港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
Visa Master 現金
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食評 (45)
等級1 2024-05-19
21 瀏覽
下就3:30去到就話乜甜品都賣晒,都真係好失望!唔通下次食之前要打電話問下先?正常岩岩先下午茶時間,點會咩都冇晒啊?好差!呢間都真係冇下次,想食既人就要留意反啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-05-05
49 瀏覽
在附近吃午餐手套必須要來杯後咖啡才算完美週末,小店位置不容易找,找亦5分鐘才知道門口。裏面非常日式,點了三杯咖啡,環境舒適,可以待一個午後。見到有人吃午餐意粉,下次可以嘗試下。去餐廳我比較在意廁所,小店的廁所很在意衛生,用Aesop洗手液,本人表示很讚賞! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-14
190 瀏覽
Check out our tranquil escape in the heart of Central! Milligram Coffee, a Japanese-inspired vintage café, has truly refreshed us from the inside out. ✨✨🌸 The moment we laid our eyes on this charming black façade amidst the bustling city, we couldn’t resist stepping inside. Milligram Coffee exudes a nostalgic ambiance reminiscent of Japan’s Taisho era, captivating passersby to explore its hidden treasures. With a gentle push, the curtain at the entrance reveals a sanctuary nestled within the urban chaos. 🏯📸 Once inside, we were greeted by warm brown and black wooden furnishings, smooth stones, and lush green plants. The natural elements cast a soothing spell, instantly capturing our attention and transporting us to a hidden oasis within the city. Every corner was meticulously adorned, from the rustic wooden tables and chairs to the cozy Japanese-style seating area by the window, accompanied by green potted plants. Even before indulging in their delightful food and beverages, we were treated to a visual feast. 🍵🍽Their matcha latte alone won our hearts. Matcha enthusiasts will find solace in this delicious creation. Apart from matcha, they offer options like hand drip coffee and we there is detailed description on them. We can also choose our own glass to enjoy the coffee. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🎍🧧隨著新春假期接近尾聲, 當然要搵番間可以令身心靈放鬆的咖啡店再充一充電來迎接未來新一年的機遇和挑戰啦!這次介紹的餐廳位於中環區地鐵站A2出口步行五分鐘左右就到, 十分方便❗餐廳門前掛了一匹紅布其印上公司招牌相當搶眼, 門面周邊的木板充滿著日本復古的裝潢, 有點似進食廚師發辦的感覺🤔。當掀起紅布本人已被一棵在餐廳正中央的綠楓樹吸引, 除此之外每個各落仲有不同的植物及乾花放在餐廳不同位置, 襌意感十足令人有種遠離煩囂的感覺, 在此地可以靜靜享受咖啡, 享受跟友人閒談的時光十分舒服😌。還有一種令人猶如置身🇯🇵日本的感覺, 相當不錯。以下是跟友人點了的食物和飲料🤩Tofu Cheesecake🧀豆腐乳酪蛋糕, 餐廳主打的蛋糕相當值得推薦的食物, 當切開蛋糕時糕身不容易塌下亦唔會好快溶掉證明蛋糕製作時成份比例處理得恰到好處。 每食一啖都感到淡淡的豆味散發在口腔每個位置, 雖然係芝士蛋糕但完全唔覺得膩會每一口接一口味道認真不錯😋。Basque Cheesecake🧀巴斯克乳酪蛋糕, 這是西班牙巴斯克地區的一種乳酪蛋糕, 其特點是只加入極少量的小麥粉幫蛋糕定型, 其口感極像真正的乳酪一樣潮濕鬆軟, 所以外觀容易塌下和易溶, 面層黑色的是焦黑的芝士, 這蛋糕味道較濃更適合配搭味道偏果香香的咖啡作餐飲, 味道會十分夾的😙。🇨🇴 COLOMBIA - El Diviso Ombligon ☕ 原粒發酵日曬・咖啡豆來源地:🇨🇴哥倫比亞・烘焙度:淺中度烘焙・咖啡風味:藍莓 紫羅蘭 櫻桃 雜莓雖然這杯手沖加了冰, 但味道也飲到偏酸的果香味, 尾段有淡淡的花香亦有種茶感。如果熱飲應該味道會更出更有層次。🇸🇻 El SALVADOR Geisha ☕ 藝伎咖啡・咖啡豆來源地:🇸🇻 薩爾瓦多・烘焙度:淺中度烘焙・咖啡風味:紅葡萄 西班牙國果酒 紅糖這杯熱飲的手沖咖啡其味道較為鮮明的是葡萄味道, 反而飲到尾段紅糖味道也不太突出。 不過每個咖啡師的製法不同也會影響咖啡豆特顯味道的地方, 這咖啡豆味道也屬於偏果味的一種, 而藝伎咖啡也屬於較高級的咖啡品種之一。Piccolo這杯咖啡可以話係鮮奶咖啡的進階版, 其咖啡容量較鮮奶咖啡多, 所以容易品嚐到咖啡的味道又不失牛奶的存在感, 這杯咖啡味道香濃加了牛奶後令咖啡味道再醇厚一點, 不錯之選。Long Black / Ice Long Black貌似中式涼茶的咖啡其實味道相當有層次, 無論凍飲或熱飲也會令平平無其的咖啡豆為味蕾帶來不同的口感, 亦會為咖啡迷帶來一杯精神的良藥😆。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🌳 A Japanese-style retro café, very quiet, with a small tree  at the center of the shop, giving it a Zen-like atmosphere. 🍴 Recommended: "Mizu Shingen Mochi" ($75) is the signature dish of the establishment. A must-try.😋Food Quality: The food is delicious, but the portion sizes may not be sufficient for men. 💰 Price per person: Approximately $200, but if you want a more generous portion, it's advisable to budget a little more.🪑 Environment: The layout is spacious, with well-separated seats that provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. It's not uncommon to see people bringing books to leisurely read.🍳Service: The staff are diligent and friendly, willing to communicate with customers.🚇 Transportation: It's a short walk from Sheung Wan/ Central MTR Station. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)