餐廳: 陶源中菜


港鐵康城站 B 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
位於將軍澳的廣東酒樓,裝修走現代風格,淺色雲石地板配上空間感十足的設計,令人感到舒適。酒樓提供點心、廣東小食如陳皮紅豆沙,主食有清蒸東星班仔、花膠響螺湯等上等粵菜。 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 23:00
08:00 - 23:00
08:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 銀聯 微信支付
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食評 (102)
今日放假同爹哋媽咪一齊去食陶源酒家的享用下午茶。我們點了叉燒酥、中式菜肉包、香煎蘿蔔糕、雀籠點心,還有上湯蝦球湯伊麵!整體來說,叉燒酥真是好吃,外皮鬆脆可口👍🏼,而我爸爸最喜歡京式菜包,那麵粉感覺似饅頭的表皮甜甜地,內裏豬肉餡好味道又不膩口。至於上湯蝦球伊麵,裡面的三粒蝦球十分美味,湯汁與麵條完美搭配。最讓人驚喜的是下午茶鳥籠,第一層有兩個紅棗糕和朱古力奶皇包,第二層則有兩個可愛的芋頭酥和兩個精緻的啤梨鹹水角,最底層則有兩件蝦餃、兩件鮑魚燒賣和兩件粉果。這份下午茶絕對值得推薦,因為蝦餃美味而且做工精細,鮑魚燒賣肉質鮮美,不油膩,粉果味道好好😌食。值得一讚:今天的用餐體驗真是讓人感到幸福,服務員照顧周到,另外因點心太豐富,我們叫服務員提供外賣盒把剩下的食物打包回家,哈哈哈!😂😂😂叉燒酥 $21.00京式菜肉包 $15.80香煎蘿蔔糕 $18.80雀籠點心 $138.00上湯蝦球湯伊麵 $35.80陶源酒家地址:新界將軍澳康城路1號康城第四層418號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Daylight robbery with a cult culture.This restaurant is all around incompetent from food to staffs. Their business model seems to be focused on targeting lonely elderly who are prone to their hard selling techniques. 0 stars for the overcooked, flavourless and stale food costing $200 for every very average dish (ie dishes that don’t involve expensive ingredients like seafood).Examples: $298 for one small chickenExperience this week coming here twice while I visited my family in hk:- Lunch: staffs kept interfering with our personal conversations and commented on my appearance. Staffs going around with leftover dim sum and tried to push it to my father who cared about his ego so much in front of his “friends” aka the staffs- Dinner: when new customers come in the staffs immediately went around with their trolleys containing super expensive seafood including gigantic crabs and lobsters and tried to hard sell them to the customers. The crab they showed us was $998 and my father once again, found it hard to say no and I had to be the bad person rejecting.Hygiene: -5 stars. The bathroom is a health hazard. Pee on the floor in the stalls. Bathroom hygiene 100% indicates the hygiene of the restaurant. I did not want to come here at all. The total bill came to $1200 for 1 soup and 5 dishes and i literally felt robbed. I would’ve gone to a way more decent and higher end restaurant with the money spent.Conclusion:The restaurant operates like a cult to lonely elderly customers who care too much about their ego. They won’t even provide any benefit or discounts even you build relationships with their staffs and buy into their crappy food and service. The staffs should stay professional and keep a distance from their customers. Put your company’s effort on your food. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
簡直不知所謂,經網上平台購買外賣片皮鴨,餐廳其實一早已經知道有多少隻賣咗,幾時有客來攞,但完全沒有準備,一路話處理唔到個QR code,一直入唔到單,沒有靈活嘅處理辦法,後來攞片皮鴨嘅人越來越多,就更加處理唔到訂單,年三十晚真係唔想大發雷霆,餐廳嘅經理完全唔知點處理,愛埋不理,真係十分之嬲。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-31
321 瀏覽
今日去咗陶源酒家食飲茶,一開始嗌咗壺茉莉花香片,茶香撲鼻,真係好似喺花園企咁。慳嘴說啲點心,點咗個花鳥聚陶源,真係睇落就開心。🌿原隻鮑魚燒賣有驚喜,嘗到佢嘅鮑魚味濃郁,肉質彈牙,攪得我一啖又一啖。蝦餃晶瑩剔透,咬落爽口彈牙,每啖都有蝦鮮味。啲姬松茸遼參粉果好特別,菌菇香氣同遼參滋味夾硬正!🍄喺中間樓層嗰啲安格斯牛天鵝酥好出彩,想像中嘅牛肉嘅香味飄香口腔,牛味汁香同酥皮真係絕配。咸水角都過癮,小梨子造型咸香迷人,包裏頭嘅餡料又夠味。最頂層嘅朱古力奶皇包,呢個真係攪到我停唔到口,朱古力同奶皇嘅組合,甜而唔膩,啖啖幸福。🍫最後,我仲試咗碳燒西班牙黑豚腩,外皮焦香,腩肉嫩滑又juicy,貪心食多兩件都唔覺肉厚。而鮑汁鳳爪腍滑入味,整個午餐滿足哂!來這邊食,真係心情大好,好似擁有咗一個小小嘅飲茶天地,實供食得開心,有得喺朋友面前班門弄斧炫耀吓,下次仲會再嚟!🤤👌🏼🍽️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-12-31
296 瀏覽
I had a highly disappointing dining experience at Sportful Garden Restaurant. The entire staff demonstrated a shocking level of irresponsibility, with no one willing to assist customers, including the managers and the table cleaning staff. Instead of addressing issues and offering help, they displayed a complete lack of interest and even responded with a poor attitude. Overall, my visit was dreadful, and I encourage others to carefully consider their dining options before choosing this establishment. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)