.一如既往, 食物質素好好。海鮮新鮮,泰式煮法嘅醬汁掛滿每條意粉,口感豐富,真好味.今次份量比較少,好像兩啖已經食完。百多元嘅價錢,性價比就唔算太高了。但服務質素一般,其中一名服務員態度十分惡劣。當送上意粉嘅時候態度已經無緣無故地差,好像在發脾氣。因為我好鍾意食辣,隨即問她攞辣椒仔 Tabasco加辣。首先她當作聽唔到行咗去。其後我舉手示意要取辣椒仔,她凶神惡煞遞給我,更跟我說呢碟意粉已經係辣。當時已經係1:50pm,其實人流已經不多,她嘅態度惡劣嘅程度簡直不能接受。令到我食呢份午餐嘅興緻之已經影響哂。所以連食物相都冇心情影。總括來說,餐廳其實食物質素係唔錯。唯獨是服務員態度要再作培訓。相信會再去幫襯,但唔會再去呢間分店。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)